Ex2 L9 - Nutrient Sensing Flashcards
What are the cellular macronutrients?
carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins
Cells sense the —— and respond to —— by ——-
sense the abundance of macronutrients and respond to scarcity by mobilizing nutrient stores
What are the four key pathways/groups of the nutrient sensing network?
Why are the signals and regulation of metabolic pathways so important?
- byproducts cause damage over time (oxidative stress, ER stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, all lead to aging)
- careful nutrient sensing prevents overutilization of nutrients (not too much or too little)
- nutrient-sensing becomes dysregulated in aging and disease
What is mTOR?
mammalian target of rapamycin
- nutrient sensor that also responds to cellular stress
- regulates (increases) cell growth, proliferation, and survival
How is mTOR activated and inhibited?
- activated by nutrient abundance
- inhibited by nutrient depletion, exercise, and DNA damage/cellular stress
What happens to mTOR with age? What have studies shown?
- hypothalamic mTOR activity increases with age (associated with late-life obesity)
- lower mTOR activity correlates with longer lifespan in animal models, but acute inhibition also impairs healing and causes insulin resistance
What is Rapamycin?
- FDA approved mTOR inhibitor called Sirolimus
- derived from fermented soil
- immunosuppressive and anti-proliferative effects
- inhibiting mTOR mimics exercise
How does Rapamycin effect aging/what have the studies shown?
in mice:
- reduces age related disease and extends lifespan
- intermittent administration extends lifespan
What are the risks of long term use of Rapamycin?
- infection due to immunosuppression
- metabolic impairment (insulin secretion/sensitivity)
- low dose studies show limited side effects
What is AMPK?
AMP-Activated Protein Kinase
- energy sensor (measure of energy depletion) that regulates many cellular metabolic processes
How is AMPK activated?
- activated by increased AMP: ATP ratio (energy depletion) or exercise
What are the actions of AMPK?
catabolic pathways like…
- fatty acid oxidation
- glucose uptake via GLUT4 (insulin not required)
- autophagy (recycling things for resources)
anabolic pathways like…
- protein synthesis via inhibition of mTOR
- glycogen, cholesterol, and fatty acid synthesis
What happens to AMPK with age?
activity decreases with age
What is Metformin?
- antidiabetic drug that lowers blood glucose in part by activating AMPK
- mimics exercise (which also activates AMPK)