Exam 1: Developmental Milestones Flashcards
Can lift head when prone
2 months
Begins to follow things w/ eyes
2 months
2 eyes, 2 months
Can coo
2 months
Smile spontaneously
2 months
Laugh and begin to babble
4 months
Grasp objects with both hands
4 months
Roll from back to side
4 months
Smile socially
4 months
Roll over in both directions
6 months
Begins to fear strangers
6 months
Looks for things that are hidden (object permanence)
6 months
Can hold a bottle
6 months
Begin to show fear of going to bed alone/being alone
9 months
Can crawl on hands and knees and begin to pull to standing
9 months
Can string syllables together (Dada, Mamamama)
9 months
Uses thumb and index finger to pick things up (neat pincher)
12 months
Walks while holding onto furniture (cruising) or with one hand held
12 months
Begins to drink from cup
12 months
They have favorite objects
12 months
Imitates animal sounds
12 months
Throws ball overhand
18 months
Says 10 or more words
18 months
Built a tower of 3-4 cubes
18 months
Temper tantrums more evident
18 months
Can feed themselves with spoon
18 months
They can kick a ball and run well
2 years
Builds a tower of 6-7 cubes
2 years
Play alongside other children (parallel play)
2 years
Has a vocabulary of 300 words and uses 2-3 word phrases
2 years
Can dress themselves in simple clothes
2 years
Dresses and feeds self
3 years
Ride tricycle
3 years
3 wheels for 3 year old
Balances on foot for 1 second
3 years
Begin associative play (playing with same things but playing individually; play together and engage in similar activities, no group goal, great deal of behavior contagion)
3 years
Has a vocabulary of 900 words and completes sentences of 3-4 words
3 years
900 words - (Think 3x3 = 9 or how 9 is a multiple of 3)
Vocab of 1500 words
4 years
Can skip and hop on 1 foot
4 years
Can draw a person with 2 or more body parts
4 years
Tends to be selfish and impatient
4 years
Imaginary playmates are common
4 years
Can name one or more colors
4 years
Draws person w/ 7-9 body parts
5 years
Wants to please
5 years
Can say name and address
5 years
Can count 10 or more objects
5 years
Jumps rope
5 years
Lifts head and chest while on stomach
4 months
Anticipates feeding when they see bottle or breast
4 months
Recognized familiar faces
6 months
Tries to reach for objects
4 months
Balances head when in sitting position
4 months
Turns head toward sounds
2 months
Has definite likes and dislikes
6 months
Babbling resembles 1 syllable sounds (ma, mu, da, di, hi)
6 months
Lifts chest when prone and bears weight on hands
6 months
Responds to simple commands
9 months
Comprehends “no no”
9 months
Sits steadily
9 months
Crude pincher (picks up things like cereal O’s between thumb and 2 fingers)
9 months
Preference for use of dominant hand
9 months
Gives hugs and kisses
12 months
Says Mama and Dada for parents and can say 3-5 other words
12 months
Shaking head “no” or waving “bye-bye”
12 months
Gets to a sitting position from standing without help
12 months
Walks with one hand held
12 months
Releases cube in a cup
12 months
Can follow rapidly moving object
12 months
18 months
Likes to do things for self
18 months
Walks upstairs with one hand held
18 months
Understands directional commands
2 years
Shows defiance
2 years
Walks on tip toes
2 years
Knows first name
2 years
Turns doorknob, unscrews a lid
2 years
May have control of bowels and bladder
3 years
broad jump
3 years
Copies a circle
3 years
Build a tower of 9-10 cubes
3 years
9 cubes: 9 = multiple of 3
Converses using 2-3 sentences
3 years
Complex sentences of 3 or 4 words
3 years
May get upset with major changes in routine
3 years
Asks many questions
3 years
Says first name, age, and sex
3 year
Often cannot tell whats real and whats make believe
4 years
Very independent
4 years
Says first and last name
4 years
Copies a square
4 years
Think 4 sides to a square, 4 years old
CAN tell whats real and make believe
5 years
Vocabulary of 2100 words
5 years
Hops and skips on alternate feet; somersaults
5 years
Ties shoelaces
5 years
Goes to the toilet without help
5 years