exam #1 Flashcards
Biological Determinism
the idea that social and economic differences between races are the result between inherited differences between people
a specific type of physiognomy that links head size/shape with mental ability
a pseudoscience that links physical features w/ psychological and intellectual characteristics
a phenomenon that occurs when a foreign power invades a territory and establishes enduring systems of exploitation and domination
Color-blind racism
the ideology that explains contemporary racial inequality as the outcome of nonracial dynamics
Covert racism
discrimination that is not easy to recognize
actions that have a differential and negative impact on members of a subordinate group
political, social, and economic power wielded over subordinate groups
Election fraud
there’s illegal interference with voting/elections through illegitimate ballot casting, illegitimate vote count
a shared lifestyle informed by cultural, historical, religious, and/or national affiliations
Five fallacies:
Individualistic fallacy
when racism is assumed to belong to the realm of ideas and prejudices
Legalistic fallacy
abolishing racist or instituting anti-racist laws effectively eliminates racism
Tokenistic fallacy
assumes the presence of POC in influential positions is evidence that racism not longer exists
Ahistorical fallacy
assumes that history is inconsequential; that history doesn’t matter
Fixed fallacy
assumes that racism is fixed and constant across time and space
salaries earned from employment/retirement/governmental aid
Institutional racism
the systematic domination of POC embedded and operating in different institutions (universities, political bodies, legal bodies, etc.)
Intergroup conflict theory
the idea that prejudice results from group competition over scarce resources
Intergroup contact theory
the idea that when there’s interpersonal contact between races it’s an effective way to reduce prejudice between groups
Interpersonal racism
racial domination manifested in our dispositions, interactions, and practices
the idea that social categorization (race, class, gender, etc) are interconnected
Master status
one of the primary identifier characteristics of an individual within a society
a brief, everyday exchange that send denigrating messages to someone based on his/her group membership
citizenship or continued residence in a nation
New racism
subtle, institutional, and ostensibly race-neutral forms of racism
Overt racism
discrimination that is recognizable, the intent is clear, very surface level racism