EXAM 1 Flashcards
Culture is made up of:
(A) rituals and languages
(B) customs and beliefs
(C) clothing and food
(D) thoughts and values
(E) all of the above
(E) all of the above
The human population is quickly approaching ______ billion.
Cultural attributes (customs, beliefs) that are considered “average” or “normal” within a particular group are known as:
The Top 3 nonperishable, storable cereal grains produced globally are:
corn, rice and wheat
Which chemical on this list has American culture established as legal for recreational use throughout the US by adults - others listed are typically declared illegal:
-lysergic acid diethylamide
-ethyl alcohol
ethyl alcohol
As Americans earn more money, they spend less % of their household income on housing and food. This additional % of income goes to the future in the form of?
personal insurance and pensions
The average % of annual income spent on food in US household is?
less than 10%
Which continent has a significant population density, but very low non-perishable storable cereal grain production?
When Homo sapiens emerged in central Africa, there were ______ other Homo genus species still living on the planet?
more than 3
One of the key factors of early hominid success was?
The separation between “pre history” and “history” occurred about ______ years ago with the ___________.
5,000 / invention of writing
About ______ years ago, hominids began ________, which scientists believe was the first conscious cultural act.
2 million / tool manufacturing
Instead of just using biological changes to adjust to their environment, early humans also developed through cultural _______, using intellectual and social skills.
Homo sapiens sapiens migrated out of Central Africa about _______ years ago coinciding with their ______ revolution.
100,000 / cognitive
Most scientists believe that agriculture started in what is known as the “Fertile Crescent,” which is located (the) modern…
Middle East
About 10,000 years ago, what “Revolution” occurred in human history?
Agricultural allowed humans to produce ______, which led to the creation of _______, both of which were not known to human culture prior to agriculture.
surplus food / labor specialization
Advantages of the emerging Farming Lifestyle over the Nomadic Lifestyle DID NOT include:
(A) increased population
(B) increased possessions and wealth accumulation
(C) food surplus
(D) allowance for labor specialization
(E) less work
(E) less work
One ACRE is roughly the size of ______.
an American Football Field
One HECTARE is roughly equal to ______ acres.
During the “Farming’s role in the US” Lecture, we watched a “We are what we Eat” video with Matthieu Palsy where he visited traditional hunter/gatherers. What country did he visit?
During “Farming’s Role in the US” lecture, we watched a “We are what we eat” video with Matthieu Palsy where he visited nomadic herders. What is the traditional dwelling these people live in called?
The 2 land grant universities in Georgia are UGA and _________.
Fort Valley State University
The Land Grant College Act of 1862 is also known as:
Morrill Act
In 1800 approximately ______% of total US jobs were on the farm, today it is _______%.
90; 2
Which of the following has stayed the most STEADY (stable) in terms of number, over the last 100 years?
(A) average SIZE of farms
(B) total number of ACRES being farmed
(C) total number of FARMS
(D) average farm INCOME
(E) % of population living on farms
(B) total number of ACRES being farmed
The biggest difference between the United Nations and US Department of Agriculture’s definition of a “family farm” is:
labor (whether the family provides most of the farm labor or not)
For US government tax purposes: A farm is any establishment which produced and sold, or normally would have produced and sold, ________ or more of agricultural products during the year.
Who is credited with acquiring Spanish tobacco seeds and making the Jamestown settlement economically viable in the 1600s?
John Rolfe
_______ was the 2nd major cash crop in the American Deep South (about 1800-1900).
During the Ag & Culture in the Deep South lecture, you watched a commercial from the 1940s entitled “Doctors love ______.”
Unwittingly, _________ reinvigorated _______ in the south following his in the south following his invention around 1800.
Eli Whitney / slavery
Which of the following Georgia cities does NOT lie on the”Fall Line” (the prehistoric coast of Georgia)?
(A) Augusta
(B) Macon
(C) Savannah
(D) Colombia
(C) Savannah
What replaced Cotton as the major agricultural commodity in North Georgia?
This Georgia city became the “Poultry Capital of the World” following the development of the Vertical Integration production processing system there?
