Evo-Devo Flashcards
Taxes can be grouped in evolutionary ways by understanding
Evolutionary patterns
Development can act as a link between
Phenotype and genotype
Understand macro evolutionary relationships
Understand evolution of animal form and developmental pathways
Developmental pathway genes
Hox genes
A homeotic transformation is when
Body parts develop into another body part due to misinterpreted positional information
Homeodomain is encoded by homeobox but what does it do?
It’s a transcription factor which binds to a promoter and controls transcript of a gene
Hox genes are
Regulatory genes that turn on/off other genes to produce proteins
Colinearity =
Correlation between order of Hox genes and order of gene deployment
Hox genes do the same thing in the same position in different organisms, which is
A conserved function
Why may a cascade occur?
Hox is master control gene and influences a target gene, which may affect other genes-causing a cascade
Opportunity for serious evolutionary pathways =
Spatial co option
Novel structures occur due to
A novel gene expression over evolutionary time which differs from the ancestral ontogeny developmental pathway
Ancestral Ubx protein changed and altered expression suppressing …
Leg formation in abdominal segments in insects
Ubx expression differs between groups which results in
Regulation of cascade of genes which are regulated differently in Diptera and Lepidoptera
Micro evolution may also be affected by
A change in the environment but trait has to be heritable