Exam 1 Ch.4 Flashcards
What are the four domains of sex differences
- math
- spatial abilities
- verbal
- aggression
What was the problem with the sex differences by Maccoby and Jacklin
It was narrative and doesn’t take in the size of the differences
What provides a way to quantitatively review studies, taking in consideration sample size and effect sizes
Certain variables that influence the size of sex differences in metanalyses
Moderator variable
What is a disadvantage of narrative and met analytic reviews?
Studies finding no differences are less likely to be published, a weakness that is known as the file-drawer problem
The direction and magnitude of sex differences in spatial abilities depend on
the specific task
Whats the biggest difference in spatial abilities, and in what gender?
Mental Rotation, men
What age group is sex differences more prominent in ____ than ____
older, younger
What sex difference doesn’t change over time?
Spatial Skills
What domain does women have better spatial skills?
Object Location
Sex differences in math for the general population range between zero, small, moderate, large, extra large, and increasing or decreasing over time
small and zero, decreasing
Who performs better in school and why?
Females, because of orientation towards school work
Why are sex differences in math ability among the highly talented are substantial why?
These differences may relate to men’s advantage in spatial skills, in particular mental rotation
What is difference in verbal, favoring who?
small, females
What determines the size of difference in verbal ability and what is large?
on specific verbal, large in case of writing
What is a reason for differences in verbal ability?
a larger proportion of males than females have verbal difficulties
Gender and Cognitive Domains
males scores are more variable than female scores
What is one way cognitive sex comparisons have been captured
Women are better at tasks that involve verbal abilities and diffuse attentions, whereas men are better at tasks that require rotating objects and focused attention
Sex Difference in empathy
Favors females effect size is dependent on how empathy is measured, with larger differences appearing on self-report measures and small differences on observational and behavioral
Sex differences in help
Men are more likely to help than women, but danger is a factor, and women help more in relationships
Victims and perps of aggression
Sex differences in aggression
Male more than female are smaller under conditions of provocation and very low or high arousal
Sex differences in sex
Males are more provocative, more casual sex, partners, masturbation women are more favorable towards homosexuality
Sex differences in personality traits
Larger in more egalitarian cultures where behavior is strongly related to traits
Whats important in domains of social behavior?
Sex differences and self-report
men and women try to behave in ways that fit their gender roles, larger under public conditions
Kohlberg criticisms
excluding women during its creation, women therefore appeared morally inferior
Eriksons theory
identity precedes achievement
Process of noticing information that confirms teletypes and disregarding information that disconfirms stereotypes
Confirmatory hypothesis testing
Evidence that scientific instrument measures what it was intended to measure
Construct Validity
Size of a difference that has been found in a study
Effect Size
Ability to experience the same emotion as another person or feel sympathy or compassion for another person
Difficulty encountered when compiling a review of scientific literature because studies showing null results are unlikely to be published
File Drawer Problem
Concern on the part of girls and boys with adherence to gender roles:applies to adolescence
Gender Intensification
Statistical tool that quantifies the results of group studies
Variable that alters the relation between the independent variable and dependent variable
Moderating variable
Moral reasoning that emphasizes connections separation from others, rights, rules, and standards of justice
Morality of Rights (Justice Orientation)
Review of scientific literature in which the authors reach their own conclusions about whether the majority of studies provide evidence for or against the topic of the review (e.g. sex differences)
Narrative Review