Exam 2 Flashcards
Paranthropus Robustus
Robert Broom, South Africa, found with Africanus, lasted 700k later than Afarensis
Paranthropus Boisei
3.5 mya, Kenya Ethiopia, Louis Leakey, thicker manible,
Paranthropus aeithiopius
2.7 mya, black skull, lake Turkana, Kenya, could descend from Afarensis, 450 cc, large palate and sagittal crest, oldest species in genus
Paranthropus Genus
Robust biped, derived frmom austrapithecus, 2.7-1 mya, sagittal crest
Australopithecine Genus
Gracile biped, Climbed trees, lacked stability in limbs, feeding posture, herbivores, sexual dimorphism, NOT stone makers, 4.2-1.8 mya
Kenyanthropus Playtops
Outlier, flat faced man in kenya, mosaics, woodland and grasslands
Australopithecus Sediba
1.9-1.8 mya, shares common features with early hoomo, descended from Africanus, old adult and one jeuvenile partial skeleton found, Malapa, South Africa
Australopithecus Bahrelghazli
3.5-3 mya, Chad, lower jaw, manible, premolar, maxilla found
Australopithecus Africanus
3.2-2.3 mya, South Africa, Raymond Dart, Taung Speciman (2-4 year old child speciman found), smaller but similar to afarensis, was originally. best candidate for early homo origin
Ardipithecus Ramidus
5.8-4.4 mya, Hadar Ethiopia, monkey remain, earliest well documented bipedal ape, Foramen Magnum
Australopithecus Afarensis
4-3 mya, best documented bipedal, Donald Johanson, Hadar Ethiopia, LUCY (40% complete), frugivorus diet, ancestor of afarensis, u shaped palate
Australipithecus anamensis
4.2-3.9 mya, Olduval George, Meave Leakey, Lake Turkana, Ethiopia, earliest australopithecus, bell shaped skull, sagittal crest
Bipedal characteristics
earliest hominin, brain size 400-500 cc, long arms, short legs, less energy and solar radiation exposure, body heat contact by standing up right, decrease in need for shade, tall grass, facilitates tool making, carry infants efficiently
Australopithecus Garhi
2.5 mya, Ethiopia, canines and premolars bigger then Afarensis, sagittal crest, elongated femur
Dmanisi 1.7 mya
1st move away from h. ergasto to early homo out of africa. Mode 1; female adolescent found
Homo Habilis/Rudolfensis
small brain, East and South africa, earliest stone maker, (Habilis) earliest member of genus, bell shaped skull
Zhoukoudien Cave China
late homo erectus cite fires, hunting, 40 specimans found
Homo Heidelbergensis
Eurasia, Africa, based on Mauer/Heidelberg manuable found in Germany
Gesher Benot Ya’oquo
earliest evidence of fire, wet seated organic deposit, quarry for mining wooden/stone tools
A. L. 666-1 Ethiopia
34 tools; 14 in situ, fauna- antelope, Mode 1, no cores/utilized flakes
Koobi Fora
Kenya; H. Habilis, erectus, ergaster remains. 20 localities of stone and bone, buthering scavengered animals, eating and making tools, hippo, catfish, water buck, giraffe, wild pig, porcupine, gazelle
Mammalian Biostratigraphy
dating method specific for ice age sights, looked at animal fossils in layers to date
concial thorax
cone shape rib cage in homo erectus (flare at base)
East Asia Chopper
unifacial tool
East Asia Chopping
bifaciale; double side with flakes
Gona River Valley
Ethiopia, oldest stone tools, volcanic rock, found in situ, Mode 1
Spain, homo ancesstor
Konso Garula
Ethiopia, recognized handaxes
earliest hand axes in Kenya
periods between glacier advances, global warming occurs
Eugene Dubois
found Pithecanthropus erectus, upright walking man, started process
Mode 2
Acheulian, planned and thought tools, handaxes, picks, flakes, choppers, cleavers, middle pleistocene
ice age
Mode 1
Oldawan, 2.5, choppers, cores, flakes, anvil, hammerstones, early homo erectus and homo erectus
sagittal keel
exclusive homo erectus, long rides along top skull from front to back
developed ice-age in Europe, receding forehead and promitant eye ridges, unitelligent
Donal Johanson
Lucy, Australopithecus afarensis finder
Bose Valley
China, hand axe production site
middle pleiostocene homo erectus
tranverse torus
homo erectus back of skull protuberance (football shape head)
radiocarbon dating
only date as early as 50k, can’t date bipeds, early homo, homos
homo ergastor
African origin, lasted till end of ice age, sagittal keel, similar to homo sapiens below the neck
middle pleisocene hominins
culture of archaic homo sapiens, Mode 2
Archaic Homo Sapien
1 mya, appeared after homo erectus, antecessor
early homo and pidels, plant material
senga 5 A
Congo, Oldowan, debitage- 4 cores, 1 homosapien
Raymond Dart
australopithecus africanus founder
Homo Naledi
South African, found in deep cave (15 individuals), sagittal keeling, pelvis flares out. Outlier of early homo
homo erectus
African origin, derived form H. Ergaster, 1st hominin outside of Europe, protuberance, sagittal keel, 750-1250 cc
Early homo habilis
2.5-1.8, leakey, exclussively Africa, olduvai george, long arms, conical thorax, mode 1
louis, mary, richard Leakey
boisei, early homo, homo erectus
after ice age
Percision Grip
humans= short, straight, broad finger tips, fine motor skills
homo antecessor
spain, earliest of Africa, archaic homo sapien
power grip
long curved fingers, less precise, stregnth
developed in homo erectus