Exam 2: PTL Flashcards
What is PreTerm Labor?
Regular contractions accompanied by cervical change between 20-37 weeks of pregnancy.
What is Preterm Birth?
Any birth prior to 37 weeks of pregnancy.
What is Late Term?
Birth that occurs between 34 & 36 weeks of gestation.
What is Very preterm?
Birth occurs before 32 weeks gestation.
Complications of Preterm for the newborn
-Respiratory Distress Syndrome
-Neurodevelopment Impairments
-Thermoregulation Problems
-Feeding Issues
-Life-long disability (cerebral palsy, hearing loss, vision loss)
3 most common risk Factors for PTL
-Prior Preterm
-Multiple gestation
-Uterine/cervical abnormalities
Medical risk factors for PTL
-Previous PTB
-Multifetal gestation
-uterine/cervical abnormalities
-Genital Tract Infections
-Second trimester bleeding
-High Blood Pressure/preeclampsia
Lifestyle risk factors for PTL
-Late or no prenatal care
-Substance Abuse
-Domestic Violence
-Sexual Abuse
-Lack of social support
Symptoms of Preterm Labor
-Contractions every 10 min or often
-Change in vaginal discharge/leaking fluid
-vaginal bleeding
-Low, dull backache
-cramps that feel like menstrual cramping
-abdominal cramps without diarrhea
Proposed causes of PTL
-uterine distention
-Infection: UTIs, pyelonephritis, bacterial vaginosis, periodontal
-Sociodemographic factors-poverty, lack of support, and stress.
3 most influential factors in prediction of PTB
-Fetal Fibronectin (FFN)
-Shortened cervical Length (CL)
-Prior spontaneous PTB
Fetal Fibronectin (FFN)
-Diagnostic Test
-Predicts who will not go into preterm labor
-A glycoprotein “glue” found in plasma and produced during fetal life.
-Normally appears in cervical and vaginal secretions early and late pregnancy.
-Procedure done 24-34 weeks gestation.
-PTL unlikely to occur with a negative result
-No cervical intercourse or CL within 24 hours of test.
Cervical Length (CL)
-less than 15 mm @ 22-24 weeks
-Trans-vaginal ultrasound to measure the length of the cervix.
-negative results can be reassuring and prevent unnecessary interventions.
History of PTB
-Obstetric history helps identify patients who need to be monitored closely as well as prophylactic therapy.
Additional Assessments of PTL
-Cervical Exam
-Sterile speculum for ROM
-Sterile Speculum for ROM
-Screen for UTI and other infections
-Assess fetal well being
-Monitor uterine activity (TOCO)