Exam 2 - Upper Limb Arteries Flashcards
Internal thoracic a. - origin
inferior surface of first part of subclavian a.
Thyrocervical trunk a. - origin
anterior surface of first part of subclavian a.
internal thoracic a. - course
- descends, inclining anteromedially
- posterior to sternal end of clavicle and 1st costal cartilage
- enters thorax
Thyrocervical trunk a. - course
- ascends as a short, stout trunk
- gives rise to 4 branches: suprascap., ascending cervical, inferior thyroid a.’s, and cervicodorsal trunk
Suprascapular a. - origin
thyrocervical trunk
Suprascapular a. - course
- passes inferolaterally crossing anterior scalene muscle, phrenic n., subclavian a., and brachial plexus running laterally posterior and parallel to clavicle
- then passes over transverse scap. ligament to supraspinous fossa
- then lateral to scap. spine (deep to acromion) to infraspinous fossa on posterior surface of scap.
Superior thoracic a. - origin
first part (as a branch) of axillary a.
Thoraco-acromial a. - origin
second part (first branch) of axillary a.
Lateral thoracic a. - origin
second part (second branch) of axillary a.
Circumflex humeral (ant. and post.) a. - origin
third part (sometimes via a common trunk) of axillary a.
Subscapular a. - origin
third part (largest branch of any part) of axillary a.
Superior thoracic a. - course
- runs anteromedially along superior border of pec. minor
- then passes between it and pec. major to thoracic wall
- helps supply 1st and 2nd intercostal spaces and superior part of serratus anterior
Thoraco-acromial a. - course
- curls around superomedial border of pec. minor
- pierces costacoracoid membrane
- divides into 4 branches: pectoral, deltoid, acromial, and clavicular
Lateral thoracic a. - course
- descends along axillary border of pec. minor
- follows it onto thoracic wall, supplying lateral aspect of breast
Circumflex humeral (ant. and post.) a. - course
- encircle surgical neck of humerus, anastomosing with each other laterally
- larger posterior branch traverses quadrangular space
Subscapular a. - course
- descends from level of inferior border of subscapularis along lateral border of scap.
- dividing within 2-3 cm into terminal branches: circumflex scap. a. and thoracodorsal a.
Circumflex scapular a. - origin
subscapular a.
Thoracodorsal a. - origin
subscapular a.
Circumflex scapular a. - course
- curves around lateral border of scap. to enter infraspinous fossa, anastomosing with suprascap. a.
Thoracodorsal a. - course
- continues course of subscapular a., descending with thoracodorsal n. to enter apex of Latissimus dorsi
Profunda brachii a. (deep artery of arm) - origin
near its origin of brachial a.
Superior ulnar collateral a. - origin
near middle of arm of brachial a.
Inferior ulnar collateral a. - origin
superior to medial epicondyle of humerus of brachial a.
Profunda brachii a. - course
- accompanies radial n. along radial groove of humerus
- supplying posterior compartment of arm and participating in periarticular arterial anastomoses around elbow joint
Superior ulnar collateral a. - course
- accompanies ulnar n. to posterior aspect of elbow
- anastomoses with posterior ulnar recurrent a.
Inferior ulnar collateral a. - course
-passes anterior to medial epicondyle of humerus to anastomoses with anterior ulnar collateral a.
Dorsal scapular n. - origin
- posterior aspect of anterior ramus of C5
- frequent contribution from C4
Dorsal scapular n. - course
- pierces middle scalene
- descends deep to levator scap and rhomboids
Dorsal scapular n. - structures innervated
- rhomboids
- occasionally levator scap
Long thoracic n. - origin
posterior aspect of anterior rami of C5-C7
Long thoracic n. - course
- passes through cervico-axillary canal, descending posterior to C8 and T1 roots of plexus (anterior rami)
- runs inferiorly on superficial surface of serratus anterior
Long thoracic n. - structures innervated
serratus anterior
Suprascapular n. - origin
- superior trunk, receiving fibers from C5-6, and often C4
Suprascapular n. - course
- passes laterally across lateral cervical region (posterior triangle of neck), superior to brachial plexus
- then through scapular notch inferior to superior transverse scapular ligament
Suprascapular n. - structures innervated
- supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles
- glenohumeral joint
Subclavian n. - origin
superior trunk, receiving fibers from C5-6, and often C4
Subclavian n. - course
- descends posterior to clavicle and anterior to brachial plexus and subclavian a.
- often giving an accessory root to phrenic n.
Subclavian n. - structures innervated
- subclavius and SC joint (accessory phrenic root innervates diaphragm)
Lateral pectoral n. - origin
side branch of lateral cord, receiving fibers from C5-C7
Lateral pectoral n. - course
- pierces costocoracoid membrane to reach deep surface of pectoral muscles
- a communicating branch to medial pectoral n. passes anterior to axillary a. and v.
Lateral pectoral n. - structures innervated
- primarily pec major
- some fibers pass to pec. minor via branch to medial pectoral n.
Musculocutaneous n. - origin
terminal branch of lateral cord, receiving fibers from C5-C7
Musculocutaneous n. - course
- exits axilla by piercing coracobrachialis
- descends between biceps brachii and brachialis and supplying both
- continues as lateral cutaneous n. of forearm