Exam 3 Flashcards
Have mo muscle cells at all , rooted to the ground, They don’t move from place to place.
Jelly Fishes
Have muscles that contract to squeeze a fluid full activity, powering movement by jet propulsion.
Have limbs for locomotion which are powered by the coordinated actions of muscles attached to internal skeleton.
same as Mammals but their skeleton is external.
what are the majority of all animal species?
What organism is closely related to animals?
a group of single cell Eukaryotes
are mostly unicellular, whereas animals are multicellular.
Is not unique feature of animal, plants and Fungi are also Multicellular.
animals, gaining energy and carbon from preformed organic molecules.
Important- separates animals from plants!!!
what do animals cells lack?
Cell wall, allowing cells to move during development and in the adult animal.
What is the difference between animals and plants?
Animals have a pattern of early embryological developments that begins with a hollow ball of cells called the blastula and includes the movement of embryonic cells , usually to form a gastrula. A process unique to animals.
are Multicellular heterotrophic eukarotyes with a distinctive mode of early development.
sponges, an animal phylum characterized by few cell types, not wall defined tissues and no clearly defined plane of symmetry.
A phylum characterized by radical symmetry, two germ tissues in the embryo, a close internal gastric cavity and well developed tissues but not organs includes Jellyfishes, sea anemones and corals.
Most other animals, including insects, humans and snails shows bilateral symmetry.
Movement of Bilateral symmetry
are able to move horizontal to capture pray, find shelter and escape from enemy
A concentration of nervous system components at the end of the body.
Key feature of body plan of most bilaterian animal, including vertebrate.
The formation of discrete repeating parts or segment in the developing body of many animals.
Drosopphila Melanogaster
Fruit fly, have head, thorax and abdomen.
What three animals are known for showing segmented body plan?
arthropods( insects, spiders, and crustaceans)
segmented annelids
segmented worms
Why has segmentation evolve?
adaptation to higher mobility.
Describe animal in which the embryo the embryo have two germ layer, the endoderm and ectoderm, from which the adult tissues develop.
Describes animals in which the embryo have three germ layer with the mesoderm between the endoderm and ectoderm.