Exam 2: Respiration & Phonation Flashcards
Boyle’s Law
Shows that, at a constant temperature, the product of the pressure and volume of a given mass (lungs) of an ideal gas (air), assuming a closed system (respiratory system), is always constant
most important muscle of inspirations (main inspiratory muscle)
- divides the thorax and the abdomen
- dome-shaped
- higher on the right than left
Intercostal Muscles
located between the ribs
Divided into
- external intercostals
- internal intercostals
- subcostals (intracostals)
- transversus thoracis
3 Muscular Components of the Diaphragm
- sternal
- costal
- vertebral
3 Openings of the Diaphragm
- Aortic hiatus
- Esophageal hiatus
- Foramen vena cava
External Intercostals
- Stronger than internal
- 11 on either side
- occupy space between the ribs
- contraction raises the ribs
- extends from the tubercles of the ribs dorsally to a region near the cartilages of the ribs ventrally (anterior intercostal membranes)
External Intercostal’s action:
External Intercostal Insertion:
upper border of rib below
External Intercostal Origin:
lower border of ribs
External Intercostal Antagonist
intercostals interni muscles
Internal Intercostals
- lie deep to the external intercostals
- 11
- extends from the anterior limits of intercostal spaces
- the angle of the rib posteriorly continues to the vertebral column as thin aponeurosis (posterior intercostal membranes)
Internal Intercostal Actions:
Hold the ribs steady, exhalation
Internal Intercostal Origin:
Rib- inferior border
Internal Intercostal Insertion:
Rib- superior border
Subcostals (intracostals)
- lines the back of the thorax
- lateral to the tubercles of the ribs
- course same as internal intercostals
- not confined to one intercostal space
- may skip on end then insert
Transversus Thoracis
- Irregular muscles
- vary in attachments
- thin
- fan-shaped
- fibers course upward and outward
Transversus Thoracis Origin & Insertion
Origin: from the posterior surface of the body and the sternum, from the posterior surfaces of the chondral portion of ribs 5-7
Insertion: lower borders an dinner surfaces of ribs 2-6
Mechanics of the Diaphragm
- When the muscle fibers are activated in isolation, they shorten, the dome of the diaphragm decends, plueral pressure falls, and abdominal pressure increases
- the ventral abdominal wall expands, but a large fraction of the rib cage contracts
- Expansion of the rib cage during inspiration is produced by the external intercostals in the dorsal portion of the rostral interspaces, the intercartilaginous portion of the internal intercostals are also inspiratory in function.
- by elevating the ribs and causing an additional fall in pressure, these muscles not only help the diaphragm expand, the chest wall, and the lung, but they also increase the load on the diaphragm and reduce the shortening of the diaphragmatic muscle fibers
- during expiratory efforts, activation of the abdominal muscle produces rise in Pab (abdominal pressure) that leads to a cranial displacement of the diaphragm into the pleural cavity and a rise in Ppl (pleural pressure)
- concomitant activation of the internal interosseous intercostals in the causal interspaces and the trangularis sterni during such efforts contracts the rib cage and helps the abdominal muscles deflate the lung
Actions of the intercostal muscles
- responsible for forced exhalation and quiet inhalations
- contribute to the rigidity of the thoracic wall
- prevent intercostal spaces from bulging in and out during breathing
- control space between ribs
Mechanics of external intercostals
- elevate the lower rib to which it is attached
- muscles of inspirations
- forms a class III lever
- Tends to raise the lower rib
- Greatly exceeds the force tending to lower the rib to the upper rib
Mechanics of internal intercostals
- lower the ribs
- muscles of expiration
- Forms a class III lever
