Exam #2: Geriatric Pharmacotherapy Flashcards
What is the BEERS list?
List of drugs that should NOT be used in the geriatric population
How do you want to dose medications in geriatric patients?
Start low and then slowly work up
How does bioavaliablity of drugs change in the geriatric population?
- Bioavaliablity is NOT changed
- Peak serum concentrations may be lower & slower
What is the big exception to drug bioavaliablity in the elderly?
Drugs with extensive first-pass metabolism may have HIGHER serum concentrations due to decreased liver function w/ age
What are the factors that affect drug absorption?
- Route
- What its taken w/
- Comorbid illnesses
**Grapefruit juice
How can gastric pH alter absorption of durgs?
Increased gastric pH may increase or decrease absorption of some drugs
E.g. proton pump inhibitors will RAISE gastric pH
How is metabolic clearance altered in the elderly? Why?
Metabolic clearance is reduce b/c:
- decreased liver blood flow, size, and mass
*****Liver is the most common site of drug metabolism
What questions should you be asking your elderly patients in regards to metabolic clearance?
1) Any liver problems
2) Alcohol use
Aside from liver issues, what are other factors that affect drug metabolism?
- Age & gender
- Hepatic congestion from CHF
- Smoking
*****Note that blood-thinning medications are most associated with CHF
What is the most common arrhythmia in the elderly?
Why is a-fib common in the elderly?
Uncontrolled HTN leads to remodeling of the heart & predisposition to a-fib
What is the definition of half-life?
Time to get to 1/2 the serum concentration of a drug
What is clearance?
Volume of serum from which the drug is removed per unit time
What is a common initial presentation of anaphylaxis in the elderly?
Nausea & vomiting
Where do most drugs exit the body?