Exam 2 Flashcards
Key concepts from Chapter 5-8 and lecture
Personality Development
As the continuities, consistencies, and stabilities in people over time and the ways in which people change over time.
Rank Order Stability
The maintenance of individual position within a group.
Ex. Even though between ages 14 and 20, people’s heights fluctuate, the rank order tend to remain fairly stable because it adds a few inches to everyone.
Mean Level Stability
When average level in a group remains the same over time. Another kind of personality stability is constancy in level.
Mean Level Change
If the average degree changes
Personality Coherence
Maintaining rank order in relation to other individuals but changing the manifestations of the trait.
The individual differences that emerge very early in life, are likely to have a heritable basis and are often involved with emotionality and arousability.
Longitudinal Studies
Examining the same group of individuals over time. Costly and difficult.
A recording device attached to the wrists of the children during several play periods. Motoric movement activated the recording devices.
Stability Coefficients
The correlations between the same measures obtained at two different points in time.
Validity Coefficients
The correlations between different measures of the same trait obtained at the same time.
The extent to which one perceives oneself as relatively close to being the person one wants to be and/or as relatively distant from being the kind of person one does not want to be, with respect to person-qualities one positively and negatively values.
Cohort Effects
Whether changes observed are due to true personal change or other variants.
Complete set of genes an organism possesses.
Genetic junk
Many parts of the other 98% of the DnA in the human chromosomes
The notion that we can design the future of the human species by fostering the reproduction of persons with certain traits and by discouraging the reproduction of personas without those traits.
Percentage of variance
The fact that individuals vary, or are different from each other, and this variability can be partitioned into percentages that are due to different causes.