Evolution pop genetics Flashcards
Natural Selection
The process whereby organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring. the theory of its action was first fully expounded b Charles Darwin and is now believed to be the main process that brings about evolution
Sexual selection
Natural selection arising through preference by one sex for certain characteristics in individuals of the other sex
Artificial selection
The intentional reproduction of individuals in a population that have desirable traits. In organism that reproduce sexually, two adults that possess a desired trait - such as two parent plants that are tall - are bred together
Genetic Drift
Occurs whenever the pop size is not infinite, through random chance gene frequencies change from generation even when all of HW assumption are satisfied
Gene flow
Transfer of the genetic variation from one pop to another
Found effect
The reduced genetic diversity which results when a pop is descended from a small number of colonizing ancestors
Bottleneck effect
Sharp reduction in the size of the pop due to environmental events or human activities
The perm alteration of the nucleotide sequence of the genome of the organism
Hardy weinberg assumptions
Pop is very large, pop is isolated from gene flow, no net mutation, individuals mate randomly, no natural selection
HW equation
Null model - p+q=1
allelic frequency of recessive allele
allelic frequency of dominant allele
expected genotypic frequency of aa
expected frequency of genotype AA
what is the value of the h-w theorm
the hw equilibrium represents a null model against which we can test observations to see whether evolution is occurring
a population of cheetahs was reduced to only 20 the population rebounded, but the genetic diversity didnt, this is an example of
population bottleneck
a populations allele freuency randomly changed b/t generations this describes….
genetic drift
A small group of individuals from a pop founded a new habitat and their allele frequencies did not mirror that of the parent generation. what has occurred
founder effect
a change in allele frequencies b/t generations within a population