Exam 1 Study Guide Flashcards
Understand the concept of oxidation-reduction reactions
oxidation-reduction reactions- describes the transfer of electrons between an electron donor (that becomes oxidized) and electron acceptor (that is reduced)
1.oxidation- removal of electrons from a substance, usually hydrogen atoms (H+ plus one electron)
oxidation reactions release energy (ex: glucose oxidation; glucose and 6 O2—> 6 H2O and energy (ATP, NADH)
2. Reduction- addition of electrons to a substance through addition of hydrogens (loss of O2 atoms); requires an input of energy
Know the 4 roles of carbohydrates
4 roles of carbohydrates:
- Energy source
- energy is derived from breakdown of blood-borne glucose
- Muscly glycogen powers various forms of biologic work including muscle contraction - Protein sparer
- Adequate carbohydrate intake helps preserve tissue protein - Metabolic primer
- the depletion of glycogen causes fat mobilization to exceed fat oxidation
- can lead to ketosis - Fuel for the Central Nervous system
- The brain almost exclusively uses blood glucose as its fuel source
- hypoglycemia is the reduction of blood glucose to <45 mg/dL.
Know the difference between lipolysis, lipogenesis, Gluconeogenesis and glycolysis
Lipolysis - process of breaking down TAGs through hydrolysis into glycerol and 3 fatty acids
Lipogenesis- formation of fat when glucose or protein is Not used to sustain energy metabolism (occurs in cytoplasm of liver cells)
Gluconeogenesis (LIVER, KIDNEYS)- process of synthesizing glucose from non-carbohydrate sources (lactate, glycerol, amino acids)
-describes when lactate from muscles is transferred to liver during hypoxic conditions (no O2). In liver, lactate will be converted into glucose.
(lactate–> pyruvate; which eventually converts to glucose)
Glycolysis- (CYTOSOL)- 10 step reaction pathway that converts one glucose molecule into two molecules of pyruvate
pyruvate (3 carbon compound)
Glycolysis- glucose—> pyruvate; 2 ATP and 2 NADH are produced.
Know the different types of lipids and their roles in the body
3 types of lipids:
1. Simple lipids:* consist primarily of triacylglycerols (TAG)
-major storage form of fat in adipocytes
-contain one glycerol and three fatty acids (longer the fatty acid, less water-soluble the molecule)
2. Compound lipids: are composed of phospholipids, glycoplipids and lipoproteins
-Phospholipids functions:
-to interact with water and lipid to modulate fluid movement across cell membrane,
-maintain structural integrity of cell
-important role in blood clotting
-provide structural integrity to insulating sheet that surrounds nerve fibers
-Chylomicrons- transport Vitamins A, D, E and K
-High density lipoprotein (HDL)- good cholesterol
-very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL)- transport TAGS to muscle and adipose
-Low-density lipoprotein (VLDL)- Bad cholesterol
3. Derived lipids: like cholesterol, exist only in Animal tissue and diets high in cholesterol can cause increased risk of coronary heart disease and athersclerosis
Know the role of proteins in the body
Proteins are important for repair and building of tissues, allows for metabolic reactions to occur and many other functions (enzymes, hormones).
proteins can also be catabolized (broken down) to produce ATP if necessary when carbohydrate and lipid stores are depleted.
Amino acids (derived from proteins) can be degraded for energy, and lead to acetyl coa, pyruvate or TCA cycle intermediates
-major sources of body protein- blood plasma, visceral tissue, muscle tissue (NOT neural and connective tissue)
-protein makes up 12-15% of body mass
-body does NOT store protein reserves for fuel
stress, disease, and injury increase protein requirements.
Understand the concept of hyponatremia
Hyponatremia- describes water intoxication that occurs when the amount of sodium in blood is extremely low.
This can occur during exercise in hot weather (increasing body’s water requirement ) and leading to excessive sweating combined with large volumes of plain water –> water intoxication
factors that lead to Hyponatremia- INCREASE in Total body water and DECREASE in plasma sodium concentration
Know the processes of glycolysis, anaerobic respiration, aerobic respiration (pyruvate cycle, Electron transport, and ATP synthesis)
- Glycolysis- converting 1 glucose molecule into 2 pyruvate molecules; generating 2 ATP and 2 NADH; exergonic process occurs in cytosol
- anaerobic respiration (occurs when NO O2 is present)
-Pyruvate is reduced by accepting electrons (protons) that must be removed from NADH. pyruvate reduction forms lactate, ethanol and CO2
most organisms are able to extract limited energy from glucose (via glycolysis)
-Fermentation- electrons removed during glucose oxidation are returned to organic molecule later in same pathway.
