Exam 2 examples Flashcards
Indep assortment vs Chromosomal Theory
purple, long pollen pea plant vs red, short pollen pea plant do not have 9:3:3:1 ratio of indep assortment
Notation for crosses with linkage
two traits from one parent on one side of line and two traits from other on other side. Traits match up vertically ex:
a b
multiple crossovers
double cross: 0% detectable recomb
triple cross: 50% detectable recomb
quadruple cross: 100% detectable recomb
lod score
log (prob of obs from linked : prob of obs from indep assort)
- lod > 3 = linkage
mapping bacterial genes with interrupted conjugation
transfer time = order and distances
gene mapping with transformation
If genes a and b are
frequently cotransformed, and genes b and c are frequently
cotransformed, but genes a and c are rarely cotransformed,
then gene b must be between a and c
= a b c (recomb %)
Lederberg and Tatum exper
- F+: donor with F factor - F-: recipient lacking f factor
- Hfr cells (High-frequency recombination): donor cells with F factor integrated into the donor bacterial chromosome
- F’ cells: F plasmid carrying some bacterial genes
- Merozygotes: partial diploid bacterial cells containing F plasmid carrying some bacterial genes
virus: complementation test
if in diff cistrons (segments of DNA)(ie far apart), complementation happens and proteins produced
- Meleson and Stahl’s Experiment
heavy medium: one heavy band (original DNA)
lighter medium: one middle band (1 parental and 1 new)
even lighter medium: one light band and one medium band (original DNA and DNA with one parental and one mutant)
* Proves semiconservative theory
Fraenkel-Conrat and Bea Singer experiment
2 types of RNA coated with the other type’s proteins. Infect tobacco leaf. RNA with its original proteins recovered.
replicative transposition with 1 ele
2 circular DNA molecs form together with the ele on either end. crossing over at ele. two sep
replicative transposition with 2 ele
2 eles link up to form 1 oval RNA molec. replicate. cross over. sep 1 with 1 ele and 1 with 2 ele