Exam 2- Lecture 4 Flashcards
Left brain vs right brain
left: language
right: visuospatial processing
left: verbal, analytic, dominant, copywriter
right: artistic, the instantaneous, “flash-of-insight”, art director
Political brain
-activity in left posterior insula
-activity in right amygdala
Corpus callosum
Major pathway between hemispheres
Major fiber tract for inter hemispheric communication
Transcallosal info transformation takes time (20 ms delay)
Homotopic projections
Most common in association areas
Heterotopic projections
Mirror ipsilateral projections; fewer in number
When language and speech systems in Lh are down
Impaired naming
Intact recognition in the match-to-sample task
When CC is cut or disrupted
Each hemisphere still gets contralateral sensory input (e.g., info from left visual field goes to right hemisphere
Motor cortex in each hemisphere still controls contralateral effectors (e.g., commands from left M1 control right hand)
BUT hemispheres CANNOT communicate
Provides opportunity to present info to only one hemisphere and see if it gets processed
Split brain patients
Surgery for epilepsy (cut CC to prevent seizures from jumping to other hemisphere)
Perform visual search task twice as fast as normal
-suggests that each hemisphere has its own mind
Spatial task in RH
Coordination of motor plans disrupted in split-brain patient, resulting in competition
Spatial figure construction task in perfect with left hand (RH) but fails with right hand (LH)
Language in LH
Special apparatus
- focus on center, one word presented on each side of screen
- > Word on right screen
- ->to LH (speech), when asked say only saw word on right side
- > Word on left screen
- ->to RH (process stimulus), when asked to pick up object, pick object from left side (visuospatial task)
Posterior CC cut
Transfer of sensory (visual, tactile, and auditory) info disrupted, but higher-level (semantic) info can still be transferred
Opposed to full CC cut -> no (or close to no) data transfer
Semantic/conceptual relationship in LH
Task: pointing to a pic that best depicts to sequentially presented words when they are casually related (making inferences, LH function)
RH (left hand) unable to preform
LH (right hand) OK
Semantic relationship
Split brain study contributions
Functional specifications
LH: language production, analytic
RH: visual-spatial processing and action
Each hemisphere can function independently (to some degree)
-even double cognitive capacity
No cross-hemisphere communication, with some residual cross-task via subcortical pathway
Limitations to split brain studies
Patients not “normal” prior to study
Findings are from a handful of patients
Brain imaging studies show that both hemispheres contribute to all functions but to a different degree