Exam 2 - Human Nutrient Use and Metabolism Flashcards
What are the characteristics of carbohydrates?
- digested into small pieces, glucose or other sugar, that is absorbed into blood cells
- can only be stored in limited quantities so body is eager to use them
- excess stored in the liver as glucose or glycogen
- also stored in muscle and nervous tissues
What are the characteristics of fats?
- broken down into fatty acids which can travel in the blood freely or associated with protein
- stored as triglycerides in fat cells
- typically provide more than half of the body’s energy needs
- excess carbs also stored as fatty acids
What are the characteristics of proteins?
- broken down into amino acids that are then used to build new proteins
- can yield energy when there is a shortage of fats or carbs
If all three nutrients are abundant in the diet…
- carbs and fats will be used primarily for energy
- proteins from food are broken down to provide AAs for proteins
What is anabolism?
-synthesizing large molecules from small ones
What is catabolism?
-breaking down complex molecules to simpler ones
What is gluconeogenesis?
synthesis of glucose from a non-carbohydrate precursor
What is glycogenesis?
synthesis of glycogen from glucose
What is glycogenolysis?
breakdown of glycogen to form glucose
What is lipogenesis?
excess glucose is converted to fat
What is lipolysis?
breakdown of stored fats into glycerol and fatty acids
What is ketogenesis?
production of ketone bodies from breakdown of fatty acids
What is the catabolic-anabolic steady state?
dynamic state in which organic molecules (except DNA) are continuously broken down and rebuilt
What are the characteristics of nutrient pools?
- available for immediate use
- stores of amino acids, carbohydrates, and fats
- inter-convertible
What are the characteristics of the amino acid pool?
- body’s total supply of FREE amino acids
- source for resynthesizing body proteins, forming amino acid derivatives, and gluconeogenesis
- not stored as proteins
- must be converted to a citric acid cycle keto acid to be used for energy
What are the characteristics of carbohydrate and fat pools?
- easily interconverted
- oxidized directly to produce energy in mitochondria
- can be stored as carbohydrates and fats
What is the absorptive state?
period right after eating a meal; everything needed for energy production is used and the rest is stored
What is the post-absorptive state?
in between meals; use what is stored to provide energy
What are the characteristics of the absorptive state?
- lasts about 4 hours after eating
- anabolism exceeds catabolism
- excess nutrients stored mainly as fats, as well as carbs
What are the characteristics of the sympathetic nervous system?
- arouses body for “fight or flight” response
- neurotransmitter is norepinephrine
What are the characteristics of the parasympathetic nervous system?
- predominates during relaxation, “rest and digest”
- neurotransmitter is acetylcholine
What is the role of the endocrine system?
- hormones involved in blood glucose regulation are insulin and glucagon
- both produced by the pancreas
What stimulated insulin secretion from pancreatic beta cells?
elevated blood levels of glucose and amino acids
What is the role of insulin?
to bind membrane receptors and facilitate the diffusion of glucose into muscle and adipose cells