Evilution! Flashcards
Lamarckian Evolution
New organs or changes in existing ones arise because needs of an organism (giraffe example)
Small populations in a locale (beavers in one portion of river)
Evolutionary relationships among all species alive today
Convergent evolution
Two species from different ancestors develop similar traits (sharks and dolphins)
Parallel evolution
Similar to convergent evolution, but a common ancestor between the species can be identified. The separation may be geographic
Divergent evolution
Shared ancestor, but different traits due to environment (black bear, polar bear)
Adaptive radiation
Emergence of number of lineages from a single ancestral species
(Darwins finch example)
A distinct lifestyle, often Unimposing on competition
Hardy-Weinberg equation
Where p= dominant, q= recessive
Genetic drift
Change in composition of gene pool due to chance
Founder effect
Genetic drift
Gene flow
Migration of individuals between populations
Homologous structures
Same anatomical features and evolutionary origins (wings of a bat, flipper of a whale; forelegs of horse, arms of humans)
Analogous structures
Similar function, different origin (bat wings and fly wings)
Stanley L. Miller
Primordial soup experiment, 1953
Coacervate droplets
Cluster of colloidal molecules surrounded by a shell of water - possibly led to formation of cells
Primordial soup excluded which element?