Lactic acid fermentation- biological process where sugars (glucose) are converted into cellular energy and byproduct lactate
2 Pyruvate is converted to 2 lactate (form 2 NAD+, 2 lactate) and generated by lactate DH.
lactate fermentation- anaerobic glucose catabolism seen in animals and bacteria
Alcohol fermentation- using glucose to convert to ethanol; seen in plant cells and yeast.
in fermentation (no external electron acceptor is involved, and no net oxidation occurs) - Aerobic respiration (O2 is present)
-pyruvate cycle- convert pyruvate into acetyl coa, using Pyruvate Dehydrogenase (DH), also CO2 and NADH (oxidation) is formed (after decarboxylation)
-Citric acid cycle- acetyl coa enters the TCA cycle and it reacts with Oxaloacetate and other TCA intermediates to be completely oxidized to CO2
-Electron Transport - describes the transfer of electrons from reduced coenzymes (NADH and FADH2) to oxygen that is coupled with active transport of protons across the membrane.
ATP Synthesis - describes the process of generating electrochemical proton gradient across inner mitochondrial membrane and having a proton motive force (pms) of that gradient is harnessed to make ATP.
ATP made by ATP synthase ( Fo/F1 complex: Fo- channel for exergonic flow of protons across membrane; intermebrane space
F1- carries out ATP synthesis (driven by energy of proton gradient in mito matrix)
Electron transport and ATP synthesis are not independent processes (they are functionally linked to each other)
Understand the basics of fatty acid catabolism (source of fatty acids, hydrolysis beta of fatty acids)
Fat catabolism- describes the complete oxidation of a triacylglycerol molecule which yields about 460 ATP molecules
-TAGs are stored directly within the muscle fiber in close proximity to mitochondira
-circulating TAGs in lipoprotein
-Circulating free fatty acids mobilized from TAGs in adipose tissue
process of fat catabolism:
1. breakdown of TAG to free fatty acids
2. Transport of free fatty acids in the blood
3. uptake of free fatty acids from blood to muscle
4. preparation of fatty acids for catabolism
5. Entry of activated fatty acids into muscle mitochondria
6. Breakdown of fatty acid to acetyl-CoA via Beta-oxidation and the production of NADH and FADH
7. Coupled oxidation in citric acid cycle and electron transport chain
Know how pyruvate is formed and its fate
pyruvate is formed during glycolysis- where one glucose molecule undergoes 10 step path to form two pyruvate molecules (also produces ATP and NADH)
pyruvate- three carbon compound
fates of pyruvate:
1. aerobically: in the presence of oxygen, pyruvate is further oxidized to form acetyl coenzyme A (acetyl-CoA; which generates 30 ATP)
2. Anaerobically (no O2) , pyruvate is REDUCED by accepting electrons (and protons) that must be removed from NADH
-pyruvate can lead to formation of products lactate, ethanol (yeast), and CO2.
conversion of pyruvate is decarboxylation because one carbon liberated as CO2.
it can also be oxidation since two electrons (one proton) are transferred to NAD+ to form NADH
Understand how ATP is stored, processes that produce ATP, respiratory control, ATP as an energy molecule
ATP forms from adenosine linked to 3 phosphates.
the body stores only (80 to 100 g) a small amount of ATP at any time (during normal resting conditions)
ATP is stored by extracting energy (Potential energy) from food macronutrients and conserve it within the bonds of ATP.
Then when you extract and transfer the chemical energy in ATP to power biological work.
ATP is stored within high energy phosphates.
ATP is stored in NADH and FADH2
Processes that produce ATP:
Glycolysis: makes 2 ATP
TCA cycle: makes 2 ATP
Oxidative phosphorylation/ETC- makes 34 ATP (by transferring electrons from NADH and FADH2 to oxygen)
Respiratory Control: describes when availability of ADP regulates the rate of oxidative phosphorylation and thus of electron transport.
-electron transport and ATP generation is favored when ADP concentration is high, and inhabited when ADP [ } is low.
