Exam 3 Flashcards
control system which uses chemical messengers called hormones
endocrine system
- Consists of widely scattered endocrine glands
- Regulates important processes in the body
endocrine system
major processes regulated by endocrine system
- Reproduction
- Growth and development
- Mobilization of body defenses
- Maintenance of electrolytes and water balance
- Cellular metabolism and energy balance
- ________- leptin
o Regulates food intake
o Suppresses appetite
Adipose tissue
- _______- gastrin, secretin
o Stimulates movements and secretions of digestive system
Digestive system
- ______- erythropoietin
o Stimulates red blood cell production
- _________– ANP
o Decreases sodium reabsorption by kidneys and lowers BP and BV
____-vitamin D
skin, liver, kidney
- ________- hCG, estrogen, progesterone, prostaglandins
o hCG- hormone of pregnancy
o Prostaglandins- labor contraction
carried by blood, act on distant target cells
- Circulating hormones (long distance hormones) -
- are ductless
- secrete into interstitial fluid
endocrine glands
do not circulate in blood
- Local Horemons
target neighboring cells
- prostaglandins
- interleukin-2
target the same cells that made the hormones
- interleukin- 2
chemical classes of hormones
- Lipid soluble
- Water soluble
- Eicosanoids
steroids and thyroid hormone
amines (modified single amino acid) , peptides (short chains of amino acids), and proteins (large molecules made of amino acids)
(usually local hormones) - made from arachidonic acid (fatty acid) , released from cell membranes
a. Ex. Prostaglandins, leukotrienes (local inflammation)
Ovaries (estrogen)
Testes (testosterone)
Adrenal cortex
insulin and growth hormone
use Direct Gene Activation- can diffuse across cell membranes
- Lipid- soluble hormones
use Second Messenger Activation- can not cross cell membranes
- Water-soluble hormone
Direct Gene Activation by Lipid-Soluble hormones:
- Hormone diffuses through plasma membrane
- Binds to receptor inside the target cell
- Transcription of a specific gene
- New protein is made by cell (translation)
Second Messenger Activation by Water-Soluble hormones:
- Hormone (1st messenger) binds to receptor on target cell surface
- This causes a 2nd messenger to be made inside the cell
a. Example: cyclic AMP
- 2nd messenger activates protein kinase
- Protein kinase activates a protein
responds to an imbalance in the body fluid
o Ex. Parathyroid gland secretes parathyroid hormone (PTH)
o Hypothalamus secretes ADH
- Humoral stimulus-
responds to the nervous system
o Ex. CNS stimulates Epinephrine and norepinephrine
- Neural stimulus-
responds to a hormone from another endocrine gland
o Ex. Pituitary gland makes TSH -targets thyroid gland
o Pituitary gland makes ACTH – targets adrenal gland
- Hormonal stimulus (most common) -
makes water-soluble hormones
hypothalamus and pituitary gland
bundle of axons in the central nervous system
o The hypothalamic-hypophyseal tract is the neural connection between hypothalamus and posterior pituitary
- Neurohypophysis- posterior pituitary and infundibulum
o The hypophyseal portal vein is the vascular connection between the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary
- Adenohypophysis- anterior pituitary
The hypothalamus makes 2 hormones that are sent by the hypothalamic-hypophyseal tract to the posterior pituitary:
ADH and Oxytocin
o Effect: Increases facultative water reabsorption, kidenys produce small volume of concentrated urine.
o Stimulus: humoral stimulus (dehydration) osmolarity goes up
o Effect: Stimulates labor contractions, milk is released from mammary glands
Then these 2 hormones are secreted into the blood from the posterior pituitary
oxytocin and ADH
The hypothalamus makes hormones that are transported by the hypophyseal portal veins to the anterior pituitary:
- releasing hormones (RH)
- inhibiting hormones (IH)
o Effect: hormonally stimulate the anterior pituitary to secrete a specific hormone
releasing hormone (RH)
o Effect: hormonally inhibits the anterior pituitary from secreting a specific hormone
inhibiting hormone (IH)
Water-soluble hormones are secreted from the anterior pituitary in response to ____or ____secreted from the hypothalamus:
RH and IH
stimulates growth, development of body cells
Growth Hormone (GH)
stimulates the thyroid gland to secrete the thyroid hormone
thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)
stimulates the adrenal cortex to secrete many steroids
stimulates production of gametes (egg, sperm)
FSH- targets ovaries, testis
stimulates production of sex hormones
LH- targets ovaries, testis
stimulates mammary glands to produce and store breastmilk
a. Largest major endocrine gland
b. Stores 2-3 months of thyroglobulin- storage form of thyroid hormone
c. TH is the body’s main metabolic hormone
thyroid gland
The thyroid gland consists of 2 different kins of hormone-secreting cells:
- Follicular cells-make, store, and secrete TH (lipid-soluble hormone)
o Stimulus: hormonal stimulus by TSH
- Parafollicular cells- make calcitonin (water soluble)
Thyroid hormone is a mixture of T3 and T4:
- T3 (triiodothyronine) has 3 iodines attached to cross-linked tyrosine
- T4 (thyroxine) has 4 iodines attached to cross-linked tyrosines
· Increase basal metabolic rate (BMR)- rate of energy use during rest
· Maintains BP
· Regulates normal growth and development
effects of TH (t3 and t4)
· Secreted by parafollicular cells of the thyroid glands
o Effect: lowers blood Ca+2
o Stimulus: humoral stimulus (too much calcium in blood)
- not called thyroid hormone even though secreted by the thyroid gland
Calcitonin is a water-soluble hormone
- secretes water-soluble parathyroid hormone (PTH)
o Effect: raises blood calcium
o Stimulus: Humoral stimulus (too little calcium in blood) (low blood calcium)
parathyroid gland
respond to stressors- Ex: being sick (physical stress) (emotional stress)
adrenal glands
- secretes steroids- helps with long term stressors
o Stimulus: hormonal stimulus by ACTH(AC=adrenal cortex)
Adrenal cortext
secretes water-soluble hormones- helps with short term stressors
o Stimulus: Neural stimulus by sympathetic
Adrenal medulla
secretes mineralocorticoids (regulate mineral and water balance), mainly Aldosterone (most abundant).
§ Effects: increase in sodium reabsorption, increase blood volume increase blood pressure
- Zona glomerulosa
secrets glucocorticoids (regulates energy balance), mainly cortisol.
§ Effects: Regulates blood glucose (sugar), high levels suppress immune system
- Zona fasciculata
secretes gonadocorticoids (affect gonads (ovaries, testes), mainly weak androgens.
§ Effects: stimulates onset of puberty
Zona reticularis
adrenal medulla secretes was and what are the effects
- Epinephrine
o Effects: blood glucose increase, heart rate increases, airways dilate
- Norepinephrine
o Effects: vasoconstriction, raises blood pressure
(exocrine and endocrine gland):
o 99% of cells are acinar cells- produce digestive enzymes (exocrine)
o 1% of cells make water-soluble hormones that regulate blood glucose (endocrine):
- Alpha Cella
-Beta Cells
make glucagon
· Effects: raises blood glucose
Alpha cells (a)
make insulin
- effects: lowers blood glucose
beta cells (b)
secrete estrogen and progesterone (steroids)
secrete testosterone (steroid)