[Ex3] - Added Questions - AP Flashcards
Most common pathogen causing UTIs.
Escherichia coli (E. coli)
Which type of jaundice is caused by the breakdown of red blood cells?
Hemolytic jaundice
Rebound tenderness in the right lower quadrant is associated with:
Most common symptom of Meckel diverticulum?
Passing of blood or bloody stool from rectum.
Most common symptom of a peptic ulcer?
Burning stomach pain.
Three symptoms of PCOS:
Amenorrhea, hirsutism, infertility.
Two lab tests to confirm a diagnosis of PCOS:
Insulin and hormones levels.
_________ cancer is the most common type of cancer in the female reproductive tract.
What is the most common bacterial STI in the United States?
What STI could result in neurological symptoms including blindness?
What is the most likely cause of genital warts?
Which kind of ovarian cyst includes skin, hair, cartilage, and bone?
Dermoid cyst.
Prostatitis shares similar symptoms to a ____, which include burning, urgency, and frequency.
Premenstrual syndrome occurs during the ______ phase, shortly before the menstrual phase begins.
A female patient undergoes gastric resection. Following surgery, she experiences intermittent severe pain and epigastric fullness after eating. Which of the following is the most likely reason for her symptoms?
A. Diarrhea
B. Dumping Syndrome
C. Alkaline reflux gastritis
D. Afferent loop obstruction
Although all of the choices are postgastrectomy syndromes, afferent loop obstruction is the one that produces intermittent pain following eating.
A patient is experiencing diuresis. Which statement is an accurate explanation?
A. Increase in renin
B. Increase in aldosterone
C. Increase in ADH
D. Increase in atrial natriuretic peptide
Natriuretic peptides cause vasodilation and increase sodium and water excretion, and decrease blood pressure.
This disease entails:
- Autosomal recessive defect of copper metabolism.
- Causes toxic levels of copper to accumulate in the liver, brain, kidneys, and corneas.
Wilson disease
Black or tarry stools:
Inability to break down lactase into monosaccharides and therefore prevent lactose digestion and absorption.
Lactase deficiency (Lactose intolerance).
Lactose intolerance causes which type of diarrhea?
Osmotic diarrhea.
Symptoms of ________ include 10-20 instances of diarrhea per day, urgency, bloody stools, and cramping.
Ulcerative colitis.
Chronic inflammatory disease that causes ulceration of the colonic mucosa. Has intermittent periods of remission and exacerbation.
Ulcerative colitis.
Idiopathic inflammatory disorder; affects any part of the digestive tract, from mouth to anus.
Crohn’s (Crohn disease)
This disease can cause anemia, from malabsorption of vitamin B12 and folic acid.
Crohn’s (Crohn disease)
Abnormally high blood pressure in the portal venous system caused by resistance to portal blood flow.
Portal hypertension.
Accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity.
Irreversible inflammatory, fibrotic liver disease. Biliary channels become obstructed and cause portal hypertension. Severity and rate of progression depend on the cause, and there are many causes.
Inflammation of the cervix.
Chronic pain (for at least 3 months) and inflammation of the vulva or vaginal vestibule, or both.
Inflammation of one or both ducts that lead from the vaginal opening to the Bartholin glands.
Fluid-filled cyst; dominant follicle fails to rupture or one or more of the nondominant follicles fail to regress.
Follicular cyst
Highly vascularized cyst formed by the granulosa cells left behind after ovulation. Can rupture and cause hemorrhage.
Corpus luteum cyst.
For Detrusor Sphincter Dyssynergia, use this medication:
Foamy urine, proteinuria present.
Nephrotic syndrome.
Therapy for endometriosis:
Suppressing ovulation.
Phagocytic cells in the liver:
Kupffer cells
Supplies blood to the medulla.
Vasa recta
This chemical causes vaginal cancer.
C8 Remember:
Clinician judgment comes into play in deciding testing and treatment for PID.
C8 Remember:
No specific lab study definitively diagnoses pelvic inflammatory disease (PID); diagnosis is dependent on history and physical examination.
C8 Remember:
Most important in PID treatment is timely treatment to prevent complications.
C8 Remember:
Partner treatment is necessary regarding PID, or reinfection will occur.
C8 Remember:
All states permit providers to give a prescription or medications to their partners with limited exceptions according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; partner treatment is “not prohibited” in any state though potentially allowable in four states.
C8 Remember:
PID treatment (typically antibiotics) should be started without the lab results.
C8 Remember:
According to the Centers for Disease Control (2021) clinical improvement, as evidenced by, “defervescence; reduction in direct or rebound abdominal tenderness; and reduction in uterine, adnexal, and cervical motion tenderness” should occur within 3 days of treatment.
C8 Remember:
If within 72 hours there is no clinical improvement further treatment or hospitalization should be considered for further evaluation.
C8 Remember:
Many sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can go unnoticed in men.
C8 Remember:
If Ann completes treatment and her husband does not, she can become reinfected if the same sexual practices are followed.
C8 Remember:
Treatment should be started despite not having STI testing results
C8 Remember:
A delay in treatment could increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy and infertility by nearly three-fold
C8 Remember:
Oral antibiotics can be prescribed to initiate treatment, but it will be important to encourage partners to seek screening for other STIs and follow up accordingly.
