Exam#2 Chapter 5: Learning Flashcards
- What is classical conditioning and who discovered it?
a. Classical Conditioning: A type of learning where an organism comes to create associations between multiple stimuli
b. Ivan Pavlov - Discovered classical conditioning through his study of salivary reflexes with dogs
- What is an unconditioned stimulus?
a. A stimulus that elicits a reflexive response in the absence of learning.
- What is an unconditioned response?
a. A reflexive response elicited by a stimulus in the absence of learning.
- What is a conditioned stimulus?
a. An initially neutral stimulus that comes to elicit a conditioned response after being associated with an unconditioned stimulus.
- What is a conditioned response?
a. A response that is elicited by a conditioned stimulus; it occurs after the conditioned stimulus is associated with an unconditioned stimulus.
- What is a Temporal Contiguity and the Contingency Theory?
a. Temporal Contiguity Theory
i. Responses develop when the interval between UCS and CS is very short
ii. Backward conditioning?
b. Contingency Theory
i. Association was dependent upon the perceived predictability of the CS of the UCS
- What were Rescorla and Wagner’s Study?
a. Two types of trials:
i. Format A
1. Tone à followed by SHOCK
b. Format B
i. Tone with light à followed by SHOCK
c. Randomized trials
i. A,B,B,A,A,A,B,A,B,B,B,A,etc
- What are the four principles of conditioning?
a. Generalization
b. Extinction
c. Spontaneous Recovery
d. Higher Order Conditioning
- What is Generalization?
a. A new stimulus resembling the original elicits a response similar to CR
- What is Extinction?
a. weakening of the relationship between the CR and the CS by continual presentation of the CS alone
- What is Spontaneous Recovery?
a. CR recurring after a time delay
- What is Higher Order Conditioning?
a. A procedure in which a neutral stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus through association with an already established conditioned stimulus.
- What are the three APPLIED principles of conditioning?
a. Conditioning Fear
b. Conditioned Taste Aversion
c. Learned Helplessness
- What is Conditioning Fear and what is an example?
a. John Watson’s experiment on 11 month old “Little Albert”
i. Each time he reached for the rat, Watson made a loud clanging noise right behind Albert
b. Little Albert’s fear generalized to just about anything white and furry
- What is Conditioned Taste Aversion and what was the original study?
a. When an organism becomes nauseated some time after eating a certain food, which then becomes aversive to the organism
b. Original Study: John Garcia and his radiated rats