Bones/ Cardio Flashcards
Long bones
tubular (example - humerus)
Bone markings
appear wherever tendons, ligaments, and fascias are attached or where arteries enter bones
Bone markings - tuberosity
large rounded elevation
Convergent muscles
arise from a broad area and converge to form a single tendon (pec major)
Multihead or multibellied muscles
have more than one head of attachment or more than one contractile belly (triceps brachii)
Bone markings - fossa
hollow or depressed area
Bone markings - epicondyle
eminence superior or adjacent to a condyle (lateral epicondyle of humerus)
Bone markings - trochanter
large blunt elevation
Sesamoid bones
develop in certain tendons, are found where tendons cross ends of long bones in limbs; protect tendons from excessive wear, often change angle of tendons as they pass to attachments
Bone markings - crest
ridge of bone (iliac crest)
Flat muscles
parallel fibers with an aponeurosis (external oblique, sartorius)
Flat bones
serve protective functions (flat bones of cranium protect brain)
Irregular bones
various shapes other than long, short, or flat (bones of face)
Bone markings - groove
elongated depression or furrow
Quadrate muscles
4 equal sides (rectus abdominus)
Bone markings - process
extension or protrusion serving a particular purpose, having a characteristic shape or extending in a particular direction (SP of vertebra)
Bone markings - head
large, round articular end
Bone markings - trochlea
spool-like articular process or process that acts as a pulley
Bone markings - notch
indentation at the edge of a bone
Bone markings - line
linear elevation, sometimes called a ridge
Short bones
cuboidal and found only in tarsus (ankle) and carpus (wrist)
Hinge joint
permits flexion and extension only, movement that occurs in only one plane (elbow)
Bone markings - neck
relatively narrow portion proximal to head
Circular or sphincteral muscles
surround a body opening or orifice, constricting when contracted (oblicularis oculi)
Pennate muscles
feather-like in arrangement of fascicles and may be uni, (extensor digitorum longus) bi (rectus femoris), or multi (deltoid)
Plane joint
permits gliding/ sliding movement in plane or articular surfaces (AC & SC joint)
Ball and Socket joint
allows movement in multiple axes and planes (flex, ext, add, abd, medial and lateral rotation, circumduction) (hip)
Bone markings - capitulum
small, round, articular head (capitulum of humerus)
Bone markings - spine
thorn-like process (spine of scap)
Bone markings - Foramen
passage through a bone (intervertebral foramen)
Bone markings - malleolus
rounded process
Pivot joint
permits rotation around a central axis, uniaxial (C1 vertebra rotates around C2 dens)
Saddle joint
permits abduction and adduction + flexion and extension, movements occurring around 2 axes at right angles (metacarpal joint at base of thumb)
Bone markings - body
principal mass of a bone (shaft of long bones; weight-bearing portion of vertebrae)
Bone markings - shaft
diaphysis or body of a long bone
Fusiform muscles
spindle-shaped with a round, thick belly and tapered ends (biceps brachii)
Bone markings - protuberance
bulge or projection of bone
Bone markings - tubercle
small raised eminence
Bone markings - facet
smooth, flat area, usually covered in cartilage, where a bone articulates with another bone (costal facet)
Bone markings - condyle
rounded, knuckle-like articular area, often occurs in pairs (lateral and medial femoral condyle)