SP explanations for aggression: Frustartion-aggression hypothesis Flashcards
What are SP explanations of aggression?
- Any theory that argues aggression is the result of an interaction between an individuals characteristics & features of the environment
Who first formulated the frustration-aggression hypothesis?
- Dollard (1939)
What does Dollard’s frustration-aggression hypothesis state?
- that frustration always leads to aggression and aggression is always the result of frustration
Explain Dollard’s whole original frustration aggression hypothesis
- aggression is a psychological drive that arise when we experience frustration because our attempts to reach a goal are blocked by some external factor
- creates an aggressive drive, which leads to aggressive thoughts
- outbursts removes negative emotion (catharsis)
- aggressive drive is satisfied, further aggression less likely
What three reasons are there for why aggression is not always expressed directly against the source of frustration?
- because the cause of our frustration may be abstract (economic situation, government etc)
- cause may be too powerful & we risk punishment (teacher gave you low grade than expected)
- cause may just be unavailable at the time
What happens when aggression is not directly expressed against source of frustration?
- aggression is displaced onto an alternative, one that is not abstract, weaker and available
What does Berkowitz argue in his updated frustration-aggression hypothesis?
- Berkowitz (1989) > frustration merely creates a readiness for aggression
- but the presence of aggressive cues in the environment make acting upon this much more likely
cues= additional element
What was the research procedure of the study done to support the weapon effect?
- Berkowitz & LePage (1967) lab study
- gave p’s real electric shock by a confederate creating anger & frustration
-p’s later had the opportunity to give fake shocks to confederate
What was the research findings of the study done to support the weapon effect?
- the number of shocks was greater when there were two guns on a table compared to other conditions when there were no guns
- supports Berkowitz’s contention that the presence of aggressive environmental cues stimulates aggression
What research support is their for the frustration-aggression hypothesis?
- support for key concept
- Marcus- Newhall et al > meta-analysis of 49 studies of displaced aggression
- studies investigated situations in which aggressive behaviour had to be directed against a human target other than the one who caused frustration
- Frustrated p’s who were provoked but unable to retaliate directly against source of frustration > more likely to aggress against an innocent party than people who were not provoked
- increases reliability of hypothesis
What is a limitation of the role of catharsis?
- aggression may not be cathartic
- Bushman > found that p’s who vented their anger by repeatedly hitting a punching bag became more aggressive rather than less
- doing nothing was more effective at reducing aggression than venting
- ‘using venting to reduce anger is like using petrol to put out a fire’ > it does not work
- central assumption of hypothesis is not valid
What is a limitation of the link between frustration and aggression?
- link is complex
- early research into the frustration-aggression hypothesis shows that frustration does not always lead to aggression & aggression can occur without frustration
- someone who feels frustrated may behave in different ways > may be helpless or determined
- likewise someone who behaves aggressively may be do so for other reasons
- incomplete explanation, doesn’t explain how aggression arises in other situations
What is a counterpoint to the point that frustration & aggression is complex?
- Berkowitz 91989) reformulated the initial hypothesis
- Negative affect theory argued that frustration is just one of many undesirable stimuli that create negative feelings others include: loneliness, jealousy & pain
- aggressive behaviour is triggered by these negative feelings than frustration specifically
- frustration which leads to negative feelings forms part of a wider explanation
What is another strength of the theory?
- can be applied to gun control policies
- Berkowitz (1989) > the finger pulls the trigger so individuals are responsible for their use of weapons even when they are frustrated
- also said ‘the trigger may be pulling the finger’
- the open presence of a gun acts as a cue to aggressive behaviour
- suggests access to guns needs to be controlled because their widespread availability makes aggression more likely