Exam 2 Crime Part 2 Flashcards
Inside Premises Coverage: Theft Of Money and Securities
- Direct Loss of money or securities by a third party
- As a result of theft, destruction, or disappearance
- Secondary expenses irrelevant to direct loss
- Third Part is not EE (not EE Theft Coverage)
Inside Premises Coverage: Theft Of Money and Securities Definition of Premise
- Inside of building, interior portion of building occupied by an insured in conducting its business
- Banking Premises is interior portion is extended to a building occupied by or night depository chute, or safe maintained by bank, i.e. ATM
Inside Premises Coverage: Robbery or Safe Burglary
Direct loss of money or securities resulting from robbery, safe burglary or unlawful taking
- by a third party
What Does Robbert Have to Include That is Different From Theft?
Robbery Definition
Unlawful taking from custody of an EE or authorized person by violence or threat of violence
Definition of Safe Burglary
Unlawful taking by forcible or violent entry evidenced by visible marks from a locked vault or safe located within premises
- Physical Assets: Money, Securities, or Property
Property Covered Under Inside Premises Coverage: Robbery or Safe Burglary
- Damage to property
- Damage to locked safe, cash drawer, cash box or cash register by felonious entry or abstraction
- Damage to premises
Outside Premises: In Transit Coverage
- Direct loss of money or securities resulting from robbery or unlawful taking
OR - Actual Destruction or disappearance
- Committed by a third party while in transit
Definition of In Transit
- Being conveyed outside the premises from one person or place to another
- In the custody of an EE or partner or authorized person
- Temporarily within the home of an EE or Partner
Requirements For Property Coverage While In Transit
- If resulting from robbery while in transit
- If resulting from unlawful taking while temporarily within the home of an EE or partner
Mail and Carrier Exclusions
- No coverage for money, securities and property while in the mail or in the custody of a carrier for hire
- Different than EE doing transfer
- Does not include EE depositing in Bank
General Exclusions for Crime Coverage
1) Act of Partners
2) Government Actions
3) Indirect losses (only physical loss or direct damage to covered property
4) Legal Expenses
5) Nuclear
6) War
ERISA Requirements
1) ERIS plans must be bonded at 10% of plan assets
2) Maximum requirements of $500,000
3) Bond may be purchased as a stand alone policy or may be part of crime policy
- “Compulsory”
4) Fiduciary Liability not addressed by bond
- No pain and suffering
What does “Money” Mean?
Currency, coin, bank notes or bullion
- ISO includes travelers checks, register checks and money orders held for sale to public
What does “Securities” mean?
Negotiable and non negotiable instruments representing money or property
What may or may not be included in “Securities”?
Tickets, tokens, stamps
What Does Property Mean?
Tangible property
- ISO includes “that has intrinsic value”
- increase value may require endorsement
Knowledge by specific individuals which would cause a reasonable person to believe a covered loss has occurred
- Usually officers and risk managers
Insured Responsibilities
1) Notify carrier as soon as possible or as soon as practible; May be x days after event
2) Furnish proof of loss within x days of discovery
3) Cooperate with investigation
What is the usual amount of time an insured has to furnish proof?
120-180 days
Discovery Form
- Covers losses sustained during the policy period
- Does not matter if it occurred prior to the inception of the policy
- Could cover claims that occurred
before the policy existed/active
Loss Sustained Form
- Covers Losses sustained during the policy period
- Must be discovered not later than one year after the policy period expired
What Is Not Covered in The Loss Sustained Form
- Does not cover losses occuring before policy
“Long Tail”