Exam 1 Clinical Flashcards
Abnormal Function
Wolffs law
Attempted in 8th month of pregnancy
Breech birth
Intrinsic factor that affects morphogenesis
Face is compressed & the neck is hyperextended
Face presentation
Lateral part of cervix & upper vaginal wall to side wall of the pelvis
Lateral or transverse cervix ligaments
Extrinsic factor that affects morphogenesis
Longitudinal growth
Hypolumberlordosis -predisposing factor for
Anterior part of cervix to the posterior pubis
Pubocervical ligaments
Connect the body of the uterus- abdominal wall
Round ligaments
Pressure to the entire spine- cervical spine is hyperextended or hyperflexed
Transverse/ shoulder presentation
Connects the cervix to the sacrum
Uterosacral ligaments
Technique to correct birth positions
Webster technique