Exam 1 Review for Finals Flashcards
CO2 level
20 - 31 mEq/L
Specific gravity level
1.005 - 1.030
- Less than 1.005 = dilute urine, hypervolemia
- Greater than 1.030 = concentrated urine, hypovolemia
BUN level
6 - 20 mg/dL
Glucose level (fasting)
70 - 110 mg/dL
Platelet level
150,000 - 450,000 /uL
WBC level
4500 - 10,500 / uL
Hemoglobin level
M: 13.5 - 17.5 g/dL
F: 12 - 16 g/dL
Potass levels
3.5 - 5.0 mEq/L
Chloride levels
97 - 107 mEq/L
Sodium levels
135 - 145 mEq/L
Hematocrit level
Male: 42-52%
Female: 37-47%
Hypervolemia lab values
- *Decreased H&H, BUN (dilutional)
- *Decreased sodium
- *Decreased urine specific gravity
Hypovolemia lab values
- *Altered H&H
- *Increased BUN
- *Increased serum sodium
- *Decreased serum potassium
- *Increased urine specific gravity
Hypovolemia treatment
- Fluid replacement (oral, enteral, parenteral)
- Parenteral fluids: 5% dextrose with 0.45% NS or 0.45% NS
Hypovolemia causes
- Fluid shifts (third spacing)
- Excessive loss of fluid
- Lack of fluid intake
- Diabetic ketoacidosis
Hypovolemia clinical manifestations
- Weight loss
- Decreased skin turgor
- Dry mucous membranes
- Concentrated urine output
- Oliguria (decreased urine output)
- Thirst
- Anxiety/restlessness
- Decreased BP / tachycardia (bc heart is trying to compensate)
Hypervolemia causes
- Heart failure (fluid backs up)
- Increased water and sodium retention
- Increased sodium intake
- Cirrhosis
Hypervolemia clinical manifestations
- Weight gain
- Ascites / edema
- Polyuria
- Pulmonary edema (function of heart failure –> backflow into pulmonary veins)
- Jugular vein distension
- Extra heart sounds (S3) and adventitious lung sounds
- SOB, increased RR, increased BP
Hypervolemia treatment
- Restrict fluid intake
- Discontinue IV fluids
- Diuretics
- Dialysis
Hyponatremia causes
- Heart failure
- Meds (diuretics)
- Vomit/diarrhea
- Hyperglycemia w glucosuria
- Perspiration
Hyponatremia clinical manifestations
- *Neurological
- Cerebral edema
- Lethargy/weakness
- Headache
- Confusion
- Muscle cramps and altered gait
- Serious complications: seizures, coma, death
Hyponatremia medical management
- Sodium replacement (oral, enteral, parenteral)
- Fluid restriction 1500-2300
- Parenteral replacement w isotonic IV fluids: 0.9% normal saline
- Diuretics
- Setting of neurological involvement: hypertonic IV fluids (3-5% saline solutions)
Hypokalemia causes
- Losses in GI Tract (vomit, diarrhea, gastric suction, excessive laxative)
- Medications: loop diuretics, thiazide diuretics, aminoglycosides (antibiotic type), steroids, albuterol
- Lack of potassium rich foods
Hyperkalemia causes
- Acute or chronic renal failure (bc major excretor of K)
- Excessive intake of foods high in potassium: banana, potato, leafy greans
- Medications: potass-sparing diuretics, NSAIDs, potass supplements, beta blockers, digitalis
- Shift of intracellular potass to extracellular space: crush injuries, metabolic acidosis
Hyperkalemia medical management
- Dietary modifications
- IV dextrose and insulin administration (glucose shift which K follows)
- Loop diuretics
- Kay-exalate (promote GI excretion of K)
- Severe: calcium to reverse arrythmias, not lower K
Hypokalemia medical management
- Potass supplement (oral preferred)
- Cardiac monitoring
- Intravenous access
*Monitor digoxin levels and administer potass slowly d/t arrhythmias + irritation
Stable angina
- Fixed plaque
- Predictable
- Exacerbated w exercise, alleviated w rest/meds
Unstable angina
- Occlusive thrombus (blockage)
- Medical emergency
- 1st phase of acute coronary syndrome
- Precursor to MI
Prinzmetal angina
- Not due to obstruction; abnormal spasms of arteries + atherosclerosis usually present
- Spasms occlude vessels
- Occur between 12am - 8 am
Stable angina management
- Nitroglycerin
- Other meds that reduce risk factors like DM, HTN, HD
Unstable angina management
- MOAN/MONA: morphine, oxygen, nitroglycerin, aspirin (blood thinner)
- Other meds: CCB, BB, anticoagulants
Prinzmetal angina management
- Statins (lipitor)
- ACE inhibitors
- BB
Nitroglycerin administration
- No more than 3 doses taken 5 minutes apart
- Call 911 if pain (angina) persists after
- Preferred route: sublingual, IV (fast absorption)
CAD lifestyle management / prevention
- *Cardiac rehab
- Diet
- Exercise
- Smoking cessation
- Alc cessation
- Depression/anxiety assessment
Cardiac catheterization & angiography nursing implications
- Maintain pt on flat bedrest for 2-6 hrs to prevent stress on insertion
- Observe catheter site for bleed or hematoma
- Assess renal function, H&H, coagulation
What is Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)
- Obstruction of blood flow to LEs (occlusion) –> depriving of O2