Event - Concert or Musical Event Flashcards
Describe a concert or musical event in your country.
who the musicians are
* takes place * musicians who perform * made up of * conductor * the string instruments: like violins * the percussion * the woodwind instruments * the brass instruments
I’m going to describe a concert that I’ve actually been to, that takes place here in Tehran, where I live. The musicians who perform this concert are classical musicians; it’s an orchestra called the “Thunder”, which is obviously made up of the conductor, the string instruments, like violins, the percussion, the woodwind instruments, the brass instruments etc.
where the concert is held • a concert hall • a venue • by which I mean • designed specifically • acoustics • lighting • stage
And these musicians play in a concert hall, a venue called the Azadi Hall, here in Tehran, which is a purpose-built concert hall, by which I mean that it was designed specifically for music. The sound acoustics are really good in the concert room, and the lighting, the stage etc., they were all built specifically for music.
what type of music is played
* they put on once a year * mainstream * heme music * soundtracks
The type of music that you would expect from an orchestra would normally be classical music. But this particular concert, that I think they put on once a year, is a bit more popular or mainstream because the orchestra plays theme music from famous films, the soundtracks from films. And most of them are very popular, well-known Hollywood films like dark knight, gladiator, Jurassic Park, the harry potter films, that kind of thing.
And explain why people attend this musical event. • amazing to hear a full orchestra • a live venue • sound quality is fantastic • wonderful • wonderful • emotional piece of music • electric atmosphere
And this is why people attend, because we all know, or most of us know, the music from those films, and it’s amazing to hear a full orchestra playing these songs, these pieces of music in a live venue. The sound quality is fantastic, and to hear these pieces of music loud and live is really wonderful. I, for example, was particularly blown away by the dark knight soundtrack which is originally composed by Hans Zimmer, which is a really emotional piece of music when you hear it, especially in a live venue and an electric atmosphere