Evidence Of Pleistocene Pluvials Flashcards
Pluvials lakes
These are lakes which have experienced large fluctuations in volume due to changes in temperature and rainfall.
Lake Bonneville is Pluvial Lake.
Only 5% it’s original size.
Now a salt flat.
Evidence of major Rivers
In 2013, German and British researchers founds evidence for 3 major rivers running across the Sahara.
Between 130,000-100,000 years ago.
Now Burried under dunes.
Various wadis across Africa.
The steep sided rocky valleys are evidence of previously wetter climates.
Define Pleistocene Pluvial
Period of increased moisture and lower evaporation.
Deserts were once wetter areas.
Tectonic shift
Africa has shifted tectonically.
It was previously laid further south.
Previous Farmland now desert.
What was once farmland and forestry in the 1900s.
Is barren desert today.
Cereal grown in Roman times, was in areas which are now desert.