Evolution and Natural Selectiom Flashcards
Carolus Linnaeus 1707 to 1778
- Taxonomy
- For example Homo sapiens
- Genus Species
Natural Theology
Aristotle 384 - 322 BC
* Scale of nature
*James Hutton and Charles Lyall (1727
Developed the theory of Gradualism
*Supported by the fossil record
Jean Baptiste Lammarck (1744 - )
*Developed the first major theory of evolution
* Organisms could adapt to their environment
* Changes in individuals were passed on from
generation to generation
* This part of the theory was not correct
Charles Darwin (1800 - )
* Published “Origin of Species”
- He used data collected from his trip on HMS Beagle
- Examples he found were “Darwin’s finches”
- Over 13 different species had evolved from a common
ancestor and adapted to different ecological niches
(Galapagos Islands
Descent by Modification
- Principle of Variation
- Inherent variability in a population
- Principle of Heredity
- Variation is passed down through generations
- Principle of selection
- Organisms tend to over multiply
- Some individuals have a greater capacity to survive or
Evidence for NS
* The adaptation of organisms to their
Fossil Record
Comparative Anatomy
Comparative Embryology
Similarities in DNA sequence show common
Genetic polymorphism
changes to the DNA sequence
Phenotypic polymorphism
changes in the appearance or measureable
Mechanisms that generate variation
- Gene mutation
*Changes in DNA sequence in
single or multiple genes
*2. Chromosome mutation
*Changes in the number of
*3. Recombination
*New arrangements caused by sexual reproduction
- All members of the same species can interbreed
- not all have the opportunity
A group of organisms within the same species that
do have the opportunity to interbreed
Geographical Isolation
- Geographical isolation causes the formation of new
species in a different place this is known as
ALLOPATRIC speciation - When speciation occurs at the same place this is
known as SYMPATRIC speciation - (patric = place; allo = different; sym = same
Habitat Isolation
Populations evolve to occupy the same space
but use different resources.
*This is an example of sympatric speciation
Behavioral Isolation
*organisms evolve different behaviours to
prevent mating between different species
Temporal Isolation
Temporal isolation
*organisms evolve different timing to prevent
mating between different species
Mechanical isolation
*organisms evolve different mating apparatus to
prevent mating between different species
Gametic Isolation
organisms evolve sperm and egg incompatibility to
prevent mating between different species
Hybrid sterility
Sometimes different species can interbreed
but they usually produce sterile offspring