- upper and lower rib, and elevating force applied to the lower rib exceeds the depressing force applied to the upper rib
quiet during restful inhalations
function: inspiration
coincides with diaphragm movement, consistently phasically active during restful inhalation
function: inspiration
The role of abdominal muscles
- during quiet breathing, there is little or no muscle contraction/relaxation involved in expiration (passive)
- process is simply driven by the elastic recoil of the lungs in healthy individuals
- the abdominal muscle and the internal and innermost intercostal muscles help expel air
4 mechanics of breathing
- quiet inhalation
- contraction of diaphragm
- intercostals
- scalene muscles
Mechanics of Breathing
- Increases the dimensions of the thorax in three planes
- Lungs follow thoracic wall movement
- Lungs expand, air flows from the outside inward until air pressure inside the lung is equal to that of outside air
- abdominal viscera is compressed
- diaphragm is decended
- Intra-abdominal pressure is elevated (inspiration)
- Muscles of inhalation cease activity gradually
- Lungs are fully inflated
- Restoring forces play a role
- Increase upward force agains diaphragm (abdominal viscera, elevated intraabdominal pressure, both are restoring forces)
- the lungs and thorax are expanded
- additional restoring forces come into play
- ribs = already been elevated and twisted. Will unwind…provide torque
- energy of position (potential energy) will be recovered in the form of motion (kinetic energy)
- Lung tissue is elastic (expiratory force)
- Linked to thoracic wall…exert progressive restoring force with increasing strethc
how the ribs twist and unwind when they start to restore
Adult respiratory cycle
active inhalation and passive exhalation cycle takes place 12x/min
500-750 cc of air exchanged each time
6-9 liters per minute
Pulmonary ventilation
inhalation and exhalation
Internal Respiration
exchange of gas between blood and other organs of the body
External Respiration
exchange of gas between lungs and trachobronchial tree
Lung Volumes
descrete values; no overlap between lung volumes
Lung Capacities
include two or more lung volumes
Inspiratory and Vital Capacities
measured directly
Functional residual capacity
quantity of air at resting expiratory level
Tidal Volume (TV)
volume of air inhaled and exhaled during any single expiratory cylcle
inhalation followed by exhalation
Range: 675-893cc- males
285-393cc- females
work demands an increase in oxygen expenditure
Inspiratory Reserve Volume (IRV)
quantity of air which can be inhaled beyond that inhaled in a tidal volume
Expiratory Reserve Volume (ERV)
amount of air that can be forcibly exhaled following quiet or passive exhalation
Residual Volume (RV)
quantity of air that remains in the lungs and airways even after a maximum exhalation
air that cannot be expelled
Remains in the lungs and airways after death
Cannot speak on residual air
prolonged shallow breathing results in accumulations of excessive carbon dioxide taking place in alveoli and blood stream. When this happens, an automatic and deep inhalation takes place (a yawn)
Inspiratory Capacity (IC)
maximum volume of air that can be inhaled from the resting expiratory level
tidal volume + inspiratory reserve
Vital Capacity (VC)
Quantity of air that can be exhaled after as deep an inhalation as possible
tidal volume + inspiratory reserve volume + expiratory reserve volume
“we’re going for the olympic record”
Functional Residual Capacity (FRC)
Quantity of air in the lungs and airways at the resting expiratory level
Expiratory reserve volume + residual volume
Total Lung Capacity (TLC)
Quantity of air that the lungs are capable of holding at the height of a maximum inhalation
Equal to the sum of all the volumes
Atmospheric air
79% Nitrogen
20% Oxygen
0.04 Carbon Dioxide
1L of O2 = body will consume about 200ml of oxygen. the rest is returned to the atmosphere
Use more oxygen during exercise.
