Exam 2 Flashcards
Function of the corpus callosum
Major pathway between hemispheres
Major fiber tract for inter hemispheric communication
Transcallosal info transformation takes time (20 ms delay)
When CC is cut or disrupted
Each hemisphere still gets contralateral sensory input (e.g., info from left visual field goes to right hemisphere
Motor cortex in each hemisphere still controls contralateral effectors (e.g., commands from left M1 control right hand)
BUT hemispheres CANNOT communicate
Provides opportunity to present info to only one hemisphere and see if it gets processed
Split brain patients
Surgery for epilepsy (cut CC to prevent seizures from jumping to other hemisphere)
Perform visual search task twice as fast as normal
-suggests that each hemisphere has its own mind
Posterior CC cut
Transfer of sensory (visual, tactile, and auditory) info disrupted, but higher-level (semantic) info can still be transferred
Opposed to full CC cut -> no (or close to no) data transfer
Split brain study contributions
Functional specifications
LH: language production, analytic
RH: visual-spatial processing and action
Each hemisphere can function independently (to some degree)
-even double cognitive capacity
No cross-hemisphere communication, with some residual cross-task via subcortical pathway
Limitations to split brain studies
Patients not “normal” prior to study
Findings are from a handful of patients
Brain imaging studies show that both hemispheres contribute to all functions but to a different degree
Global vs local processing
specialization in ventral stream
Global letter captures attention
RH better at global level (low spatial freq info; perception of whole)
LH better at local level (high spatial freq; perception of details)
but either can do task
Double disassociation
Local level based on HIGH spatial frequencies
Global level based on LOW spatial frequencies
Categorical vs coordinate reps
specialization in dorsal stream
Categorical (LH- abstract, top/bellow, left/right- verbal terms)
-specify the RELATIVE position between objects or between object and viewer
Coordinate (RH- specific metric, relative distance- visual-spatial)
-specify the EXACT positions and distances between objects or between objects and viewers
Functional asymmetry in dorsal pathway
Limited capacity to process information
-> competition between items for precessing (bottleneck/ capacity limits)
Attention is the mechanism that SELECTS the most important/ behaviorally relevant info at the COST of others
-> what is important changes depending upon goals of moment
Normally keeps the bias to processes info balanced, which involved a network of areas that integrate sensory and goal info (shown from spatial neglect)
Studies through:
visual search
Ponser cueing
Two mechanisms of selection
Voluntary attention
- select info relevant to current goals and ignore irrelevant info (top-down)
- > ex. finding a friend wearing red in crowd
Reflexive attention
- re-orienting towards unexpected, but potentially important info (bottom-up)
- > ex. turning towards sound of sirens OR novel stimuli
NOT mutually exclusive
Eye movements and visual attention
We can see details only at center of gaze
Make frequent eye movements to inspect objects of interest
- 3 per second
- called overt attention
Most eye movements are sudden jumps (saccades)
-each preceded by a covert shift of attention
Attention ALWAYS precedes eye-movements, but NOT all shifts of attention are followed by eye-movements
-> covert attention (without eye movement)
Voluntary Attention
Effects of ERPs
Early in time
Effects on fMRI
Late in processing hierarchy?
Late selection
What goes to memory
What we act upon
Stroop effect
Attentional blink
Flankers task (ignore letters on sides, focus on middle letter)
[semantic processing of distractors]
Feature integration theory
We perceive simple features (e.g., color) without focused attention, but we need attention to perceive objects defined by multiple features
Attention is used to INTEGRATE (“glue”) the FEATURES of an object
Preattentive stage
- visual input is decomposed into maps of simple features
- > separate for each color, orientation, etc.
- parallel, with NO capacity limitations
- only “pooled activity” from feature map is available to awareness (“approximately”)
Attentive stage
- attention is focused onto a location
- > features can be LOCALIZED and BOUND TOGETHER (conjoined)
- > form object file (abstract representation of current features of object)
- serial (one location at a time)
- output is available to AWARENESS
- can DIRECTLY control behavior
Feature vs. conjuncture search
Only look for specific feature (green rectangle)
Look for specific target with more than one feature (vertical green rectangle)