Exam 1 Ch.1 Flashcards
Sex is the first category learned by children because (3)
- Sex has only two categories
- The categories are mutually exclusive
- We are immediately exposed to members of both categories
What are myriad factors (3)?
Factors that go into the appearance of sex and they are time, person audience, and characteristics of one making the observation
Which category is more stable, sex or gender?
What distinguishes male and female?
psychological features and role attributes
What is the content of gender categories established by? (3)
Society, Culture, and time
Sex-Related Behavior
the behavior correspondes to sex, but it does not say anything about the cause to etiology of the difference
social position accompanied by a set of norms or expectations
Female Intrarole conflict example
Women emotional express feeling but be sensitive to needs of others: Woman is unhappy in marriage not sensitive but expressing
Student Interole Conflict
Female and Student, female is expected to be passive student expected to be active in class
Gender status and negative gender role norms
Men have it worse because it is more accepted to have women go as men cause women are moving up men are down
Gender identity or Gender Role Identity
OUR PERCEPTION of the self as psychology female or male
Transgendered Individuals
people who live with a GENDER IDENTITY that does not correspond to they biological SEX
same as gendered but have hormonal for surgical treatment to change their SEX to correspond to their GENDER IDENTITY (more m-f than f-m)
born with ambiguous genitals
What three components make up sexual orientation
love, affection, and sex
Sex-Typing , Cross Typing
process by which sex appropriate preferences, behavior, skills, and self-concept are acquired, female who acts feminine is sex typing but female who acts masculine is cross typing
incorporates both masculine and feminine qualities is not sex typed
Gender Role Attitude
OUR OWN PERSONAL VIEW of how men and women should behave
Traditional, Egalitarian, and Transitional gender role attitude
trad- men and women are trad., egal-men and women sam, transitional are both like if you believe they are equal but have primary focus
Attitude Components: Affect
Affect (feeling)- sexism (PREJUDICE toward people based on their sex) Like or dislike based on gender of maid
Attitude Components: Cognition
Sex stereotype/Gender-Role Stereotype (BELIEFS about the features if the biological or psychological categories of male or female) Example, male nanny would not be competent because he lacks required nutrient qualities
Attitude Components- Behavioral
Sex Discrimination (involves the differential treatment of people based on their biological sex) Example, if you fire male maid because your dislike males as maids and doubt his competence as a man. It is also a result of sexism and gender role stereotyping
Study stats on amount of feminists
3/4 endorsed beliefs but 11% identified, recently 17% F 7% M
What are two reasons that people don’t identify as feminists?
- Feminism have negative connotations (f hate m)
2. Feminism and activism are seen together which creates negativity
Denial of disadvantage
Women believes women as group need feminism but not her individually
Gender Culture
SOCIETYS understanding of what is possible, proper, and perverse un gender linked behavior
Gender Culture and Native Americans
There is a group that there are four genders, and the extra 3 and 4 are male and female Berdache. Basically a feminine male. They were viewed as highly sacred, and is a social identity rather than sexual orientation.
Gender Culture and Balkans
take on gender role to societies needs, highly respected
Gender Culture and Juchitan, Mexico
Muxe- biological males who dress like females and take on women roles in the community. Make more money than M or F and are regarded for artistic skills. Undecided if bio or social
Gender Culture and Western
Genitals tell all
Morocco, Tahiti, Agta Negrito
Look at this later
Who has higher status in most cultures?
What are some reasons for a low female status?
Higher illiteracy rates for women, less access to medical care for women, lower earning rations, tolerance for physical abuse for women.
Babies and Gender pref
Males strongly preferred males, females slightly females, and third said no pref. Most want child of each sex. China has sex-selective abortions
The two sexes are fundamentally the same
The two sexes are fundamentally different but not deficit
argue that it is fruitless to study gender because gender cannot be divorced from its context, gender is generated by it’s perceiver, facts do not exist interpretations do, they look at how not what, they and asking as so is wrong
When did Womens movements first occur
1800s, they didn’t argue that we were equal but rather for greater respect for themselves, the looked at abolition, temperence, and child labor laws
When did women gain the right to vote?
What was the Feminine Mystique about and when was it published?
1963, “the problem that has no name” problem was women delegation to the domestic sphere of life inhibited their opportunities for personal development.
When was the National Organization for Women established and by who?
Friedan, in 1966
Purpose of NOW
this was start of equal rights and was to “take action to bring women to full participation in the mainstream of American society now, exercising all privileges and responsibilities thereof, in truly equal partnership with men”
NOW and Equal Rights Amendment
1967 ENDORSED, 1972 PASSED but three states fell short for ratification in 1982
March for Women’s Lives
2004 largest mass action in U.S. History 1.5 million people to advocate for Women’s reproductive health
international treaty that would ensure human rights for women around the world, U.S. has not ratified
Mens movements
Some are to increase feminization of men, and acceptance of homosexuality, and others are reaction to womens movements and gear towards traditional roles
Mythopoetic movement
Basically rituals ceremonies that bring men together
Promise Keepers
Christian, no homo, nuclear family (benevolent)
Who and when proclaimed scientists must refrain from using sexist language
1983, APA
What are three ways to study gender
- Sex is used as a subject variable
- Study Psychological differences
- Sex is examined as stimulus or target variable pg. 25-26