Exam 3 Flashcards
Which type of molecule contains -NH2 (amino) groups?
A scientist wants to perform a test that will indicate whether a nucleic acid sample is composed of either RNA or DNA. Testing for the presence of what is the most appropriate in this situation?
Answers include: nitrogen, thymine, phosphate, uracil, guanine
Structurally, ATP is most like which type of molecule?
nucleic acid
Which molecule is composed of a chain of amino acids?
Most amino acids found in cells demonstrate what type of chirality (direction of rotation)?
Identify the two functional groups that interact to form peptide bonds?
Answers include combinations of: amino, carboxyl, ester, and hydroxyl groups
amino group and carboxyl group
Genetic change in bacteria can be brought about by:
Answers include combinations of: mutation, conjugation, transformation, transduction
all of them; mutation, conjugation, transformation, transduction
In the figure, if base 4 is adenine, what is 4’?
In the figure, if base 4 is adenine, what is 11’?
A gene is defined as?
* transcribed DNA,
* sequence in RNA,
* any segment of DNA,
* sequence of DNA that codes for a functional product,
* three nucleotides that code for an amino acid
sequence of DNA that codes for a functional product
Which of the following is NOT a product of transcription?
* mRNA, rRNA, a new strand of DNA, tRNA
is NOT a new strand of DNA
An enzyme produced in response to the presence of a substrate is called a(n)
inducible enzyme
Transformation is the transfer of DNA from a donor to a recipient cell as/by?
as naked DNA in solution
Synthesis of a repressible enzyme is stopped by (the binding of what)?
corepressor-repressor complex binding to the operator
Conjugation differs from reproduction because conjugation how?
* transcribes, copies, replicates, transfers vertically, transfers horizontally
transfers DNA horizontally, to nearby cells without those cells undergoing replication
The mechanism by which the presence of glucose inhibits the lac operon is?
catabolic repression
An enzyme that makes covalent bonds between Okazaki fragments in the lagging strand of DNA being replicated is?
DNA ligase
An enzyme that unwinds the double-helix of the DNA is?
DNA helicase
An enzyme that copies DNA to make a molecule of RNA is?
RNA polymerase
In the figure, which model correctly shows RNA polymerase, lactose, and repressor protein when the structural genes are being transcribed?
d (lactose bound to repressor)
True or false. In the Ames test, wild-type bacteria are exposed to mutagenic substances to measure the rate of mutation development.
False (it is mutation correction)
In the figure, the enzyme in step 1 is?
RNA polymerase
In the figure, the enzyme in step 2 is?
reverse transcriptase
If you have inserted a gene in the Ti plasmid, the next step in genetic engineering is?
inserting the Ti plasmid into Agrobacterium
(to make many more)
Biotechnology involves what?
Answers include combinations of: the use of microorganisms to make desired products, the use of animal ells to make vaccines, and the development of disease-resistant crop plants
all of them; the use of microorganisms to make desired products, the use of animal ells to make vaccines, and the development of disease-resistant crop plants
Which of the following is NOT a desired characteristic of DNA vectors used in gene cloning?
large size
The most important property of a DNA vector is?
its ability to replicate within the cell
An advantage of cDNA over genomic DNA is that it?
lacks introns
Which enzyme could cut this strand of DNA?
A population of genetically identical cells carrying a desired plasmid (vector) is called a?
You want to determine whether a person has a certain mutant gene. The process involves using a primer and a heat-stable DNA polymerase. This process/technique is?
Assume you have discovered a cell that produces a lipase that works in cold water for laundry additive. You can increase the efficiency of this enzyme by changing one amino acid. This is done by?
site-directed mutagenesis
The use of an antibiotic-resistance gene on a plasmid used in genetic engineering makes (what possible)?
direct selection possible
Which of the following processes is NOT involved in making cDNA?
* RNA processing to remove introns, translation, reverse transcription, transcription?
Restriction enzymes function as?
* animal enzymes, viral enzymes, or bacterial enzymes
* splice RNA, or destroy DNA
bacterial enzymes that destroy phage DNA
(in nature, not in bioengineering)
What exactly is shown in the figure? Provide the SPECIFIC NAME:
The study of genetic material taken directly from the environment is called what?
While (blank) is/are responsible for the diversity of life, (blank) is responsible for shaping the population with organisms possessing the characteristics that enhance survival.
Answers are a combination of: DNA, microbes, mutations, properties, rDNA, selection, vectors
mutations; selection
True or False. The Bt toxin derived from Bacillus thuringiensis has been introduced into some crop plants to make them resistant to inset destruction.
Mutations are (blank) changes in the structure of a gene.
* beneficial, neutral, or deleterious
all are true
True or false. Bioinformatics is the use of computer technology to compare and analyze genome sequence.
True or false. One of the first commercial successes of recombinant DNA technology was the production of human insulin using genetically engineered coli.
True or false. Electroporation is removal of cell walls from two bacteria to allow them to fuse.
(not removal, makes holes)
Which of the following statements about viral spikes is FALSE?
* The bind to receptors on the host cell surface.
Which of the following statements about viral spikes is FALSE?
* They are found only on nonenveloped viruses
Which of the following statements about viral spikes is FALSE?
* They are composed of carbohydrate-protein complexes
Which of the following statements about viral spikes is FALSE?
* They are used for attachment
In the figure, which structure is a “complex virus”?
