Exam 1: Lecture 2: Patient Evaluation Flashcards
Who should perform the pre-anesthetic evaluation on the patient
ultimatley the responsibility of the veternarian in charge of the patient
What do you always start with during the pre-anesthetic evaluation?
What are the part to giving a doctor or another team member signalment
Species, breed, age, sex, and reproductive status
What should be done or checked during a pre-anesthetic evaluation?
- Signalment
- History (including anesthesia events or if the patient is currently ill)
- Physical exam (Body weight and body condition score)
- Blood and urine sample
- Temperment / mentation and level of pain
- Advances diagnositics if done
What patients should receive a routine ECG screening?
- Patients with evidence of CV disease
- Geriatic patients
- underlying diseases that may lead to arrythmais
What are some underlying diseases that may lead to arrhythmias
traumatic myocarditis
What should you look for/ give during a physical exam findings
- Temperature
- Pulse
- Respiration
- MM / CRT
- Body weight
What percent dehydration describes the following?
- Not detectable
Less than 5
What percent dehydration describes the following?
- Not detectable
Less than 5
What percent dehydration describes the following?
- Subtle loss of skin elasticity
What percent dehydration describes the following?
- Definite delay in return to skin to normal position
What percent dehydration describes the following?
- Slight prolongation of CRT
- Possible dry MM
What percent dehydration describes the following?
- Eyes possible sunken in orbits
What percent dehydration describes the following?
- tented skin stays in place
- eyes sunken in orbit
What percent dehydration describes the following?
- Definite prolongation of CRT
- Possible signs of shock
- Dry MM
What percent dehydration describes the following?
- Definite signs of shock
(Tachycardia, cool extremities, rapid and weak pulse)
What percent dehydration describes the following?
- Death Imminent
What systems are important when preforming a physical exam?
- integument (skin)
- Lymph nodes
- GI tract / abdominal palpation / gut sounds
- Genitourinary tract
- Central nervous system
What lab work should be preformed on an animal that is less than 5 years old (young) having an elective procedure with no abnormal history?
What lab work should be preformed on an animal that is older having an elective or non-electice procedure
- any history of recent illness
- Screening for suspected infectious disease in endemic regions
- All patients included in a research study
Chemistry Profile
+/- the following:
- blood pressure
- thoracic rads
- echocardiogram
- blood gas analysis
- coag profile
- liver function testing
- 4Dx
Where is the pre-anesthetic evaluation performed?
Typically in the clinic, but also done during farm calls
Find a quite place so you can better auscultate the heart and lungs