Pulmonic Pressure
pressure inside the lungs
Atmospheric Pressure
760 mm Hg
Pressure Relationship
when inspiration begins, the lungs expand
Alveolar pressure falls below atmospheric @ height of inspiration
Lung Volumes Required for Speech
50% of air capacity is inhaled for speech purposes
With proper laryngeal function, overall range of lung volumes in which speed can be produced 35-70% VC
Chest Wall Preparation
Hixon (1973)
- Speech specific posturing of the rib cage and abdomen
- Rib cage is relatively more expanded for speech than when relaxed at the same lung volume
normal quiet breathing
increased depth of breathing; usually increased tidal volume with or without increase rate of breathing
when pulmonary ventilation approximates the volume of vital capacity, breathing becomes labored
cessation of breathing at the end of the normal expiration
occurs during sleep
cessation of breathing in the inspiratory position
a gradually increased tidal volume for several breaths, followed by several breaths with decreasing tidal volume
- cycle repeats itself
- common cause of cardiac failure
Biat’s respiration
a form of periodic breathing characterized by repeated sequences of deep gasps followed by apnea
very high cerebrospinal fluid pressure
destructive brain disease
pertaining to the arytenoid cartilage
pertaining to the cricoid cartilage
pertaining to the chin
pertaining to the tongue
pertaining to the hyoid bone
pertaining to muscles
pertaining to muslces
beside; to the side of
part of a larger anatomical structure
pertaining to the styloid process
pertaining to the thyroid cartilage
The Larynx
- principle structure for producing a vibrating air stream
- vocal folds are vibrating elements inside the larynx
- VF are part of the larynx
Vocal Folds
- Part of the larynx
- constitute the vibrating elements
- Rapid opening and closing periodically interrupts air stream to produce voice or glottal tone
Location of the Larynx
- form the superior terminal of the trachea
- unpaired
- midline
- musculocartilaginous structure
- anterior neck region
- Level of the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th vertebrae
- Changes position with age, sex, head position, and laryngeal activity
- located between the trachea inferiorly and the hyoid bone superiorly
Palpated Larynx
place fingers on the midline of the neck, just beneath the chin, index finger in the thyroid notch, fingernail will press upward against the hyoid bone
Vocal or Glottic tone
- produces by the vocal folds
- tone comes from inside the pharynx, oral cavity, and nasal cavity
- these three structures also “vibrate” or help to change the flow of air to make different “tones”
the vocal tract consists of
the laryngeal cavity, the pharynx, the oral cavity and the nasal cavity
Hyoid Bone
- Larynx is suspended from it
- superior to the larynx
- suspended by supra and infra hyoids
Biological Function of the Larynx
- intrinsic component of resp. system
- protective device for LRT
- acts as a valve
- prevents aie from escaping the lungs
- prevents foreign objects from entering the larynx
- forcefully expels foreign substances that threaten the larynx or trachea
Valving Function of the Larynx
- Helps activities demanding high abdominal pressure
- forced bowel or bladder evacuation
- heavy lifting
- expel foreign substance… violent explosion of air, active dilation of laryngeal valve (cough)
Non-biological Function of the Larynx:
- Sound production
- functions as a sound generator only when it is not fulfilling the vital biological functions
VF during quiet breathing
air stream is unimpeded as it flows in and out of the lungs
VF during deep breathing
- air stream is unimpeded
- VF may be to the maximum
- VF abducted
VF during voicing
- air stream set into vibration to produce a glottal tone
- generates rapid series of short-duration of air pulses
- excite supra-laryneal air column
- generation of the air pulses may be initiated
- VF adducting, moving medially
Is forced exhalation possible at virtually any lung volume?
1 cycle of vocal fold vibration
- VF adducted loosely
- Restrict air flow from lungs
- Forces of exhalation produce an increasing amount of air pressure beneath the folds.
- When this become sufficient, the vocal folds are blown apart, releasing a puff of air into the vocal tract.
- The release of air results in an immediate decrease in pressure beneath the vocal folds.
