Exam 2 Flashcards

hypercellular neural tissue
Describe the picture?

hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy
Describe the picture?

Usually develop after a grade IV Hemorrhage
Describe the picture?

Germinal Matrix Hemorrhage
grade 1
Notice the hemorrhages under the ependymal lining of the ventricles.
Describe the picture?

Notice the damage in the deep parts of sulci, ulegyria
Describe the picture?

Status Marmoratus
Notice marblized appearance in the thalams and basal ganglia.
Describe the picture?

Periventricular leukomalacia (PVL)
Notice: ischemic white matter damages. Predominantly in parieto-occipital lobes.
What cause this?

white matter damages
Describe the picture?

cystic PVL
symmetric distribution of cavitated white matter
The germinal matrix hemorrhage presented is what grade?

Grade 2
The germinal matrix hemorrhage present what grade level?

grade 3
The germinal matrix hemorrhage present what grade level?

grade 4
Describe the finding

Notice develops because of inability of immature liver to conjugate bilirubin.
Describe the finding

status marmoratus from hyperbilirubinemia
What matter is damaged in this slide?

What’s wrong? the disease?

Vessel with pervascular lymphocytic inflammation
What’s wrong? the disease?

Abnormal vessel with chronic inflammation
What’s wrong? the disease?

Macrophages are present throught. (always will stain brown)
What’s wrong? the disease?

Devic’s disease
What’s wrong? the disease?

Acute demyelination and is called Acute Disseminated encephalomyelitis, most common in kids.
What’s wrong? the disease?

Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy. Causes by JC virus. Once it enters body it remains latent until immune syste is suppressed. Dymelination disease

What’s wrong? the disease?

Metachromatic leukodystrophy. Oligoglia are absent, thus absence of myeline and axon loss is severe. Macrophages are also present when slide is stained for them (I wasn’t able to add that slide)
What’s wrong with this brain (disease)

What’s present in slide and disease?

Alxeander’s disease produces Rosenthal fibers
What’s wrong? the disease?

Globoid Cell leukodystrophy (Krabbe’s). Cells have a globoid appearence.
What’s wrong? the disease?

Friedreich’s ataxia (FRDA)
What’s wrong? the disease?

ALS, picture shows pyramids and corticospinal tracts in spinal cord
What’s wrong? the disease?

Ubiquitin immunostains in ALS
What’s wrong? the disease?

hyaline inclusions in ALS
What’s wrong? the disease?

large lower motor neurons are lost in ALS (right)
What’s wrong?

Tau positive globose NFTs found in PSP
What’s wrong?

Globose NFTs in PSP
What’s wrong?

depigmentation of the substantia nigra and locus ceruleus in PSP
What’s wrong? the disease?

Rarefaction and gliosis of the putamen found in Huntingtons
What’s wrong? the disease?

Degeneration of caudate, putamen, and the cortex. Found in Huntingtons

Dementia with Lewy Bodies

Dementia with Lewy Bodies

pigment-laden macrophages, found in Parkinsons

alpha-synuclein forming lewy bodies in Parkinsons

Left is normal, right has macrophages found in Parkinsons

Pick Bodies

pick bodies

atrophy of frontal and temporal lobes in Picks disease

Pick cells showing neuronal loss and gliosis

Tau protein deposits

ghost tangles

Neurofibrillary tangle

plaques containing dark black, swollen, distorted axons or dendrites

Plaque containing amyloid

Amyloid substance surrounded by a halo of degenerating neurites and reactive glia

Left: beta-A4 amyloid (plaques) Right: accumulation of tau (neurofibrillary tangles)

Large left picture: Diffuse plaques
4 Right pictures: Neuritic plaques

Normal, Early Alzheimer, Late Alzheimer, Child