Evolution Flashcards
Evolution from the Past
There is evidence that current organisms have evolved from now-extinct species as modern day organisms still carry traits that older species had. Humans evolved from apes which is shown when studying the evolutionary history of humans on how the ape traits recessed and new human traits became more apparent.
Fossil Record
The fossil record shows that slowly, organisms have changed significantly over time. Billion year old fossils show single-celled organisms, 550 million year old fossils were multi-cellular, 500 million year old fossils were fish until they gradually became modern organisms.
Animals gradually evolve to adapt over time. Birds that originally came from one species gradually evolved into many different species based on their environment.
Natural Selection
Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection states that organisms have phenotypic variations and the ones with traits suited to their environment will survive while the others will die out. This is survival of the fittest. An example are Peppered Moths in a forest. Where the trees were originally white, the moths were also white and camouflaged into the trees but over time with pollution, the white moths were easily seen and moths that were darker evolved and survived until only they were left. Natural Selection relies on variability of the organisms, heritability of the organisms and over-reproduction of the organisms.
Divergent Evolution
Where 2 or more species share a common evolutionary ancestor but over time became different species.
Convergent Evolution
Where 2 or more species are in the same environment and develop similar characteristics to suit the environment.