- Folds snap back into adducted position (ready to be blown apart again)
Glottal Stop
Forcibly approximating the VF to arrest of stop vibration of vocal folds
Glottal Attack/Glottal Stroke
- abrupt release of the adductor mechanism
- initiate vocal fold vibration suddenly
Supportive Framework of the Larynx
- U-shaped
- not directly attached to any other bone
- bound by complex system of…
-highly mobile
- muscles from the tongue and chin approach from above and in front
- Temporal bone muscles from above and behind
- extrinsic muscle from below
- Muscles that attach and suspend are called the…
3 Parts of the Hyoid Bone
- Body
- Greater horn (cornua)
- Lesser horn (cornu)
Anatomy of Hyoid Bone
- U-shaped
- quadrilateral shape
- located horizontally in the neck (3rd cervical vertibra)
- Limbs of the “U” are backward and slightly upward
- Posterior limbs, on on either side of the body are called the greater horns (cornua)
- the junction of a greater horn with the body is characterized by a superiorly directed, con-shaped prominence known as a lesser horn (cornu)
Hyoid Sling Muscles- Supra Hyoids
- Stylohyoid
- digastricus (post. belly)
- digastricus (ant. belly)
- Geniohyoid
- myloyoid
Stylohyoid: Origin & Insertion
Origin: styloid process
Insertion: hyoid bone
Digastricus (posterior belly): Origin & Insertion
Origin: Mastoid process
Insertion: hyoid bone
Digastricus (anterior belly): Origin & Insertion
Origin: Hyoid bone
Insertion: mandible
Geniohyoid: Origin & Insertion
Origin: Mandible
Insertion: Hyoid bone
Mylohyoid: Origin & Insertion
Origin: Mandible (all along)
Insertion: Midline raphe and hyoid
Hyoid sling Muscles- Infra Hyoids
- Thyrohyoid
- Sternohyoid
- Sternothyroid
- Omohyoid
Thyrohyoid: Origin & Insertion
Origin: Thyroid Cartilage
Insertion: Hyoid Bone
Sternohyoid: Origin & Insertion
Origin: Manubrium of the sternum
Insertion: Hyoid bone
Sternothyroid: Origin & Insertion
Origin: Manubrium of the sternum
Insertion: Thyroid cartilage
Omohyoid: Origin & Insertion
Origin: Superior border of the scapula
Insertion: Hyoid bone
Cartilaginous Framework of the Larynx
- 9 cartilages
- their connective ligaments and membranes
- hyaline or elastic cartilage
3 Main parts of thyroid cartilage
- Lamina
- Horns
- Notch
Parts of Thyroid Cartilage
- Thyroid Laminae
- Thyroid Notch
- Thyroid (laryngeal) prominence or Adam’s apple
- Superior cornu (horns)
- Inferior cornu (horns)
- Oblique line
- Foramen
Degree of thyroid in men and women
80 degrees in men
90 degrees in women
Parts of Cricoid Cartilage
- anterior arch
- posterior quadrate lamina (looks like signet ring)
- arch
- cricotracheal membrane/ligament
- articular facets
- diarthrodial pivot joints
Where is Cricoid Cartilage found?
found immediately above the uppermost tracheal ring
forms lower portion of laryngeal framework
articular facets on cricoid cartilage
for articulation with inferior horn of thyroid
diarthrodial pivot joints on cricoid cartilage
rotates cricotracheal ligament…attaches cricoid to the first tracheal ring
Arytenoid Cartilages
mainly hyaline cartilage
3 sided pyramidal shape
- base
- apex
- 3 surfaces
3 surfaces on Arytenoid Cartilage
- muscular process
- vocal process
- vocal ligament
Parts of the Epiglottis
(made of elastic cartilage)
- petiolus (little leg)
- thyroepiglottic ligament
- hyoepiglottic ligament
- median glossoepiglottic ligament
- lateral glossoepiglottic ligament
- fat pad
Petiolus of Epiglottis
little leg
in the area just beneath the thyroid notch—thyroepiglottic ligament
Where leaf-like portion of Epiglottis is broadest….