ATP- INTERMEDIATE energy molecule because:
1. intermediate level is key in ability to be phosphate donor to many molecules and donate phosphate to lower energy molecules
2. ATP can also uitilize many molecules for phosphorylation.
Understand the continual synthesis of ATP during aerobic respiration
Cells contain a SMALL quantity of ATP- so hence we must continually resynthesizes it at its rate of use
ATP is necessary to power all cellular processes, so it is constantly being used by cells and hence must constantly being produced.
by maintaining small amounts of ATP, its relative concentration changes rapidly in response to minimal ATP decrease
The small amount of ATP In muscles is only enough for fuel for seconds of exercise, so ATP must be resynthesized to fuel movement and for survival.
Understand the concept of “metabolic mill:
Metabolic Mill: Citric Acid Cycle- the link between macronutrient energy (food) and chemical energy (ATP)
-describes the mill that energy falls into
foods that contain fats, carbs and proteins are converted into fatty acids, glucose/glycogen, and amino acids which further undergo many metabolic processes that lead to citric acid cycle
know how BMR relates to age, gender, FFM (free fat mass), and body mass
BMR (basal metabolic rate): the minimum level of energy to sustain vital functions in the waking stage (reflects body’s total heat production)
BMR Decreases with age.
As FFM (free fat mass) decreases, BMR decreases
Also as body fat increases, there is a decrease in BMR.
The Larger the body mass, the HIGHER the BMR
Females have lower (5-10% less) BMR than males since women possess less fat free mass (FFM)
males have higher BMR, since they have higher proportion of lean body mass
-with higher FFM, you have higher BMR.
Know how oxygen consumption (VO2) relates to body mass and heart rate
Heart Rate and Oxygen consumption relate LINEARLY over a large range of exercise intensities.
So exercise HR provides an estimate of Oxygen consumption and thus energy expenditure during aerobic exercise
As you increase body mass, the you increase O2 consumption (VO2 max)
-trained individuals have higher O2 consumption more quickly than untrained due to their training adaptations
HR lower for trained individuals.
Understand the widely believed misconceptions about the effects of lactate
Widely believed misconceptions:
Lactic acid is cause of
1. fatigue
lactate does not equal fatigue because:
-muscle fatigue occurs while lactic acid [] in muscle is LOW
-you often see NO fatigue when lactic acid [ } concentration in muscle is HIGH
-At end of 100 km raceL fatigue is high, but blood lactate [ ] is not much higher than at rest
-Mcardle’s disease- incapable of producing and accumulating lactic acid; but many people are prone to suffering from muscle fatigue (so muscle fatigue accompanied by very low or NO lactic acid at all)
seen in exhaustive isometric exercise (immediately after exercise fatigue high; after exercise low)
2. Cramps
muscle cramps not caused by lactic acid:
-all runners in 400 m finish with blood lactate { } that is 20-25x higher than resting level, but cramps are RARE
-people suffer from CRAMPS while sleeping, when bl lactate { } is LOW
-Usually cramps occur during strenuous efforts of long duration (where lactate [ ] is higher than at rest, but far below max levels of intense, brief efforts
cramps are due to electrolyte disturbances (K+ and Ca^2+) (interstitial fluid is lost through sweat leading to loss of ions, and cells swells causing Sarco ER CA shorts and Calcium bound to troponin
-Mcardle’s disease- occurs when there is a lack of muscle glycogen phosphorylase (still suffer from cramps), not able to break down glycogen into glucose for immediate energy; prone to muscle fatigue even though lactate levels low
- soreness
lactic acid has NOTHING to do with muscle soreness
-instead soreness after exercise is due to DOMS (Delayed onset muscle soreness) the pain that appears 1-2 days after an unfamiliar intense effort
-occurs with eccentric muscle contractions (muscle that contract while lengthening themselves) study proved that flat run(higher lactate concentration) and did not generate soreness; compared to downhill running causing lower lactate [ } and severe soreness. proving lactic acid not correlated with muscle soreness.
Understand the 3 misconceptions about the causes and fates of lactate
Misconceptions about causes and fate of lactate
1. Anaerobic metabolism during exercise results in an O2 deficiency to be repaid after exercise
not true because
2. Lactate is a “dead-end metabolite” that is only formed and NOT removed during exercise
-not true because most (75%) lactate produced as a result of anaerobic glycolysis is removed by OXIDATION, and mainly by working muscle, so VO2 still provides valid measure of energy flux
-lactate produced in some cells (fast twitch glycolytic fibers; FG) can be shuttled to other cells (Slow twitch oxidative fibers (SO) and be oxidized
3. The elevation of blood lactate during exercise represents anaerobiosis (O2 insufficiency) in muscle
Understand the concepts of oxygen deficit versus oxygen debt
O2 deficit- the difference between the amount of energy contributed from aerobic ATP production and that required to sustain exercise
O2 deficit can be crude predictor of performance ability
-the time to reach steady-state oxygen consumption Is shorter in well-trained, high-peforming athletes compared with poorly trained, unfit subjects
O2 deficit shrinks as you carry out high-quality training.
