Chapter Flashcards
What are well springs of psychic energy?
- For Freud, biological instincts. Influenced by Darwin
Initial framework: - Survival instinct (Darwin natural selection)
- Sexual instinct (Darwin sexual selection)
Later framework:
- Survival + sex = one thing = libido, life affirming energy.
- Need-satisfying and pleasure oriented
- Influenced by war-like nature of Germans during WW1 and WW2. Came to believe in a death instinct.
- This need to destroy, harm, aggress.
Libido and thanatos can be combined though opposite
- Eating/hunting
Freuds architecture of mind
1) Id
- Most primitive part
- Unacceptable urges, wishes, desires
- Operates by pleasure principle (wants immediate gratification and of all wishes)
- Primary process thinking, associative without logic.
2) Ego
- Most advanced
- Operates in reality principle, behavior in manner and consistent with society
- Satisfy wishes in socially acceptable terms
- Secondary process thinking and logical/rational.
3) Superego
- Internalized societal values
- Unconscious “policeman” , “don’t” “can’t” “won’t”
- Can be unrealistic in moral standards and can cause guilt
- Primarily unconscious
Motives are like dispositions
- Taxonomy (Basic set)
- Individual differences in each
- Measureable
- Like traits, predispose to act
Henry Murray, Beginning of motive tradition
- Practicing physician
- MEt Jung, 3 weeks meetings
- “ emerged a reborn man.”
- Gave up surgery
- At Harvard until retirement.
Concept of need
- Readiness to respond in a particular way.
- Need hierarchy, it’s a characteristic strong motive.
Needs fluctuate
- Affected by internal state
- State of the envt
- Combo of push and pull
do better be successful, work hard
- Like challenges
Do not like tasks that are too easy or difficult, rather one that tests and stretches skills. - More successful entrepreneurial activity with a preference of innovation. yet in college, there isn’t a correlation with higher gpa, just more deliberation and involvement in academics.
- No sex difference
But women gets expressed differently. –> More investment in appearance, dating, courtship.
- Desire to impact other people
More arguments, assertive group discussions, elected into political office, risk taking, prestige.
-No sex difference
Men tend to be more impulsive and aggressive in behavior, sexual conquest, and alcohol abuse yet women are less of this Don Juan pattern
Under their leadership, country more likely to go to war under admin.
^ nPow = like the job
^ nAff = care about others
- Readiness for warm relations with others
More time thinking about relationships, more happy around people. Smile, laugh, and more eye contact. Starting up more conversations, writing more letters.
-Not extraverts
- Quality time with friends, not partying, rated more sincere and loving.
-Sex difference
Women were higher.
-Kind of an alternative to nInt r=.32. Darker more needy approach.
-Affiliation arousal
Negative social feedback and unsuccessful pledges to frat
more needy type of interactions.
nAff = dopamine release
nPow = Norephinephrine release
- More primitive limbic structures
Like Freud
- Motivation is often unconscious
Lack of correlation - Implicit motives have earlier basis
Limbic system in development and pre-lang
-Many people will be conflicted
Pursuit of things they do not like
Chapters 12 Lecture
- Field dependence (independence)
- MacLeod: Interpretation bias in anxiety
- Accessible attitudes (Fazio)
- & perception & behavior
- & functionality
Personality and Perception
- Perception is not determined
- Brain must fill certain facts
- Personality can play a role
- (e.g., TAT)
Field Dependence
- Herman Witkins studied for 30 years
- Person through perception (1954)
Embedded Figures Tests
- Larger picture, smaller hidden objects
- Field dependent
- Difficulty locating smaller objects
- Forest, not trees
- Field independence
- Easily locate smaller objects
- Trees, not forest
Beck’s cognitive theory of anxiety
- Anxiety and attention
* anxious = attend to threatening info
* God support - Anxiety and memory
* Anxious = remember threatening info
* Not good support - Anxiety and interpretation
* Not much investigated
* Probed implicitly, reading comprehension task
* Easy to understand = fast RT yet confusion is slow RT
To study anxiety
- Primes ambiguous
- “doctor examined little Emily’s growth”
- Targets
- ” Her height had changed little since the last visit.”
- “Her tumor had changed little since the last visit.”
* Threat interpretation
* If so, confused with non-threat continuation.
- Non-Anxious
- Non-threat interpretation, if so, confused with threat continuation.
Trait of anxious: +63
Trait of non-anxious: -75
Conclusion to Hypothesis
- The same sentences but effects of anxiety.
- Anxious more likely to interpret ambiguous threats.
- Causal to anxiety?
(MacLeod: Attention training)
Accessible Attitudes
States that some attitudes are stronger than others
- Strong attitudes
- Predict behavior better
- Have some general functionality
Fazio & WIlliams (1986)
- Prior to 84 election, Reagan vs. Mondale
- “How do you feel about Reagan”, “..Mondale”
- Reaction times recorded
- Months later, DVS
1. Perception of Reagan-Mondale debate
2. Voting behavior