EXAM 2 Flashcards
True/False: The Tentative Cargo Plan is effectively the final cargo plan when it is complete and no further changes to the stowage plan can be expected.
A wooden container that are built as a framework around cargo with open sides and tops.
What is the percentage of total mixed gases for CO2 and O2 in the atmosphere of a reefer space?
Defn: Cargo that is loaded for discharge at any one of several ports at the option of the shipper; must be read for discharge at all of several ports.
Optional cargo
FORMULA: Maximum Height of Cargo
= (Deck Load Capacity / 2240) x Stowage Factor
If a bagged cargo does not require as much venting and one desires to maximize the use of available cubic one would use what method?
“Half-bag” method
All efforts for preparing a cargo space to receive cargo is under the perview of the _______ Mate and should be noted in the __________.
a. Chief Mate b. logbook
What other items should be taken into consideration for pre-cooling with the reefer space?
Dunnage or gratings
A wooden box that is sheathed to form a tightly closed container around cargo.
Ensuring that cargo is divided among cargo holds so that one hold does not contain a disproportionate number of gang hours of work to discharge is preventing what?
the “long hatch”
A guide to aid first responders in quickly identifying the specific nd general hazards of a material involved in an incident.
Emergency Response Guidebook
What steps should be taken after enountering heavy wx when tranporting dangerous cargo?
Inspect HAZMAT cargo spaces
If loading extremely heavy cargo what is a concern regarding the deck that must be considered?
deck load capacity
FORMULA: Tons to fit in given space (T)
= (V x (1 - L)) / f
Where should heavy cargo be loaded in reference to overall stowage?
At the bottom tiers
Layers of cargo are referred to as:
UEL means?
Upper Explosive Limit
LEL means?
Lower Explosive Limit
What is an addition that can be added by a manufacture that makes bagged cargo easier to pick up and move by the individual longshoreman?
“dog ears”
What is the name for a type of hook used for bagged cargo that is designed to minimize the damage to the bag itself?
bag hook
What is the shape of all HAZMAT labels?
What type of plan contains the bale and cubic capacities and VCGs of all the cargo holds?
Capacity plan
The ________ or _______ ______ should brief all of the ship’s officers in regard to the loading operation.
Master Chief Mate
Who approves or disapproves all stowage aboard a vessel?
the Master
A document that is affixed to the outside of any container or vehicle transporting HAZMAT.
How long must the Dangerous Cargo Manifest be kept on the ship after a voyage?
1 year
Defn: small durable packages or pieces of cargo that may be stowed in the interstices or voids between larger pieces.
filler cargo
Defn: A small doubling plate located at the end of a bilge sounding pipe to prevent the sounding weight from weighing through the lower tank plating.
Striking plate
Defn: Long metal handles used to operate stop-lift-check valves in the bilges from the deck; act as extentions of the valve stems
Reach rods
The cargo stowage plan shows tweendecks in a _____ view and the lower holds in ________ view.
Plan view Profile view
Defn: Cargo stowage so as to eliminate small segments of cargo in several loactions in any one hatch and attempt to assemble large blocks at one level in one compartment.
Block stowage
Who makes the rules and regs involving the transportation of HAZMAT in the US?
Materials Transportation Board, Dept of Transportation
What are the (2) types of Final Stowage Plans?
- Commodity type plan 2. Block type plan
Size and shape of a hatch opening influences the ________ of movement of the crane or hook which affects the time required to load or discharge cargo.
A method for stacking bagged cargo that can improve the stability of the stowage is known as the ____________.
criss-cross method
Defn: The cubic capcity measured from the inside of the plating on all six sides less the volume taken up by the structureal members extending into the hold.
Grain capacity
Who enforces the regulations in the US for the transportation of HAZMAT?
The __________ cargo stowage plan is completed when all cargo has been loaded.
Cargo that is re-bagged after falling free from bagged cargo is called:
1 board foot is equal to?
1” x 12” x 12”
A cask of 126 gallons (2)
pipe or butt
_______ cargo decreases broken stowage and can help shore up larger cargo it fits between.
filler cargo
Defn: Valves that can be closed, operated as checkvalves, or opened completely and are usually located on bilge suction pipes.
Stop-lift-check valves
What is the main purpose of dunnage placed beneath cargo when stowed?
prevent it from getting wet