O2 debt- excess O2 uptake above resting levels which occurs after workout is over.
there once was theory that O2 deficit and O2 debt linked (due to surplus of O2 consumed after exercise (debt) was body’s way of repaying o2 deficiency from beginning
Now theory proven wrong.
O2 debt outdated term (no longer used)
Understand the concepts of lactate threshold and ventilatory threshold
No correlation between lactate threshold and ventilatory threshold.
Vent Threshold CANNOT predict lactate threshold.
Understand how to practically measure exercise intensity
*most practical way of measuring exercise intensity: calculating appropriate Target Heart Rate Zone; calculating your maximum heart rate by subtracting 220 from your age. Then calculate resting heart rate (count how many times heart beats when at rest)
Calculate Heart Rate reserve (HRR) by subtracting your Resting Heart rate from Maximum Heart rate.
multiply your HRR by 0.7 (70%) and add resting heart rate
multiply your HRR by 0.8 (80%) and adding resting heart rate
these values are your target heart rate zone for vigorous exercise intensity
Rate of perceived exertion rate- describing how hard you feel like your body is working
Talk test- measures your ability to carry on a conversation while doing physical activity or exercise
Know basal metabolic rate, obligatory thermogenesis, facultative thermogenesis
Basal Metabolic rate- the minimum level of energy to sustain vital functions in the waking state (reflects the body’s total heat production)
-Obligatory thermogenesis- results from energy required to digest, absorb, and assimilate food nutrients
Facultative thermogenesis- relates to activation of sympathetic nervous system and its influence on metabolic rate
Know steady rate and VO2 max
Steady rate- reflects the balance between energy required for working muscles and ATP production in aerobic metabolism
(no blood lactate accumulates under steady-rate metabolic conditions)
VIO2 max- maximum oxygen consumption that occurs when oxygen consumption plateaus or increases slightly only with additional increases in exercise intensity.
most individuals exercise in steady rate with little lactate accumulation at 55% to 60% VO2 max.
trained individuals reach steady state faster than untrained ? Also have higher Vo2 max than untrained individuals and consume more O2 during exercise?
Understand how oxygen consumption is measured
VO2 max- provides a quantitative measure of a person’s capacity for aerobic ATP resynthesis
-plays a factor in ability to sustain intense exercise for longer than 4 or 5 minutes and has a role in sustaining energy metabolism.
Know which energy transfer systems predominate during different types of exercise
Energy transfer systems:
1. ATP-PCr System (Immediate Energy)
-High intensity exercise of SHORT duration (100m dash, lifting a heavy weight, 35-m swim)- requires IMMEDIATE energy from intramuscular ATP and PCr (rely on high energy phosphates)
This is an ANAEROBIC system, that takes 5-8 secs.
more PCr in skeletal muscle than ATP.
athletes who play football, baseball, weight , gymnastics, sprints, and weight lifting rely exclusively on high energy phosphates as energy source.
2. Lactic Acid Anaerobic System (Short-Term Energy; ATP+ PCR+ LACTIC Acid)
used for High to medium intensity that lasts 10 secs to 90 secs (1.5 min)
-Energy to phosphorylate ADP during intense, short-duration exercise comes mainly from Stored muscle glycogen breakdown via anaerobic glycolysis with LACTATE FORMATION.
this is scene in 200-400 m dash, 100 m swim)
- AEROBIC System (Long-Term Energy)
-uses Electron Transport-Oxidative Phosphorylation
-Aerobic endurance (low-intensity, long duration exercise)
-FAT in the form of FREE FATTY ACIDS is primary source of of energy
-provides nearly all of energy transfer when intense exercise continues beyond several minutes
-O2 consumption rises exponentially during first minutes of exercise before it plateaus and remains stable for duration of effort.