fastens to hyoid bone by elastic—hyoepiglottic ligament
Lateral glossoepiglottic ligament
at forward curve of anterior epiglottis, sides and root of tongue
Fat Pad
extends from hyoid bone to level of hyoid notch
Separates the epiglottis from hyoid and the epiglottis from hyoid and thyroid cartilages, laryngeal surface is concave
Endoscopic view of Epiglottis
- epiglottis appears concave
- anterior surface continues to the root of the tongue by the median and lateral glossoepiglottic ligaments
- two pits on either side of median glosseoepiglottic ligament of valecula seen between the root of the tongue, epiglottis
Function of Epiglottis
- Prevents food from entering the larynx during deglution
- snaps down over the entrance of the larynx during swallowing
- assists in directing the bolus toward the esophagus
- larynx elevates, hyoid bone moves anteriorly, the lateral hyoepiglottic ligaments act to depress the upper 1/3 of the epiglottis
- contributes little to speech production
- may modify laryngeal tone by producing changes in size and shape of laryngeal cavity.
- not vital for humans (vestigial structure)…more important for lower life-forms
2 distinct movement of epiglottis in covering laryngeal opening
- level of thyroid cartilage- moves from vertical rest postition to horizontal
- as bolus passes through the pharynx, brings upper 1/3 of epiglottis below horizontal
Corniculate Cartilages
sit on apex of arytenoid cartilages
conical elastic
horn-like shape
vestigial structures
Cuneiform Cartilages
- small
- mucus membranes that extend from the sides of the epiglottis to the apexes of the arytenoid cartilages (aryepiglottic folds)
- form entrance to the larynx
- imbedded in the aryepiglottic folds, anterior and lateral to coniculate cartilages
- paired, wedge shaped rods of elastic cartilages
- embedded in tissue, can be seen as highlighted elevations or swelling
- vestigial structures, may be supportive of aryepiglottic folds, maintain opening of larynx
2 Pairs of Laryngeal Joints
- Cricoarytenoid Joint
2. Cricothyroid Joint
Cricoarytenoid Joint
saddle joint that permits rocking motion and limited gliding
- cricoid articular facet
- arytenoid articular facet
- posterior cricoarytenoid ligament–restricts and dictates movement
- anterior cricoartytenoid ligament
Cricothyroid Joing
Pivot joint, lines with synovial membrane. Is bound by a capsular ligament which limits the joint movement
Ceratocricoid Ligaments (of Cricothyroid Joint)
- posterier
- lateral (conus elasticus)
- anterior
Mucous Membranes above the Larynx
continuous lining of the mouth and pharynx
Mucous Membranes below the larynx
- lining of the trachea
- rich in the mucous glands
- squamous epithelium: epiglottis, upper portion of posterior surface of epiglottis, upper portion of aryepiglottic folds
- columnar epithelium: remainder
Interior of the Larynx
extends from aditus laryngis to the inferior border of the cricoid cartilage
- laryngeal aditus
- pyriform sinus
- rima glottidis (glottic space)
Layrngeal aditus
entrance of the larynx
boundaries– epiglottis in front, aryepiglottic folds laterally, and the apexes of the arytenoid cartilages behind
Pyriform sinus
a deep depression on the larynx
lateral to aditus
Rima glottidis
- space between vocal folds (shelf-like)
- vocal folds and glottis is a reference point
- supra-glottic is between ventricular folds and the aditus- called the vestibule
- supra-glottic region is level of the vocal folds to the inferior margin of the cricoid cartilage
Function of extrinsic muscles in the larynx
- support the larynx
- fix larynx into position
- one attachment to structures outside the larynx
Attachments of intrinsic muscles in the larynx
have both attachments confined to the larynx
Extrinsic Muscles of the Larynx
- Sternothyroid
- Thyrohyoid
- Inferior Pharyngeal Constrictor
Sternothyroid Characteristics
- Extrinsic Laryngeal Muscle
- long, slender
- anterior neck
- almost completely covered by sternohyoid and omohyoid and lover 1/3 of sternocleidomastoid muscle
Sternothyroid Origin & Insertion
Origin: from the posterior surface of the manubrium of the sternum and from the first costal cartilage
Insertion: on the oblique tendon or line of the thyroid cartilage
Thryrohyoid Muscle Characteristics
