Evolutionary explanations of human aggression Flashcards
What is the evolutionary explanation?
- An account of the changes over millions of years based on the idea of natural selection
What is natural selection?
- the process through which a favourable adaptation is passed on from a parent to its offspring and increases chances of survival
What aggression does the evolutionary explanation aim to explain?
- human aggression
What is sexual jealousy a major motivator of in males?
- aggressive behaviour
According to the EvEx why does sexual jealousy occur in men?
- jealousy occurs because men can never be certain about paternity
- this paternity uncertainty is a result of the threat for the male of cuckoldry (having to raise offspring that is not his own)
Why are the three reasons why cuckoldry is a threat?
- any investment in offspring who do not share the male’s genes is a waste of his resources
- leaves the father with fewer resources to invest in his own offspring
- contributes to the survival of rival genes
What psychological mechanisms have evolved to increase anti-cuckoldry behaviours in males?
- men adopt aggressive strategies to retain their partners & prevent them from straying > strategies were adaptive in evolutionary history
What mate retention strategies do Wilson & Daly identify?
- direct guarding
- negative inducements
- physical violence
What is direct guarding?
- involves male vigilance over a partners behaviour e.g. checking who they have been seeing, coming home early, installing tracking apps etc
What are negative inducements?
- issuing threats of dire consequences for infidelity
e.g. ‘I’ll kill myself if you leave me’
What did Wilson et al ask women to report and was this measured?
- mate retention strategies in their partners
- this was measured by the extent to which they agreed to statements like “he insists on knowing who you are with and where you are at all times”
What did Wilson et al find from the women’s self reports?
- women who did agree with the statements were 2x more likely to have experienced physical violence by their partners
- of these women, 73% required medical attention & 53% said they feared for their lives
- supports view that mate retention strategies are linked to physical violence
Why does bullying occur?
- because of a power imbalance > a more powerful individual uses aggression deliberately and repeatedly against a weaker person
Why is bullying adaptive according to the EvEx?
- ancestors may have used bullying as an adaptive strategy to increase chances of survival by promoting their own health & creating opportunities for reproduction
What is the first reason according to Volk et al why bullying in men occurs?
- characteristic associated with bullying behaviour are attractive to females e.g. dominance, acquisition of resources & strength