Exam 1 Flashcards
Gravity Equation
What is an air mass
Parcel of air that is about 1000 miles across and has the same amount of moisture and temperature throughout
What are the types of air masses
Latitude: polar and artic (cold and High latitude) tropical (warm and low latitude)
Surface: continental (over land and is dry)
Maritime (over water and is humid)
Mid latitude cyclone
Air moves counter clockwiss and into the low pressure and rains at the center of the low pressure cyclone
Nor Easter
Winter, low pressure, moves up the coast. Named that bc of the winds that come from the north east
What makes up our air
78% nitrogen 21% oxygen .93% argon .038 CO2 .13 all others
Two categories of primary pollutants
Criteria air pollutants
Hazardous air pollutants
Secondary pollutants
Formed from primary pollutants
Clean air act of 1970
Industries must have an air permit to operate
Hurricane characteristic
> 65 knot winds
Moist air in middle of troposphere
Cyclonic spin
Violent rotating column of air that is in contact with the ground and a cloud base, associated with super cells and have winds up to 300 mph
Air mass thunderstorms are the result of what
Heating air parcels and creating cumulonimbus clouds
What’re the 3 stages of a thunderstorm
Stage 1: updraft
Stage 2: downdraft
Stage 3 : downdraft takes over the updraft
Stage 3 is called the dissipating stage
Disparate charge causes a flow of charged lightning
Synopticslly forced thunderstorms are associated with what
Low pressure systems and fronts
Snow squall
Heavy brief burst of snow related to lake-effect snow
Snow shower
Moderate but brief period of lightly accumulated snow
At least three consecutive hours of winds above 35 mph and reduced visibility under .25 miles
Bergeron process
Air reaches saturation and the temp is below freezing, ice crystals form and the air then becomes supersaturated and then the water vapor will sublimate from the ice crystals into gas
How are winds named
Direction from which they come from
How do the seasons change
With the movement of the sun
Describe Hail
Begins as a frozen raindrop called Graupel. The size of Hail is proportional to the intensity of the updraft
What are Aerosols
Salt, soil particles, smoke
Parts of the atmosphere from farthest to closest
Thermosphere, Mesophere, Stratosphere, Troposphere
What layer has to do with heat
The stratosphere (O3 layer) absorbs the suns rays and turns them to heat
In the troposphere what happens to altitude and temperature
As altitude increases temperature decreases
In the mesosphere what happens to altitude and temperature
Altitude increases as temperature decreases
Connects points of equal temperature values
Transfer of heat by flame,molecules are touching
Transfer of heat by motion
Transfer of heat by radiation
What causes our temperature
Intensity of suns rays Albedo Specific heat Altitude Cloud cover Urban vs. rural
Solar declination
Latitude at which the sun is directly overhead
Noon sun angle
90-(latitude+/-solar delineation)
If sun is in same hemisphere:subtract
If opposite hemisphere: add