- Extrinsic laryngeal muscle
- located in the anterior neck
- covered by the omohyoid and sternohyoid muscles
- greater part of origin on pericardium
Thyrohyoid Muscle function
decrease the distance between the thyroid cartilage and the hyoid bone
Inferior Pharnygeal Constrictor: Characteristics
- muscular tube called the pharynx extends from the base of the skull to the lower border of the cricoid cartilage, becomes continuous with esophagus
- fibers that arise form the cricoid have a horizontal course, known as cricopharyngeus muscle
- fibers that arise from thyroid have oblique upward course
- Fibers from each side meet at the middle; form a sphincer-like a tube
- Active during swallowing, for principle resonating cavity of the vocal mechanism
Inferior Pharyngeal Contrictor: Origin & Insertion
Origin: fibers of the lower potion are from the thyroid and cricoid cartilages
Digastric Muscle
- two bellies- anterior & posterior belly
- meet and are joined by intermediate tendon
- the tnedon is attached to the junction of the body and the greater horn of the hyoid bone
Digastric Muscle Function
raises hyoid bone
- if hyoid is fixed, assists in depression of lower jaw
- important in early stages of swallow
Stylohyoid: characteristics
long, slender muscle placed just superficially to the posterior belly of the digastric muscle
Stylohyoid: Origin & Insertion
Origin: posterior and lateral surface of the styloid process of the temporal bone
Insertion: into the body of the hyoid bone at it’s junction with the greater horn
just prior to reaching the hyoid bone, the muscle splits into 2 slips that pass, on eon either side of the intermediate tendon of the digastric
Mylohyoid Muscle: characteristics
- thin, troughlike sheet of muscle that forms the muscular floor of the mouth
- fibers arise along the extent of the mylohyoid line
- with the mandible fixed, contraction elevates the hyoid bone, the floor of the mouth, and the tongue
Geniohyoid Muscle: characteristics
paired cylindrical muscle located above the superior surface of the mylohyoid muscle
Geniohyoid: Origin & Insertion
Origin: short tendon, from the lower part of the mental symphysis
Diverges slightly back and downward…
Insertion: anterior surface of the body of the hyoid bone
Geniohyoid Function:
when mandible is fixed, pulls hyoid up and forward
Hyoglossus Muscle: characteristics
- extrinsic muscle of the tongue
- influences the position of the larynx indirectly
Hyoglussus: Origin & Insertion
Origin: upper border of the body and greater horns of the hyoid
Insertion: posterior and lateral regions of the tongue
Genioglossus: characteristics
- extrinsic muscle of the tongue
- influences the position of the larynx
Genioglossus: Origin & Insertion
Origin: mental symphysis
fibers fan out…
Insertion: into the whole of the undersurface of the tongue
Genioglossus: Function:
elevates hyoid bone and draws it forward
Infrahyoid Muscles: extrinsic, depressors
Sternohyoid: characteristics
flat muscle lying on the anterior surface of the neck
Sternohyoid: Origin & Insertion
Origin: posterior surface of the manubrium of the sternum, from the medial end of the clavicle, and from adjacent ligamentous tissue
fibers course vertically
Insertion: on the lower border of the body of the hyoid bone
Sternohyoid Function
draw the hyoid bone downward and fixes the hyoid bone when the lower jaw is opened against resistance
Geniohyoid & Mylohyoid
lie in direct contact with one another
Omohyoid Muscle: characteristics
long, narrow, two bellied muscle located on the anterolateral surface of the neck
Omohyoid: Origin & Insertion
Origin: (post. belly) upper border of the scapula
Insertion: at intermediate tendon
Origin: (sup. belly) intermediate tendon
Insertion: along the lower border of the greater horn of the hyoid, just lateral to the insertion of the sternohyoid muscle
Omohyoid Muscle function
- cervical fascia tenser and prevents the neck region from collapsing during deep inspiratory efforts
- prevents great blood vessels and apexes of lungs from being compressed during inspiration
Purpose of Membranes and Ligaments of the Larynx
Purpose: connects the laryngeal cartilages with adjacent structures called: extrinsic laryngeal membranes
Extrinstic Laryngeal Membranes: list..
