Exam 1 Ch 1- Essential Concepts Flashcards
all things are either-
matter or energy
anything that occupies space & has mass
building blocks of matter are-
atoms & molecules
amount of matter in an object
scientific unit of mass
measurement of gravity on an object
ability to do work
mass & weight are considered-
equal on earth (ARE NOT THE SAME)
mass of an object can be transformed from-
one shape to another (solid, liquid, gas)
energy measured in-
-can also exist in several forms
potential energy-
ability to do work by position
kinetic energy-
energy of motion
chemical energy-
released by chemical reaction
electrical energy-
work that can be done when electron/electric charge moves through an electric potential difference
thermal energy (heat)-
energy of motion at molecular level
nuclear energy-
ability to split apart atoms to create energy
nuclear energy found-
in the nucleus of an atom
electromagnetic energy found in-
electromagnetic energy aka-
electromagnetic radiation
electromagnetic energy travels-
in wave forms & acts like visible light in some ways
ionizing radiation-
any radiation capable of removing orbital electrons from at atom it interacts with
atom that has a charge
energy emitted & transferred through space
matter that absorbs radiation is said to be-
irradiated or exposed
-adding/removing an electron from an atom
-x-rays cause a removal of an orbit electron creating an ion pair
only forms of electromagnetic radiation-
x-rays, gamma rays, & some ultraviolet light w: enough energy to ionize
4 components of naturally occurring ionizing radiation-
-cosmic rays
-terrestrial radiation
-radionuclides in the body (internally deposited radionuclides)
-radon (largest)
5 manmade ionizing radiation-
-diagnostic x-rays (largest)
-nuclear power generator
-research applicator
-industrial sources
-consumer items
difference b/w gamme & x- radiation-
only a source where they originate
gamma radiation originates-
inside nucleus
x-radiation originates-
in electron shells
discovered x-rays-
Wilhelm Rontgen
Rontgen discovered x-ray by-
studying cathode rays in a crook’s tube
crooks tube-
plate coated w: barium platinocyanide (fluorescent material)
Rontgen called x-rays-
Rontgen awarded first-
nobel prize in physics
Rontgen produced first medical x-ray in-
3 things that make Rontgen’s discovery significant-
-was an accident
-at least 12 other physicists had witnessed x-ray w/out recognizing their importance
-in ab a month he described nearly all properties we know today
3 general types of x-ray exams-
uses solid state IR & x-ray tube mounted to ceiling on tracks allowing tube to be moved anywhere
uses x-ray tube located under exam table supporting the patient
uses rotating x-ray source & detector array
Michael Pupin-
demonstrated use of intensifying screens
Charles Leonard-
double emulsion film
replaced glass-
cellulose nitrate
Thomas Edison-
-invented fluoroscopy
-Clarency Dally died as a result of his experiment)
William Rollins-
collimation & flitration
development of ______ & ________ brought x-ray to masses-
-snooks transformer
-coolidge tube
first radiation fatality in US-
-epilation, skin burns, & anemia
radiologist developed-
blood disorders at higher rate than peers (protective apparel began being used)
x-ray workers were provided w:-
radiation monitors & were routinely observed for radiation induced changes
recommended exposure limits
introduced ALARA
10 commandments of radiation protection-
1.) Understand & use cardinal principles
2.) Don’t allow familiarity to become false security
3.) Never stand in primary beam
4.) Always wear protective apparel
5.) Always wear a radiation monitor outside protective apron
6.) Never hold a patient
7.) Provide protective apparel to whoever holds patient
8.) Use gonadal shielding
9.) Exams of pelvis & lower abdomen of pregnant female should be avoided
10.) Always collimate to smallest field size appropriate
-As Low As Reasonably Achievable
-all x-ray imaging must be ordered by physician
-exposure must have specific benefit
-exposure must be kept ALARA
-individual dose limits should remain below maximum allowed
Radiation Protection devices:
-clothing worn, protective apparel, & gonadal shielding
-protective barriers
-good positioning skills
protective barriers-
-construct of room & hospital
-led curtains, bucky slot cover
-uses copper & aluminum
-primary beam passes through that first & removes low energy photons
-field size
-prevents production of scatted
Air Kerma-
-ionization in air
-unit of radiation exposure
-absorbed dose
-in tissue
-unit of occupational radiation exposure & effective dose
-unit of radioactivity
Medical Imaging Team-
-accredited programs that follow similar curriculum
-general body of knowledge should be the same
scope of practice-
affiliation of things you can do in your scope of practice