Exam 2 TextBook Flashcards
What are the Three Dimensions of Persuasion?
- Attitude Change
- Behavior Change
- Persistent Change
What is the Drench Hypothesis
the power of “critical images” to overwhelm the stereotypical ones that appear regularly. These images are the ones that stand out, are deviant, intense, and thus more important viewing experiences.
what is the drip drip hypothesis
media cultivation/effects emerge after steady, long-term exposure
what is the 6 principles of the weapons of influence
o reciprocity o commitment and consistency o social proof o liking o authority o scarcity
What are the characteristics of the source that can contribute to persuasiveness?
- Credibility
- Expertise
- Trustworthiness
What are the effects of simplicity and repetition on persuasion?
• Simplicity and repetition
o Ppl can become bored, persuasive impact decrease
o Need regular new life
What are the effects of humor on persuasion?
o If ppl are laughing, not thinking of msg.
o Distraction
what are the effects of fear on persuasion
o Protection motivation theory: fear convince audience of threat and their vulnerability to it → tell how to respond effectively to threat
o If audience sees that yielding to msg will be costly in some way, might not be effective
what are the effects of guilt on persuasion
o Works but also ppl tend to devalue ppl who make them feel guilty
o Can backfire
is subliminal persuasion effect
What does it mean when the results are due to a “placebo effect”?
- It is an illusory effect because no effects actually occurred.
- I.e. tape says “memory” on cover, subjects thought it increased their memory. Not true.
Know Cantor’s research findings about the fear responses of children in different age groups.
• 2-7yrs think perceptually
o respond to fear by characters that look grotesque and menacing
• 7+ years more conceptual/abstract thought
o more fear from events that could actually occur in real world
What is the difference between cognitive and non cognitive strategies to reduce fear in children?
- Cognitive: encourage children to think bout things they already know and relate them to the aspects of the movie that are scary
- Non-Cognitive: refrain from trying to encourage child to think about source of fear → use distractions, avoid.
What might account for the fact that certain fear reactions to media have long-term effects.
- The theory of excitation transfer: entire arousal system kicks into gear.
- Heart rate, blood pressure, muscle tension, etc, arousal doesn’t return to baseline quickly
Why do certain individuals actually enjoy frightening media?
- Excitation Transfer: this arousal intensifies any emotion that a person feels, this positive emotion at the end of film can be intense.
- Might have minor relief film s over, kind of euphoria