The morphological types of viruses illustrated are ultimately determined by the?
nucleic acid
True or false. Viroids are enveloped DNA viruses.
A clear area against a confluent lawn of bacteria is called a?
An infectious protein is
* viroid, retrovirus, papovirus, bavcteriophage, prion
A viral envelope is acquired during which of the following steps?
A virus’s ability to infect an animal cell depends primarily upon the?
presence of receptor sites on the cell membrane
The mechan ism whereby an enveloped virus leaves a host cell is called?
Bacteriophage replication differs from animal virus replication because only bacteriophage replication involves?
* injection of naked nucleic acid into the host cell
* lysis of the host cell
* replication of viral nucleic acid
* assembly of viral components
* adsorption to specific receptors
injection of naked nucleic acid into the host cell
Which is the correct order for DNA-virus replication?
2-DNA synthesis
2-DNA synthesis
Which of the following statements about viruses is FALSE?
* Viruses contain DNA or RNA but never both.
Which of the following statements about viruses is FALSE?
* Viruses use the anabolic machinery of the cell
Which of the following statements about viruses is FALSE?
* Viruses contain a protein coat
Which of the following statements about viruses is FALSE?
* Viruses use their own catabolic enzymes
Which of the following statements about viruses is FALSE?
* Viruses have genes
A lytic virus has infected a patient. Which of the following would best describe what is happening inside the patient?
Answers describe if cells are dying, dying slowly, releasing small amounts of virus, and incorporating its nucleic acid with host cells
The virus is causing the death of the infected cells in the patient.
Some viruses, such as human herpesvirus 1, infect a cell without causing symptoms. These are called?
* slow, latent, phage, lytic, or unconventional viruses
latent viruses
Which is the third step during multiplication of herpesviruses?
Which is the fourth step during multiplication of retroviruses?
synthesis of double-stranded DNA
Oncogenic viruses (are/cause)?
cause tumors to develop
What is an oncogene?
an altered form of a gene that may induce cancer
True or false. Helical and icosahedral are terms used to describe the shapes of a virus envelope.
The figure shows the life-cycle of HIV-1. Match: viral proteins are processed by viral protease; some of the viral proteins are moved to the host plasma membrane.
6 (next to last)
The figure shows the life-cycle of HIV-1. Match: mature retrovirus leaves the host cell, acquiring an envelope and attachment spikes as it buds out.
7 (final step)
The figure shows the life-cycle of HIV-1. Match: Reverse transcriptase copies viral RNA to produce double-stranded DNA.
3 (second image)
The figure shows the life-cycle of HIV-1. Match: Uncoating releases the two viral RNA strands and the viral enzymes reverse transcriptase, integrase, and protease.
2 (arrow leading away from first image)
Which is mismatched?
* DNA polymerase - DNA from DNA template
* RNA polymerase - RNA from RNA template
* DNA ligase - joins DNA
* transposase - cuts DNA
RNA polymerase DOES NOT make a molecule of RNA from an RNA template
DNA is constructed of?
(strands of what in what configuration)
two strands of nucleotides running in an antiparallel configuration
According to the operon model, for the synthesis of an inducible enzyme to occur, the:
* end product must not be in excess
* substrate must bind to the enzyme
* repressor must not be synthesized
* substrate must bind to the repressor
* repressor must bind to the operator
substrate must bind to the repressor
Transduction requires a(n) (blank) to move DNA from one bacterial cell to another.
(this does the moving to another cell)
The reaction acalyzed by reverse transcriptase is:
mRNA –> cDNA
The field of proteomics concerns itself with what?
determining all of the proteins expressed by a cell
What is the correct order for the PCR procedure?
1-94C to denature strands
2-72C for DNA synthesis
3-60C for primer hybridization
1-94C to denature strands
3-60C for primer hybridization
2-72C for DNA synthesis
A restriction fragment is a what?
Answers include segments of: tRNA, DNA, genes, mRNA, rRNA
a segment of DNA
Which of the following is NOT used as a criterion to classify viruses?
* morphology, nucleic acid, biochemical tests, size, capsomeres
biochemical tests (are NOT used to classify viruses)
The definition of lysogeny is:
phage DNA is incorporated into host cell DNA
Which of the following is necessary for replication of a prion?
* PrPSc, DNA, lysozyme, RNA, DNA polymerase
Which virus causes cold sores?
Human Herpes Simplex Virus-1
True or false. DNA viruses replicate/multiply mostly in the cytoplasm of the host cell using RNA-dependent RNA polymerase.
In the figure below, does the restriction enzyme create blunt or sticky ends?
Prions (cause/do what)?
misfold normal proteins
Viroids are what?
small pieces of RNA
You have a small gene that you wish to replicate by PCR. After 4 cycles, how many double-stranded DNA molecules do you have?
The Human Genome Project, which was completed in 2003, was focused on what?
determining the NUCLEOTIDE SEQUENCE of the entire human genome
Which of the following is NOT a desired characteristic of DNA vectors used in gene cloning procedures?
large size
Translation of mRNA begins at the start codon:
Codons are groups of (number) mRNA nucleotides that code for a particular amino acid.
During bacterial DNA replication, which enzyme unwinds the double-stranded DNA?
In (blank) two chromosomes break and rejoin, resulting in the insertion of foreign DNA into the chromosome.
crossing over
The (blank) of a protein structure occurs when the helix or sheet folds irregularly, forming disulfide bridges, hydrogen bonds, and ionic bonds between amino acids in the chain.