C8 Remember:
Further, according to the 2021 CDC guidelines, the patient should be retested three months after treatment if the diagnosis is chlamydial or gonococcal.
C7 Remember:
The etiology of stress incontinence is urethral hypermobility due to impaired support from pelvic floor and intrinsic sphincter deficiency secondary to pelvic floor trauma (Vasavada, et al., 2021).
C7 Remember:
Aside from stress incontinence, be familiar with the various types of incontinence: functional, mixed, urge, overflow and transient (infection).
C7 Remember:
Children also have incontinence, such as primary and nocturnal enuresis though urge incontinence can also occur in the pediatric population.
C6 Remember:
Clozapine is mostly associated with hepatotoxicity and an asymptomatic rise in serum transaminase level is noticed in up to 60% of patients.
CG Remember:
The increase in liver enzyme serum levels is often transient and asymptomatic.
Remember C6:
Hepatitis C (HCV) causes chronic inflammation, which leads to injury to hepatocytes, fibrosis production, and eventually, loss of liver function.
Remember C6:
Chronic hepatitis is more threatening than acute hepatitis because it this occurs gradually over time and often without symptoms until advanced disease.
Untreated GERD causes _________ (Inflammatory response to gastroesophageal reflux)
reflux esophagitis
Peptic ulcers are common causes of ________ stomach pain.
Involves colon, rectum and anus. Causes pain, diarrhea, and bloody stool (hematochezia).
Ulcerative colitis-
Affectsthe ileum & beginning of the colon, but mayaffectanypartof the GI tract.
Causes pain, diarrhea, bloody stool
Autoimmune disease damages small intestine villous epithelium.
- Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley
- Symptoms: diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting, anorexia
Celiac disease
- A surgical emergency
- Cardinal symptom - RLQ pain & rebound tenderness on PE with low-grade fever
-Untreated - eventually perforate, spilling infectious materials into the abdominal cavity
- acute or chronic.
- Ischemia and necrosis also called infarction.
- Alters mucosal membrane permeability shifting fluid to the bowel wall and peritoneum
- Risk fluid shift - Hypovolemic shock
Mesenteric Arterial Insufficiency
Hepatic Encephalopathy from impaired _______ metabolism.
_________________: disease of liver and bile ducts
- One or more bile ducts abnormally narrow, blocked, or absent.
- Ultimate treatment is liver transplant.
- Cardinal symptoms: jaundice, clay-colored stool, and failure to gain weight.
Biliary atresia
__________: infant with pyloric narrowing.
- Occurs most often in babies under six months, more common in males.
- Narrowing of pyloricchannel prevents food from emptying out of the stomach.
- Cardinal symptom – projectile vomiting and always hungry.
Pyloric Stenosis
Stool mixed with blood and mucus called “currant jelly” stool
Passes blood or a bloody stool painlessly from the rectum.
Meckel diverticulum
- Ischemic, inflammatory condition causing bowel necrosis and perforation
- Occurs in premature infants suddenly within weeks of birth
Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC)
- Defect on chromosome 13.
- Autosomal recessive, copper accumulates in liver, brain & other organs.
- Intention tremors, dystonia, greenish-yellow rings in the cornea, & hepatomegaly.
Wilson Disease
Bedwetting treated age 8-10, 1% of adults suffer.
Nocturnal enuresis
Wet and never was dry or toilet trained.
Primary enuresis.
Dry and after potty training started wetting.
Secondary enuresis.
- Immune disorder secondary to streptococcal infection.
- Gross hematuria, flank pain, edema & hypertension.
Acute Poststreptococcal Glomerulonephritis
- Overgrowth disorder, hemihypertrophy (one side grows faster than the opposite).
- Congenital renal issue.
Beckmann Wiedemann
- Endometrial tissue grows & implants outside uterus.
- Responds to menstrual cycle hormonal fluctuations.
- Highly associated with infertility.
- Dyschezia (pain on defecation) is hallmark symptom.
- Treatment to prevent progression, relieve pain, & suppress ovulation
_______ cancer almost always associated with _____ infection.
Cervical, HPV
- Primary risk factor unopposed estrogen exposure.
- This cancer is associated with type 2 diabetes.
Endometrial cancer
Syphilis primary stage:
Sore at site of contact.
Syphilis secondary stage:
Rash on hands and feet, lymphadenopathy & fatigue.
Syphilis latent stage:
No outward signs and no signs or symptoms of the infection.
Syphilis tertiary stage:
Neurologic involvement, blindness, dementia.
Testis strays from normal pathway of descent.
Ectopic testis
- twists, cutting off circulation.
- Painful, swollen testis, may be spontaneous, can follow exercise or trauma.
- Surgical emergency
Torsion of the testes
- called “Bag of worms.”
- Abnormal dilation of testicular vein and pampiniform plexus within the scrotum.
- scrotal swelling.
- collection of fluid between the layers of the tunica vaginalis
- Often congenital may be caused by infection, trauma, or torsion
- Similar symptoms to UTI, burning, urgency, frequency.
- Ascending infection of the urinary tract causing inflammation of prostate.
- Acute onset similar to UTI
- Enlargement of the prostate gland & symptoms associated with urethral compression.
- Relationship to aging
Benign prostatic hypertrophy