Exam 2: A&P of Pregnancy Flashcards
Biochemical Marker for pregnancy
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
Trimesters of pregnancy
First trimester: weeks 1-13
Second trimester: Weeks 14-26
Third Trimester: Weeks 27-40
Obstetrical History
Signs of Pregnancy
-Presumptive-changes felt by the woman.
-Probable-changes observed by an examiner
-Positive- signs attributed only to the presence of a fetus
Presumptive Signs of Pregnancy
-Those that suggest but do not positively indicate pregnancy.
-Changes felt by woman
-breast changes
-Nausea and vomiting
-urinary frequency
Probable Signs of Pregnancy
-Strong indicators of pregnancy.
-Positive pregnancy test.
-changes observed by examiner
-Mainly physical changes in uterus
-Hegar Sign: softening and compressibility of lower uterine segment.
-Ballottement: Passive movement of the unengaged fetus.
-Goodell sign: softening of the cervical tip
-Chadwick sign: deepening color of vagina
Positve Signs
-Absolute confirmation of pregnancy
-Attributed by the presence of the fetus
-Fetal Heart tones
-Palpation of fetal movement
-Visualization of fetal movement
Uterus changes with pregnancy
-changes in size, shape, and position
-stimulated by high levels of progesterone & estrogen
-fundal height measured to estimate the duration of pregnancy.
-Lightening: b/t wks 38-40 fundal height decreases as the fetus begins to descent and engage in pelvis.
Fundal Height
-Fundal height measured to estimate the duration of pregnancy.
-Should equal the gestational age.
Uteroplacental Blood Flow
-Dependent on mother
-increases and uterus grows
cervix and vagina
-Goodell Sign & Chadwick Sign
-Leukorrhea-white or slight gray mucoid discharge with a musty odor.
-Operculum: mucus that fills the endocervical canal resulting in formation of mucus plug.
breast changes
-increased sensitivity, tingling, & heaviness
-nipples and areolae become pigmented
-Montgomery’s tubercules- hypertrophy of the sebaceous glands may be seen
-Blood Vessels more noticeable
-colostrum as early as 16 weeks
cardiovascular changes
-hypertrophy possible
-heart pushed to the left and upward
-Blood Volume increased
-Murmurs common
-increased pulse
CV System
-BV inc. 30-50%
-HR inc by 10-15 bpm
-clotting factors inc. which helps prevent hemorrhage however increases risk of DVT
-RBC mass increases (plasma portion faster..physiological anemia)
-BP unchanged d/t progesterone.
500-1000 mL of blood to uterus per minute
-supine hypotension a major problem
-Hgb < 11g/dL indicates anemia
Blood Pressure changes
-affected by age, activity level, presence of health problems.
-BP lowest on left lateral side
-compression of vena cava when woman lies flat.
-supine hypotension syndrome: resulting in woman feeling faint