Exam 2- Chapter 17 Flashcards
cardiac muscle cells
contain myoglobin (protein that carries oxygen)
how does the heart contract
gap junction
cardiac muscle cells rapidly spread electrical activity via electrical synapse
conduction system
- SA nose
- Intermodal pathways
- AV node
- AV bundle
- Bundle branches
- Purkinje fibers
positive chronotropic agents
anything that increases HR
negative chronotropic agents
anything that decreases HR
how does the sympathetic NS increase CO (which effects HR)
-sympathetic NS intervates the heart via sympathetic nerves
-sympathetic nerves release norepinephrine which increase CO with positive chronotropic agents
how does the parasympathetic NS decrease CO (which effects HR)
-intervates the heart by left + right vagus (X) nerve
- Vagus (X) nerve releases acetylcholine which decreases CO generation
where does the heart get energy for contractions
myoglobin in cardiac muscle cells & mitochondria in cytoplasm of cardiac muscle
P wave
atrial depolarization (systole)
QRS complex
ventricular depolarization (systole)
(masking atrial repolarization)
T wave
ventricular repolarization (diastole)
R-R interval
entire duration of heartbeat
used to take heart rate
P-R interval
duration of atrial depolarization
av node delay
Q-T interval
duration of ventricular action potential
S-T segment
ventricular pleatau phase