Exam 3 Flashcards
What is anomia?
Difficult word retrieval
What is aphasia?
Impairment in processing language
* Ability to speak and/or understand
* Intelligence not affected
* Damage to brain
* CVA or head trauma
* Often left side
What is dysarthia?
- Impaired ability to articulate speech
- Damage to neurological system
How many ppl age 65 and over have vision impairment?
Leading causes of vision impairment?
- Age-related macular degeneration
- Cataract
- Glaucoma
- Diabetic Retinopathy
- Optic Nerve atrophy
Manifestations of glaucoma?
- Initially none (early dz)
- Reduced peripheral vision (subtle at initially)
- Tunnel vision
- Blurred vision
- Halos around lights
- Eye or brow pain
What is the leading cause of blindess?
What are diagnostics for glaucoma?
vision exam, tonometry (tests IOP)
Treatment for glaucoma?
Reduce IOP
* Surgery
* Argon laser trabeculoplasty (ALT)
* Opens outflow channels
Medications for glaucoma?
PO or eye gtts
* Lower IOP by increasing drainage of AH or reducing AH production
* Beta blocker gtt first line tx
Prevention for glaucoma?
- Yearly eye exam for 65 and over
- Report any eye s/sx immediately
- African Americans at higher risk (yearly exams younger)
Interventions for glaucoma?
- Eye provider follow up
- Ongoing questions and vision testing
- Care surrounding medication mgmt
Manifestations of cataracts?
- Clouding of lens
- Absent red reflex or appear black
- Appearance of halos around objects *
- Blurred vision
- Yellow tint to vision
- Sensitivity to glare
Treatment for cataracts?
Surgical replacement of lens (plastic)
* When vision 20/50 or worse
* QOL or safety an issue
* Outpatient
* One eye at a time
Nurse peri-op for cataract surgery?
- Prepare for changes in vision post-op
- Avoid heavy lifting, straining, and bending
- Eye drops
- Eye shield
Risk factors for mac degen?
- UV light
- Cigarette smoking
- Light-colored eyes
Manifestations of mac degen?
- Blurred and dark vision
- Scotomas
- Blind spots
- Metamorphopsia
- Vision distortion
Diagnosis of mac degen?
- Drusen seen on opthalmoscopy
- Fundus photography
- IV angiography and fluorescein
Nursing care for mac degen?
- Promotion
- After age 40 – dilated eye exam q2yr
- After age 65 - eye exam yearly
- Supplements/Diet
- Vit C & E, beta-carotene, Zinc
- Dark green leafy veggies
- Smoking cessation
- Manage HTN and DM
- Sunglasses
- Hats
- Safety eye wear
- Interventions to utilize remaining vision
- Vision won’t return*
What is conductive hearing loss?
Vibrations can’t get to tympanic membrane or TM impaired
Causes of conductive hearing loss?
- Infection, otosclerosis, perforated TM, fluid in middle ear
- Cerumen impaction most common cause
- Cerumen thicker with age
- Higher risk: African American, hearing aids, men with increased ear hair
What is tinnitus?
Constant or intermittent
* Worsens with age
* Ringing, humming, buzzing,
roaring, hissing, etc.
* More common in men
risk factors for tinnitus?
- Presbycusis
- Loud noises
- Head and neck trauma
- Tumors
- Cerumen impaction
- CV disease
- Ototoxic meds
- Med SEs
- ASA most common
Treatment for tinnitus?
- Hearing aids
- Amplify sounds to drown tinnitus
- Electrostimulation, biofeedback, cochlear implants
- Hypnosis, acupuncture, chiropractic, medication tx