Exam 2 Flashcards
Cytokines that affect the target cells is in the vicinity of the secreting cell are called
Specialized cells such as taste buds, retina of the eye, and specialized hair cells in the ear are all derived from ____?
epithelium tissue
Cartilage cells undergo cell division and become organized into rows
zone of proliferation
Loose connective tissue would typically be found in which of the following locations
lamina propria of the tubular organs of the digestive system
Almost half the volume of the cardiac muscle cell is occupied by:
At the myoneural junction, sarcolemma is thrown into numerous deep ____.
junctional folds
Dense regular CT can be found
Which type of tissue is NOT usually avascular
T or F. Regarding the osteon in compact bone: it is composed of concentric lamellae of mineralized material
Hydroxyapatite is involved in
bone calcification
Myostatin decrease ____
cell size content, cell numbers, dystrophin
One of its functions is peristalsis is what type of muscle
Of the cells associated with bone, the one primarily responsible for the initial secretion and calcification of the bone
The type of cartilage found in the external ear:
elastic cartilage
The organic component of the bone matrix composes ____ of the matrix (dry weight)
Blood vessels and capillaries are lined with
simple squamous epithelium
Cuboidal composes
brown fat
Simple columnar epithelium can be found
small intestine
Which of the following surrounds fascicles of muscle fibers
___ canals connect two haversian canals
Exocrine glands that release products via exocytosis are referred to as:
____ can be found everywhere
white fat
T or F. Cilia are normally found in the basolateral domain of the cell
Cartilage located adjacent to the marrow cavity; chondrocytes dying
zone of calcification
The growth of cartilage is attributable to two processes: _____ growth, resulting from the mitochondrial division of preexisting chondrocytes