Exam 2 Flashcards
The lifelong process by which people develop their human potential and learn
Groups in which socialization takes place
Agents of socialization
Primary agents
Parents, family, and friends
Secondary agents
Educational system, media, and consumer culture
The process of newborns-young children acquiring language, identities, cultural routines, norms, and values as they interact with parents and family members
Primary socialization
The process of learning about role requirements of a particular status prior to actually acquiring that status
Anticipatory socialization
Ceremonies or rituals that mark important transitions from status to status within the life cycle
Rites of passage
A person’s fairly consistent patterns of acting, thinking, and feeling
Person who developed behaviorism- behavior is not instinctive but learned (nurture over nature)
John B. Watson
Person who suggested the 2 basic needs/instincts (life and death instinct)
Sigmund Freud
Our need for bonding; the tendency toward survival, propagation, sex, and other creative, life-producing drives
Life instinct (eros)
Our aggressive drive; self-destruction and the return to the inorganic state (death)
Death instinct (thanatos)
What are Freud’s 3 stages of growth?
Id, ego, superego
The human’s basic drives which are unconscious and demand immediate satisfaction
A person’s conscious effort to balance innate pleasure-seeking drives with the demands of society
The cultural values and norms internalized by an individual that acts as our conscious (moral concepts of right and wrong)
Compromise of the competing demands of the id and superego (self and society); process of changing selfish drives into socially acceptable behavior
Person who developed the four stages of psychological development
Jean Piaget
What are Piaget’s stages of psychological development?
- Sensorimotor stage (individuals experience the world only through their senses- 0-2 years old)
- Preoperational stage (individuals first use language and other symbols- 2-6 years old)
- Concrete operational stage (individuals first see casual connections in their surroundings- 7-11 years old)
- Formal operational stage (individuals think abstractly- 11-15 years old)
What are Kohlbergs three stages of development?
- Preconventional- we gain moral reasoning through pain and pleasure, avoid punishment, obtain rewards (age 3-7)
- Conventional- Define right and wrong based on what the culture around them dictates, belong and be accepted, obey rules and regulations (age 8-13)
- Postconventional- people move beyond society’s norms to consider abstract ethical principles, make and keep promises, live moral imperatives (adulthood)
What was the idea behind Mead’s theory?
Social experience develops and individual’s personality
The part of an individual’s personality composed of self awareness and self image
What are Mead’s 4 stages of self?
- The self develops only with social experience
- Social experience is the exchange of symbols
- Understanding intention requires imagining a situation from the other person’s point of view (use symbols to communicate)
- All symbolic interaction involves seeing ourselves as others see us (taking the role of the other- how we become self-aware)
What are Mead’s two parts of the self?
The I- How we see ourselves
The Me- How others see us (how we imagine they do)