Exam 1 Sensation and Perception Flashcards
Sensation vs. Perception
Sensation= the ability to detect a stimulus
Perception= the act of giving the detected stimulus meaning
Thresholding vs. Scaling
Thresholding= measuring limits of sensitivity; the stimulus that produces an arbitrary, but defined level of performance
Scaling: ordering a distributing stimuli along a perceptual dimension
the branch of psychology that investigates the relationship between physical stimuli and the sensations and perception they produce
Method of Constant Stimuli (Steps on how it works)
1) Choose stimuli of varying intensities
-some that you think people will always be able to perceive
-some that you think people will never be able to perceive
-some stimuli in between
2) Present each stimulis multiple times
3) Record proportion of correct responses for each intensity
Ex: Different shades of circles (L1S18)
Pros & Cons of Method of Constant Stimuli
+ Easy to Administer
-Have to know what the threshold is going to be (approximately) before you start
Method of Limits (Steps on how it works)
1) Start with a stimulus that can be perceived or the opposite
2) If perceivable, lower intensity
3) Continue until stimulus can’t be perceived
4) Test multiple times
Ex: Staircase/ “up-down” method (L1S21)
Pros and Cons of Method of Limits
+You don’t need to know where the threshold is at the start
+Robust measure of threshold
-Spurious thresholds may be obtained without evidence that the listener was really doing the task
Method of Adjustment (Steps on how it works)
1) Give subject control of the stimulus intensity
2) Instruct subject to adjust level until they can just not hear the stimulus
3) Test multiple times
Ex: Beskesy’s Tracking Method (L1S29)
Pros and Cons of Method of Adjustment
+Intuitively appealing
-Produces unreliable results
Go No-Go assay for Measuring Thresholds
= measures response inhibition
-participants respond to certain stimuli (‘go” stimuli) and make no response for others (“no-go” stimuli)
Go No-Go assay example (stimulus, response, hit, miss, correct rejection, and false alarm) on “What is the detection threshold for coffee aroma?”
Stimulus: coffee Response: button press
-Hit (correct): Pressing button with a Go-stimulus
-Miss(incorrect): Not pressing button with a Go-stimulus
-Correct Rejection (correct): Pressing button with a No-Go stimulus
-False Alarm (incorrect): Pressing button with a No-Go stimulus
Two alterative force choice (2AFC) assay for measuring thresholds