Exam 2 Breathing System Part I [6/20/24] Flashcards
What are the six functions/definitions of the breathing system
- Receives gas mixture from the machine
- Delivers gas to the patient
- Removes CO2
- Provides heating and humidification of the gas mixture
- Allows spontaneous, assisted, or controlled respiration
- Provides gas sampling, measures airway pressure, and monitors the volume
slide 2
- What happens to pressure as gas passes through a tube?
- The drop of pressure is a measure of?
- How does resistance vary?
- What else can change resistance?
- When gas passes through a tube, the pressure at the outlet will be lower than the inlet
- pressure at the beginning of the ETT will be higher than at the end of the ETT
- The drop of pressure is a measure of: resistance that must be overcome (P2-P1)
- Resistance varies with the volume of gas per unit of time
- Flow types can change resistance
slide 3
What are the 2 types of flow?
- Laminar
- Turbulent
- Describe the characteristics of Laminar flow
- what law does it relate to?
Characteristics of laminar flow
- Laminar flow is smooth and orderly
- Particles move parallel to the tube walls
- Flow is fastest in the center where there is less friction.
- Law: Relates to Poisueille’s Law
slide 4
- Describe the characteristics of turbulent flow.
- What are eddies?
- Flow lines are not parallel
- Flow rate is the same across the diameter of the tube
- “Eddies”: composed of particles moving across or opposite the general direction of flow.
slide 6
What are the 2 types of turbulent flow?
- Generalized
- Localized
Define generalized turbulent flow
When gas flow through a tube exceeds the critical flow rate
Define localized turbulent flow.
Gas flow rates below the critical flow rate but encounters constriction, curves, or valves.
What kind of flow is depicted in the following picture.
* A
* B
* C,D,E,F
A: Laminar
B: Generzlized Turbulent
C, D, E, F: Localized Turbulent
To minimize resistance, gas-conducting pathways should have what three things
- minimal length (short)
- maximal internal diameter (wide)
- without curves or constrictions (straight)
slide 6
- What is the effect of resistance to the patient?
- What happens to work of breathing with resistant?
- What causes most of the resistance?
- Resistance imposes a strain with ventilatory modes where the pt must do all or part of the work to breathe
- Changes in resistance Parallel work of breathing for the pt if spontaneously breathing
- Increased resistance = increased WOB
- Decreased resistance = decreased WOB
- ETT causes the most resistance in the circuit
Slide 7
How much resistance is too much resistance?
- no common agreement in studies
- we must watch flow volume loops for trends
slide 7
-adding more things to the circle system increases resistance
-we try to minimize resistance to make it easier for pt to breathe
What is compliance and what are we measuring with it?
- Ratio of Δvolume/Δpressure
- measures distensibility (mL/cmH2O)
Compliance also helps determine Vt - some things in the circuit can stretch for a greater Vt to be delivered
slide 9
- Define compliance
- What does compliance measure?
- What units is compliance in?
- What does it help detemine?
- Ratio of change in volume to change in pressure
- Measures distensibility
- mL/cm H2O
- Helps determine Vt
What are the most distensible components of the anesthesia circuit?
- Breathing tubes (corrugated tubing)
- Reservoir bag
slide 9
- Definition of rebreathing
- What gasses does rebreathing include?
- To inhale previously inspired gases from which CO2 may or may not have been removed
- rebreathing may not just be CO2, we could be rebreathing volatile gases too: low flows will minimize the gas allowed into the system so you don’t get as much fresh gas but you are rebreathing the volatiles
- intact and working CO2 absorber should take out the CO2 so the pt can just rebreathe the volatile
slide 10 and questions during lecture
3 things rebreathing is influenced by
- Fresh gas flow
- Dead space
- Breathing system design
How does high Fresh Gas Flow influence rebreathing?
- Amount of rebreathing varies inversely with the total FGF
- if the volume of FGF supplied to the pt per min is greater than or equal to the pt’s minute volume = no rebreathing (as long as the exhaled gas is vented)
slide 11
How does low fresh gas flow influence rebreathing?
- Amount of rebreathing varies inversely with the total FGF
- if the volume of FGF supplied per min is less than the pt minute volume = rebreathing occurs
- some of the exhaled gases must be rebreathed to make up required volume
sldie 11
- What is minute ventilation?
- Normal minute volume
- amount of gas inhaled or exhaled in 1 minutes.
- min ventilation = Vt x Breaths per minute
- 4-6L/min
S11 [lecture]
What are the 4 types of dead space?
- Apparatus
- Physiologic: anatomical and alveolar DS
- Anatomical: conducting airways; adds H2O vapor
- Alveolar: volume of alveoli ventilated but not perfused.
slide 12
- What is apparatus dead space?
- What does it include?
- What does it not include?
- The volume in a breathing system that has gases that are rebreathed without a change in the composition
includes: only Y-piece and everything pt side of the y-piece.
- elbow and ETT (y-piece and everything distal per lecture
- inspiratory and expiratory limbs (corregated tubing) are not included in apparatus dead space
slide 12
How can we decrease apparatus dead space?
- Decreased by having inspiratory and expiratory limb separation as close to patient as possible
In lecture: keep the y-piece short and close to the pt, and don’t add unnecessary elbows or accordians between the pt and the y-piece
slide 12
When the pt isn’t rebreathing, what does the inspired gas composition look like?
- Inspired gas composition is identical to the fresh gas delivered by the anesthesia machine
- any combo of gas we are giving the pt directly from the machine is exactly what they are breathing
slide 13 and lecture discussion