steady rate
ex: beyond 800 m run, long distance running)
this exercise uses OXYGEN and allows one to train how to sustain higher intensities for long duration before cramping
Understand recovery oxygen consumption- EPOC (passive and active recovery strategies)- know what factors influence EPOC
EPOC (Excess-post exercise oxygen consumption)- the total oxygen consumed in recovery minus the total oxygen theoretically consumed at rest during recovery period
Active recovery-“cooling down” or tapering off; individual reforms submaximal exercise presuming continued physical activity prevents muscle cramps and stiffness and facilitates overall recovery
passive recovery- person usually lies down, presuming total inactivity reduces the resting energy requirements and thus “frees” oxygen to fuel recovery process (massage, cold showers, consume cold liquids)
factors that influence EPOC-
Understand the overload, specificity, and reversibility principles
Overload, specificity and reversibility are all principles that promote bone health during exercise
Specificity- exercise provides a local osteogenic effect (you will have strength gains in fitness or strengthen a particular location of bone or muscle based on specific exercise)
Overload: progressively increasing exercise will promote continued bone desposition
-any aspect of physical fitness the individual must continually increase the demands placed on the appropriate body systems.
Reversibility: Discontinuing exercise overload, Reversed the positive osteogenic effects gained.
any exercise fitness effects or results can be reversed if you stop training
(stop working out, lose effects of training)
?Understand specificity of VO2 max and local changes
VO2 max level depend on how trained you are.
trained individuals reach steady rate faster than untrained individuals and reach O2 demands quickly.
Untrained individuals- take longer to reach steady rate and consumes more oxygen
untrained individuals with Oxygen deficit will take even longer to reach steady state. .
?Know the proper diet for an endurance athlete (carb, protein, fat ratios)
Diet for endurance athletes:
45-65% carbohydrates, 20-35% fats, 10-35% protein?
Know the carb intake before, during, and after competition
Pre-exercise- should be ingested > than or equal to 60 minutes before
pre-competition meal should include foods HIGHT in Carbohydrates (150-300g) and relatively LOW in Lipids and Proteins
also be consumed three hours prior to event
During exercise- 60g carbs each hour to enhance high-intensity endurance
Post-exercise- consuming carbohydrate rich, high glycemic foods, following intense training or competition speeds; speeds glycogen replenishment
(replenishment takes a long time (20 hours); glycogen stores replenish 5-7% per hour with optimal carb intake
**Understand what was discussed about nutrition bars, liquid meals, and nutrition powders and drinks.
Nutrition bars- contain hight protein content (10-50 g per bar) and includes vitamins and minerals and dietary supplements
Liquid meals: offer well balanced nutritive value, contribute to fluid need and absorbs rapidly and leaves little residue in digestive tract
-practical approach to supplementing caloric intake during high-energy output phase of training
used by athletes to maintain or gain weight
Nutrition powder and drinks- great dietary supplement
-best used for athletes in training as food supplement
contains vitamins, minerals and other dietary supplement ingredients, marketed as meal replacements, energy boosters, dieting aids
athletes Should not use it as substitute for regular food
Compare and contrast glycemic index and glycemic load. Which one is better measure of
Glycemic index- measure of blood glucose increases after consuming a specific carbohydrate food
food with low glycemic index- digest and absorb at slow rate to provide steady supply of slow release glucose during prolonged exercise
50-75 g- moderate to high glycemic index carbohydrates should be consumed each hour post-exercise
Glycemic load
What is the most important factor that impacts daily energy expenditure?
PHYSICAL ACTIVITY- the most important factor that impacts daily energy expenditure
What are the roles of lipids in the body?
role of lipids in the body:
- energy source and reserve
- carries large quantities of energy per unit weight
- transports and stores easily
- provides a ready source of energy
- protection of vital organs
- thermal insulation
- Vitamin carrier and hunger suppressor
- what are three prerequisites that exist for continual resynthesis of ATP during aerobic respiration?
Three factors that are required for continual resynthesis of ATP during aerobic respiration:
- availability of the reducing agent NADH or FADH2 in the tissues
- presence of oxidizing agent O2, in the tissues
- Sufficient concentration of enzymes and mitochondria to ensure that energy transfer reactions proceed at the appropriate rate.
What are contributors to resynthesis of ATP?
The contributors to resynthesis of ATP:
- Citric acid cycle/respiratory chain(aerobic):
- fatty acids
- pyruvate from glucose
- some deaminated amino acids
- Gylcolysis (anaerobic)
- Phosphocreatine (pCr); cells store 4-6x more pCr than ATP (some energy for ATP resynthesis can come from anaerobic splitting of phosphate from pCr.
- Glucose/glycogen
- glycerol
- some deaminated amino acids .