Fitzgerald, Georgia is home to _________ that roam freely around town?
a flock of wild Rod jungle fowl
Cordele, Georgia makes the claim as the “______ Capital of the World.”
What Georgia agricultural community can only be produced in an established 20-country area and farmers must be licensed with the State of Georgia to package and sell?
Vidalia Onions
The majority of Americans DO NOT have a valid US passport (true or false)?
Agricultural land suitable for growing crops is known as:
(A) arable
(B) biodiverse
(C) cultivated
(D) developed
(E) pastoral
Agricultural land suitable for rearing animals is known as:
(A) arable
(B) biodiverse
(C) cultivated
(D) developed
(E) pastoral
The majority of subsistence agriculture is conducted in which global climate zone?
The majority of commercial agricultural is conducted in which global climate zone?
The agricultural revolution led to the creation of civilization in which _____ emphasis began to be placed on individuals and ______ emphasis began to be placed on the whole population.
less / more
What is the best meaning of the term “extensive subsistence” farming?
when a subsistance farmer works relatively large, but low productive farm lands
What is the best meaning of the term “intensive subsistence” farming?
when a subsistence farmer concentrates his efforts on small plots of farm land
During the “Origins & Growth of Farming” Lecture, you watched a video a farmer in Kenya as an example of moving from _________ TO ______ agriculture.
extensive subsistence TO intensive subsistence
The major unique aspect of the poultry industry in India that Dr Kipper highlighted was:
it is still a 90% live market (people buy live birds)
Pearson farms, owned by Lawton Pearson and his father, is located in _____ Georgia.
Ft Valley
Lawton Pearson, owner of Pearson farms, _________ at UGA.
attended law school
Lawton Pearson, of Pearson Farms, said peaches are grown and harvested _______.
using all manual labor
Peaches (like Plums, Nectarines, and Cherries) are known as _______ fruit.
Lawton Pearson, of Pearson Farms, said Pecans are harvested: _________.
using automated equipment
Lawton Pearson, of Pearson Farms, said the biggest challenge today in managing a business in seasonal speciality crops, like peaches, is:
labor, finding a source of seasonal workers
Lawton Pearson, of Pearson Farms, said the biggest weather concern for growing Peaches is:
late frost after peach trees bloom
Lawton Pearson, of Pearson Farms, said most of his seasonal labor today working in his peach growing fields comes from:
a federal program with the US Department of Labor (H2A)
What country did Lawton Pearson say completely changed the Georgia Pecan industry starting back 10-15 years ago?
Domestication is the same thing as Taming (true/false).
Domestication can involve behavioral, physiological and genetic changes to both organisms that often leads to a ________ relationship.
Scientists believe that the _____ was the first domesticated animal.
What is the SWAG as to why Red Jungle Fowl (wild chicken) were first domesticated in Southeast Asia?
The Mayan culture in Central America believed that the gods mixed their blood with _______ to create humankind.
corn flour
Which country was far advanced in the area of selective breeding, creating what is known today as large, gentile “Cochin” breeds of chickens?
Approximately what % of the global population is lactose-intolerant (their lactase gene has been turned off after weaning from mother’s milk)?
The domestication of Potatoes began about 8000 years ago in modern day: _______.
Which of the following is NOT a preferred trait of domesticated farm animals?
high activity level
About half (50%) of the average American diet of vegetables is made up of?
potatoes and tomatoes
Urban agriculture isn’t necessarily a “new” idea, one example given in lecture of Urban Agriculture the past was:
WWII victory gardens
An example of Low-Tech urban agriculture is: __________.
community gardens
The “rule” that Low-Tech Urban Agriculture breaks is “footprint,” which traditionally says that productive agriculture…..
has to be BIG (it can’t happen in relatively small spaces)
An example of Medium Tech Urban Agriculture is ________.
The “rule” that Medium Tech Urban agriculture breaks is “nutrient delivery,” which traditionally says that productive agriculture……
requires soil to grow crops
An example of high-tech urban agriculture is:
vertical high-rise farming
The tai-state water wars involve Georgia and which other 2 states:
Alabama and Florida
While Oak pastures in South Georgia raises free-range chickens for processing and sale, but they are having a problem with:
bald eagles