EXAM 1: Chapter 4 Flashcards
Consistency of a measure. Two types: Test-retest and Equivalent-form. Test-retest is using same measure/test, equivalent form is similar form that is approximately the same results
Internal consistency reliability
Items all correlate with one another within the same test (homogeneity of content)
Inter-rater reliability
Correlation between raters or % agreement
Accuracy of drawing inferences from test scores
Construct Validity
A theoretical view of validity: Does the selection test measure what it’s supposed to?
Is there a link between the test and our theoretical construct?
All validation approaches provide evidence for construct validity including convergent and divergent validation approaches
Criterion-Related Validity
degree to which test relates to criterion
concurrent validity – how well predicts at same time (college GPA & predictor test)
predictive validity- how well predicts future performance (HS class rank – GPA college)
Validity Coefficient
The correlation (r) between a predictor and criterion
r= .6 to .8 Great prediction
r=.3 to .5 Good prediction
r=.1 to .2 Slight prediction, but we might use it anyway!
The square of the correlation is important
r2= how much variance can we account for by using the predictor
Content Validity
Representativeness: Assessed by Subject Matter Experts
Face Validity
Representativeness: Assessed by Test Takers
Personnel Selection Methods
Personnel are selected through a variety of tests including interviews
Psychological Tests and Inventories
- intelligence tests, cognitive ability tests: measure general intelligence
- perceptual ability tests:
- psychomotor ability:
- mechanical aptitude test: which mechanical principle is suggested by a test item
- personality inventories: persons personality
- integrity tests: assess honesty and character
- conditional reasoning test
- physical abilities testing: strength and stamina
- situational judgment tests: gives situation and person has to make decision(s) sometimes ordered
Personality Inventory based on Big 5
Neuroticism - stability vs. instability
Extraversion - tendency to be social, energetic, outgoing
Openness to Experience - disposition to be curious
Agreeableness - disposition to be cooperative
Conscientiousness - disposition to be purposeful
Predicting Performance using Prior Experience
application blanks, resumes, cover letters, interviews, reference checks, biodata
Structured Interview
Reliable, Valid, Not as prone to legal challenge Because they: Are based on a job analysis, Ask the same questions of each applicant, and Have a standardized scoring procedure
Unstructured Interview
Unreliable, Not valid, and Legally problematic Because they: Are not job related, Rely on intuition, “amateur psychology,” and talk show methods, Suffer from common rating problems: Primacy, Contrast, Similarity, Range restriction (e.g., leniency, strictness, central tendency)
Model of Interview
Pre-Interview, Interview, Post-interview
Applications, Resume, Cover letters, Letters of Recommendation, social media
info of job
Forms pre-interview impression
Face-to-Face conducted by interviewer.
Interviewer’s perception of you and processing of information
Interviewee’s perception of Interviewer’s perception affects interviewee’s performance and behavior
Decision is made on whether interviewee passed or failed and hiring decision
Predicting Performance Using Applicant Skill
- Work Samples
- Situational Exercises
- Assessment Centers
Assessment Centers
group oriented, standardized set of activities used to assess managerial skills
Costs a lot, but its fair, and predicts “who will get ahead”
Situation Exercies
Given a situation and they have to describe what they would do in it
Drug Testing
tests for illegal use of drugs (contraversial)
Controversial testing
Drug testing, graphology (study of writing), and lie detector test (polygraph)
Testing on Internet
is more easy to collect data. Not necessarily as reliable. Differences from internet testing environments than pen and paper
Value of Testing
makes selection of candidates easier, weeds out people who don’t meet qualifications
Four standards to evaluate predictors
Validity, Fairness, Cost, and Applicability.