- hyothyroid membrane (thyrohyoid membrane)
- paired, lateral hyothyroid ligaments
- hyoepiglottic ligaments
- cricotracheal ligament/membrane
Hyothyroid Membrane
- suspends larynx
- occupies space between hyoid and superior border of the thyroid cartilage
- membrane is thickened medially–middle hyothyroid ligament
- where thickened laterally–lateral hyothyroid ligament
triticial cartilage
small nodule imbedded in the lateral hyothyroid ligament (grain of wheat)
hyoepiglottic ligament
unpaired, midline, elastic ligament.
extending from the anterior surface of the epiglottis to the upper border of the body of the hyoid bone
cricotracheal membrane
inferior to cricoid cartilage (connects it)–with the upper border of first tracheal ring
Intrinsic laryngeal membranes
- stem from one broad sheet of connective tissue called elastic membrane
- skips the vocal and ventricular ligament
- lines the entire larynx
- lower portion= conus elasticus
- upper portion= less defined, quadrangular membrane
Conus elasticus membrane
- extends from the superior border of the arch and it a midline structure
- connects the thyroid, cricoid, and arytenoid cartilages
- extends from superior arch of the cricoid to the inferior border of the thyroid cartilage
- cavity below vocal folds
- shaped like a funnel or cone
Lateral Cricothyroid membrane
Origin: superior border of the cricoid cartilage
-course superiorly and medially
Terminates as free, thickened margins extending from the vocal process of arytenoids to the angel of the thyroid cartilage
- free margins are known as vocal ligaments
- makes up the medial portion of the vocal fold
- thinner than midline ligament
Intrinsic Muscles of the Larynx
- larynx is the most complex structures in the entire speech and hearing mechanism
- larynx is vulnerable, most insults are caused by abuse
- alcohol, smoking, vocal abuse, inhaling polluted air (abuse)
- intricate system of intrinsic muscle contribute to the complexity of the larynx
- categorized according to effects on the shape of glottis and on the vibratory behavior of the VF
- act in pairs
muscle that separate the arytenoid cartilages and VF for respiratory activites
oppose abductors, approximate the arytenoids and VF for phonation and protection purposes
elongate and tighten the VF
shorten the VF
Two main types of internal laryngeal adjustments which take place
- medial compression
- longitudinal tension
these two adjustment or a combination of them with variable air supply account for the versatility of the human voice
Medial compression
extent of force with which VF are brought together at the midline
Longitudinal tension
degree of stretching force
Thyroarytenoid Muscle
- the main mass of the VF is composed of this muscle
- often describes as consisting of tow separate muscles
- arises anteriorly from a narrow vertically oriented region of the inner surface of the angel of the thyroid cartilage
Vocalis Muscle
portion of muscle that inserts along the vocal process
lateral to the Thyroarytenoid (TA)
Posterior Cricoarytenoid Muscles (PCA)
- Abductor
- only one abductor in the larynx
- a broad, fan-shaped muscle that originates from a shallow depression of the posterior surface of the cricoid lamina
2 Parts of the PCA
- a lateral vertically directed bundle which comprises most of the muscle mass (abductor)
inserts on upper surface of the muscular process of the arytenoid
- medial fan-shaped part
Lateral Cricoarytenoid Muscle (LCA)
- Adductor, relaxer
- most important glottal adductor
- slightly fan-shaped
- located deep in the thyroid cartilage
Lateral Cricoarytenoid Muscle: Origin & Insertion
Origin: along the upper border of the anterolateral arch of the cricoid cartilage
Insert: Into muscular process and anterior surface of the arytenoid cartilage
Lateral Cricoarytenoid Muscle Function
rotates arytenoid, brings vocal processes toward the midline, regulates medial compression, shapes glottis for whisper production